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1、汽车销售物流研究摘要:随着我国汽车工业的不断发展,我国的汽车产量有了极大的提高。大多数汽车制造企业己感觉到由于缺乏适宜的销售物流模式及系统的支持,开始重视对销售物流系统的改造。如何进行选择与改造,如何构建适合的、高效的汽车销售物流模式,是国内许多企业面临的现实问题。本文针对目前汽车制造企业销售物流环节存在的问题,主要研究目前汽车销售物流运作模式及系统管理,对企业自营物流、第三方物流管理和过渡型物流等销售物流模式进行了利弊分析,提出了关于我国汽车销售物流渠道建设的建议。关键词: 汽车销售物流;物流管理;运作模式;第三方物流Study on Auto Sales LogisticsAbstract

2、: Due to the rapid development of automobile industry, Chinas auto production has been improved evidently. Most auto manufacturers have felt the lack of appropriate sales and sales logistics models and systems, and have already started to attach importance to the transformation of marketing logistic

3、s system. How to choose and transform the system, how to build a suitable and efficient auto logistics sales model, are the real problems faced by corparations. In the view of those problems appeared in the logistics sectors in current automobile manufacturing enterprises, the logistics operation mo

4、de and the systematic management, the pros and cons of sales logistics model, e.g. the enterprise self-logistics, the third-party Logistics, transitional logistics are studied. Then the advice on how to build the auto sales logistics channel in China is investigated. Key words: Auto Sales Logistics;

5、Logistics Management;Operation Mode; Third-party Logistics1引言随着市场经济的发展和国家扩大内需政策的实施,我国汽车消费急剧升温。2009年我国汽车年产销量1300多万辆, 同比增长46%,居世界第一位,由此可见,汽车工业在已经成为我国的支柱产业。我国的汽车行业在销售物流的改造上,虽然已经取得了一定的进展,但是仍然存在许多问题,因此,采用高效先进的汽车物流销售方法和模式,将对我国的汽车工业制造企业及物流企业带来可观的效益。1 Introduction With the development of the market economy

6、and the implement of the policies of expanding domestic demand, the auto consumer is rising sharply. In 2009, with the growth of 46% its production and sales accounted for more than 13,000,000 sets and occupied the first in the world. It can be seen that the auto industrial has been the pillar indus

7、try in China. We have made a great achievement on the reform of auto sales logistics, but lots of problems still exist. Therefore, we shall adopt the advanced methods and models of auto sale logistics, which can take considerable profits to Chinese auto manufactures and logistics enterprises. 2汽车销售物

8、流 Auto sales logistics 2.1 汽车物流含义汽车物流是以最小的总费用,按用户的需求,将汽车零部件、备件、整车从供应地向需求地转移的过程,主要包括运输、储存、包装、装卸、配送、流通加工、信息处理等活动。按业务流程分为两个阶段,第一阶段为采购物流和生产物流,指上游供应商向汽车生产厂商提供汽车零部件、生产资料到汽车生产厂商仓库,生产厂商完成汽车制造的流程;第二阶段为销售物流和回收物流,包括产成品汽车分销与销售、汽车销售领域的金融和保险服务、日常的汽车维修和保养服务、汽车废弃件的回收物流等。2.1 The Meaning of Auto Logistics Auto Logist

9、ics is the process that, according to the needs of users, transferring auto parts, spare parts, vehicle from the suppliers to the demanders with the smallest cost. It mainly includes transportation, storage, packing, loading and unloading, sales, sales processing, information processing and etc. By

10、business process it is divided into two phases, the first is the procurement of logistics and production logistics, refer to that the upstream suppliers to the Auto manufacturers provide auto parts, means of production to car manufacturers warehouse and Auto manufacturers complete the assemble. The

11、second phase is sales logistics and recycling logistics, including motor vehicle sales and sales of finished products, financial and insurance services of automobile sales area, routine vehicle maintenance and repair services, recovery of discarded automobile parts. 2.2汽车物流类型按照汽车产业供应链的流程分类,可把汽车物流分为生

12、产供应物流、制造装配物流、整车销售物流、零部件供应物流和汽车回收物流等。2.2 Auto Logistics Types In accordance with the classification of Auto industry supply chain processes, it can be put into the logistics of production and supply, logistics of manufacturing and assembly, logistics of vehicle sales, logistics of spare parts supply

