Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修课件.ppt

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1、Unit Travelling abroadwarming up _The newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions. _The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study; _The advantages that Xie Lei gained while living with a host family. _ Xie Lei is now getting along well and is living an active life. _ Xie Lei, a Chi

2、nese girl, is studying in a foreign country-London. _Xie Lei is getting used to the Western Universitys way of learning.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,Task 2 Answer the following questions: 1.Why is she doing a preparation course first? (para.2),Xie Leis preparation

3、course can help her to get used to academic requirements of a Western university. So she first finished the course.,2.What are some of difficulties she faced when she first came to England? (para.3),Learning how to do everyday things like using a phone, paying on a bus, finding her way, understandin

4、g English in real life,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,3.Why does Xie Lei have such a decision that she would like to board with a host family while studying in England? (para.4) A.She feels lonely while staying in a foreign country. B.She is afraid to get used to a new life in a ne

5、w country. C.She can make good preparations for her courses. D.She can have opportunities to learn more about everyday life and customs in a new country.,D,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,4.How does Xie Lei try to get used to the new social life in England? (para.6) A.She tried to a

6、void rising a feeling of homesick. B.She tries to join in a few university clubs to share more social activities and meet some people she had much in common with. C.She tries to put her heart into her preparation for her courses. D.She tries to protect herself from the strange enviroment and does no

7、thing to make herself familiar with the culture.,B,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,5.What is the main idea of the passage? Give one sentence to describe it.,It talks about the Chinese student Xie Leis experience in the UK.,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,6.Why do yo

8、u think the reporter used some direct speech in the article? The writer used direct speech to show that he got the information in the article from Xie Lei herself. It also makes the article more interesting and gives some insight into Xie Leis character. 7.Where do you think this article might have

9、been published? It may have been published in a student newspaper/magazine or in a small local newspaper.,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,.Detailed reading,While studying in London, Xie Lei has some difficulties as well as benefits. Read the passage again, and try to find them accor

10、ding to the diagram given.,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,Benefits,of doing a preparation course to learn how to _Western _. 2. to get used to a new _.,fulfill,academic requirements,way of life,of living with a host family to learn more about _ and _. 2.to have people to explain th

11、ings _.,everyday life,customs,not understood,of having a tutor to explain about why you cannot _ other peoples work without _it. 2. to _ you to express your own ideas.,use,acknowledging,encourage,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,Difficulties,at the university 1.learning to read _ and

12、 _the texts. 2. _ones own opinion with _.,widely,analyze,expressing,reasons,of a new way of life finding a _ between study and a _. making new _.,balance,social life,friends,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,Xie Lei _ a plane for London six months ago to complete a business_. She is n

13、ow halfway through the _ year. At the beginning, she had to learn almost everything again. She lives with a _ family, which gives her the _ to learn more about everyday life and _ in her new country. She wrote her first _ to her_, but she only got an E. Now she has_ the life and she feels much more

14、_ _ and is going to join a few university _ in order to have a _ between study and a social life. We wish Xie lei all the best with her_. Keep it up ! Xie lei.,boarded,preparation,host,opportunity,customs,essay,at,clubs,balance,qualification,tutor,home,enterprise,got used to,Summary: Fill in the bla

15、nks with what we have learned in this class.,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,1.What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is? Discuss with your partners and find evidence in the article to support your opinion.,Discussion,excellent diligent brave strong-minded firm determined progress

16、ing hard-working ,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,I think Xie Lei is an excellent diligent girl, she can face difficulties bravely and she has firm determination, she studies well and has already made progress.,Evidence: 1 “ Its not just study thats difficult. You have to get used t

17、o a whole new way of life.” 2 “ When I miss my family, its a great comfort to have a substitute family to come home to.” 3 “ I have been so occupied getting used to everything that I havent had time for social activities.”,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,A.Live with other students:,

18、Make friends with students from different countries and know more about the world.,2.When Xielei studies abroad, where does she stay? What kind of living ways do you want to choose if you have a chance to study abroad?,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,Learn more about the culture in

19、that country.,B.Homestay: ( Live with a host family),Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,1. Suppose you are a newspaper reporter.Please interview Xie Lei using the following words or phrases: keep it up, get along, make progress, board, adjust to, It is the first time . get used to, as far as one is concerned, feel at home, all the best, etc.,2. Suppose you are Xie Lei. Please write a paragraph beginning with When I came to England for the first time, it was hard for me to get used to .,Assignment,Unit Travelling abroadwarming up & reading新人教版选修,


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