13、and Auto recycling logistics.汽车生产供应物流指汽车生产企业购入原材料、零部件的物流过程。也就是指零部件生产者或持有者至汽车生产商间的物流。汽车制造装配物流指从原材料、零部件及其它辅助材料进入汽车生产企业的仓库,经过生产线上原材料、零部件的分配,直到汽车生产企业的成品库中的制成品发送为止的物流过程。汽车销售物流指汽车生产企业为保证自身的经营效益,不断伴随销售活动,把产品所有权转移给用户的物流活动,即从汽车的生产者到消费者之间的物流。零部件供应物流,主要以汽车零部件供应商或者汽车生产企业为起点,以汽车零部件流通为主,如零部件的调配更换、返厂等等,以客户为终点的物流活动

14、。汽车回收物流指对生产及流通过程中的废旧汽车或零部件进行回收利用过程中所产生的物流活动。Logistics of Auto production and supply refers to the process that automobile manufacturers purchase raw materials, spare parts, and it also refers to the logistics between the auto parts producer or holder and the manufacturers. Auto manufacturing and ass

15、embly logistics refers to the process that the raw materials, auxiliary materials, spare parts and other parts enter the warehouse, through the production line of raw materials, spare parts sales of the finished product storeroom until the automobile manufacturers in the manufactured goods send up t

16、he logistics process. Auto sales logistics refers to automobile production enterprises ensure their operational efficiency, and continuously with sales activities, the product transfer of ownership to users of logistics activities, from auto producers to consumers. Spare parts supply logistics, main

17、ly in auto parts suppliers or auto manufacturers as a starting point to the main flow of auto parts, such as the deployment of parts replacement, Depot, etc., to customer-end of logistics activities. Automobile Recycling Logistics refers to the process of production and circulation of motor vehicles

18、 or parts of scrap for recycling in the process of logistics activities produced.2.3汽车销售物流管理的目标 (1)服务目标 汽车销售物流具有很强的服务性,它是连接生产者与消费者的纽带。这种服务性是汽车销售物流管理的首要目标,具体表现在要以用户为中心,树立“用户第一”的观念。 (2)及时目标 销售物流的时间越短、速度越快,资本所发挥的效益就越大。快速、及时不仅是用户和消费者的要求,也是企业发展的要求。 (3)规模化目标 生产企业的规模化生产早己被承认,但是由于物流系统比生产系统的稳定性差,因而难以形成标准的规模化

19、格式。而规模化目标则要求销售物流在销售过程中,在相对稳定的条件下力求达到规模化的物流。 (4)节约目标 在销售过程中,由于流通过程消耗大而且增加的商品价值有限,所以依靠节约来降低投入是相对提高产出的一个重要手段。 (5)库存调节目标销售物流是通过库存对消费者和用户的需求起到保证作用的。在销售过程中,正确确定库存数量,减少库存费用就是这一目标的体现。2.3 Auto sales logistics management objectives (1) Service Target Logistics has a strong serviceability, which is the connect

20、ing link between producers and consumers. It is the most inportant target on the auto sales logistics management, performed that we should use the user-centric to establish user first concept. (2) Timely Target Shorter and faster it is, greater the benefit is. Rapid, timely is required not only by u

21、sers and consumers, but also by the business development. (3) Sizing Target Large-scale production manufacturing enterprises have been recognized earlier, but due to logistics system worse than the stability of production systems, making it difficult to form a standard scale formats. The goal of lar

22、ge-scale requires the sizing in sales logistics under the relatively stable conditions. (4) Savings Target In the sales process, due to the process of consumption of large and increasing circulation of goods of limited value, so rely on savings to reduce the input is a relative of an important means

23、 to improve output. (5) Inventory Adjustment Target Sales logistics meet the needs of consumers and users through the inventory. In the sales process, right to determine the number of stocks and reduce inventory costs is the embodiment of this goal.3 我国汽车销售物流存在的问题 目前我国汽车销售物流存在的问题主要有以下几个方面: (1) 物流运作模

24、式相对落后在国外为了增加核心竞争力,汽车厂商已逐渐将其非核心业务外包,而主要掌握研发设计和营销这两个高附加值环节。而国内的很多汽车企业仍被传统的供产销一体化自营物流运作模式所束缚,在销售物流领域,目前国内许多汽车制造商仍然下设附属的物流服务单位,这些附属单位受到母公司的极大影响,无法服务于外部客户,制约了资源利用率的提高,造成资源的闲置浪费。3 Chinas auto sales logistics problems At present, China Auto sales logistics have problems mainly in the following areas: (1) L

25、ogistics operation is relatively backward In foreign countries in order to increase core competitiveness, auto manufacturers have gradually outsourced its non-core businesses, and the main master R & D and marketing of these two high-value links. Many domestic automobile enterprises for the producti

26、on and marketing integration, still the traditional mode of operation of self-bound logistics, sales logistics, domestic auto makers are still consists of a number of logistics service unit of the subsidiary, the subsidiary by the parent unit of the extremely significant impact, not to serve externa

27、l customers, limiting the improvement of resource utilization, resulting in waste of resources. (2)物流成本高目前,物流成本占销售额的比重,国外汽车行业一般水平是8.8%,运作一流的企业可以达到4.3%。而我国汽车生产企业物流成本在15%以上。可见,中国汽车企业的物流成本明显偏高。(2) Logistics costs are high At present, the proportion of logistics costs as a percentage of sales, foreign a

28、uto industry, the general level was 8.8%, the operation of the enterprise-class can reach 4.3%. In China, the logistics cost of automobile production enterprises more than 15%. It can be seen that Chinas auto enterprises logistics costs are significantly higher. (3)第三方物流服务层次较低目前,国外的汽车物流服务已逐渐由第三方物流向第

29、四方物流转变,而目前我国国内比较大型的第三方汽车物流服务企业的物流服务主要还是集中在整车物流,零部件物流还只是很少的一部分。在零部件配送、物流信息服务等更深层次的汽车物流服务,仅有几家超大型的物流服务商涉足,有待进一步开发。(3) The third-party logistics services is in a lower level. At present, foreign Auto logistics services have been gradually changing from the third-party logistics to the fourth-party logi

30、stics, and the present in our country the third-party Auto logistics services, logistics services business mainly are concentrated in the automobile logistics and spare parts logistics is also only a few part of it. In deeper level services such as the spare parts sales, logistics information of Aut

31、o logistics services, only a few very large logistics service provider involved, pending further development. (4)信息化程度低目前,国外汽车物流借助电子商务模式和行业信息平台,在短时间内就实现了专业化,汽车买卖通过电子商务平台进行,所有的客户都可以从行业信息网上了解到运货车准确到达的时一间和位置。在这种模式下,企业对客户的供货期比传统模式平均缩短了20天。而国内的汽车物流提供商的信息技术装备普遍都很低下,甚至有的还依靠手工操作,造成了差错率高,信息传输慢,管理效率低等问题。(4) T

32、he low level of information technology At present, foreign automobile logistics through e-business models and industry information platform, in a short time to achieve a professional, car sale through e-commerce platform, all customers can be learned from the van line industry information accurate a

33、rrival time a Inter-and location. In this mode, the business-to-customer supply period than the traditional model of an average reduction of 20 days. While the domestic Auto logistics provider of information technology and equipment have generally been low, and even some of them rely on manual opera

34、tions, resulting in a high error rate, information transmission slow and low efficiency of management problems. (5)行业标准滞后,规模化效应差汽车物流行业对技术和资金的要求非常高,作为一个专业性极强的行业,进入门槛相应就非常高。目前国外的汽车物流业早已形成了高科技信息平台与规模化、网络化相辅相成的正向促进关系。而我国由于汽车物流行业起步晚,发展快,行业标准的制定相对滞后,物流企业管理、服务规范及运输工具均未形成统一的标准。全国汽车物流企业多处于小、多、散、弱的状态,难以形成有效的社

35、会服务网络。各生产企业对承运商和仓储商都在按自己制定的技术标准、质量标准、统一标识使用等等评价和选用物流企业,导致整个汽车物流行业中存在多种标准、多套体系。(5) The industry standard is lag, large-scale effects is poor In Auto logistics industry, technology and capital requirements are very high, as a highly specialized industry, the corresponding very high barriers to entry.

36、Auto logistics industry is currently abroad, has already formed a high-tech information platform and the scale and network to promote a positive and complementary relationship. The Auto logistics industry in China started late due to rapid development, the industry is lagging behind the development

37、of standards, logistics and business management, service standards and means of transport were not a unified standard. Multi-national automobile logistics enterprises are small and more scattered, weak state, it is difficult to form an effective social service network. The manufacturers of the carri

38、ers and warehouse operators are set according to their own technical standards, quality standards, the use of a unified identity, and so the evaluation and selection of logistics enterprises, resulting in the Auto logistics industry, there are multiple standards, multiple sets of systems. (6)汽车物流市场价

39、格体系尚未建立,行业内部还存在恶性竞争现象在美国,政府规定所有的运输经营者在政府限定的价格范围内,可以从企业竞争的角度出发,自行制定本企业的服务价格,但运输价格不得低于运输成本,否则视为不正当竞争,将受到严重的处罚。而我国国内由于汽车物流市场价格体系尚未建立,汽车物流企业的价格差异很大,行业内部还存在以降低服务质量,超限运输为手段的恶性竞争现象,再加上各级政府对这些不正当竞争的监管力度还不够,行业协会也还没有发挥其应有的作用,使得国内的汽车物流市场秩序很不规范。(6) Auto logistics market price system has not been established, an

40、d cut-throat competition appears in the industry. In the United States Government require all transport operators shall make a limited price range in the government permission, you can compete from the enterprise point of view, the enterprise services to draw up their own prices, but transport price

41、s not less than transportation costs. Otherwise it will be regarded as unfair competition, which will be severely punished. While Chinas domestic logistics market price is due to that poor car system has not been established, the price of Auto logistics enterprises vary greatly, there still exist wi

42、thin the industry to reduce the quality of service, over-load transportation by means of the phenomenon of cut-throat competition, coupled with all levels of government for these improper supervision of competition is not enough, industry associations have yet to play its due role in making the dome

43、stic Auto logistics market order is very unstructured.4汽车销售物流运作模式的选择4.1汽车销售物流模式的类型4.1.1自营物流自营物流模式是指汽车制造企业依靠自身的力量,结合自身的经营特点,建立适合自身的物流体系,从汽车产品原材料、零部件、辅助材料等的购进,到汽车产品的生产、储运、包装和销售等物流活动全部由企业自身来完成。制造企业既是汽车生产活动的组织者、实施操作者,又是企业物流活动的组织者与实施者。自营物流也就是第一方物流,是封闭性很强的企业内部物流。这种模式下,企业拥有完整的物流设施和人员配备,隶属于企业的销售部门。这种自营物流模式对

44、企业的运作水平要求较高,要求企业对物流、商流和信息流进行有效的整合管理,才能够充分发挥自营物流的优势。4 Choice of Operation Model of Auto Sales Logistics 4.1 Types of Operation Model of Auto Sales Logistics4.1.1 Self-Logistics Logistic model is that the self-employed automobile manufacturers rely on its own strength, combined with its own operating

45、characteristics, to establish suitable for their own logistics systems, Auto products from raw materials, spare parts, auxiliary materials, such as purchase, to Auto production, storage and transportation, packaging and marketing of all logistics activities to be completed by the enterprises themsel

46、ves. Manufacturing enterprises is not only the organizers of the activities of Auto production, the implementation of the operator, but also enterprise logistics on the organizers and perpetrators. Self-that is, first-party logistics, logistics, is a closed strong internal logistics. For this model,

47、 the company has a complete logistics facilities and staffing, belonging to corporate sales department. This self-logistic model require a higher level of business operations, require enterprises to logistics, business flow and information flow for effective integration of management, and be able to

48、 give full play to the advantages of self-logistics. 企业自营物流的优点主要有: 掌握控制权,有利于改善客户服务和对整个物流系统运作进行协调和控制。能使原材料和零配件采购、配送以及生产支持从战略上一体化,实现准时采购,增加批次,减少批量,调控库存,减少资金占用,降低成本,从而实现零库存、零距离和零营运资本。The advantages of self-logistics companies are: To take control is conducive to improving customer service and the opera

49、tion of the entire logistics system to coordinate and control. To make raw materials and spare parts procurement, sales and production support integrated in the strategic, to achieve timely procurement, increase the batch, reduce the volume, control inventory, reduce the amount of funds used and reduce costs in order to achieve zero inventory, zero distance


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