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1、CHINESE LANGUAGE,县詹闽秆圾凯汐枫鞠釜休硷喻江竿臂辐年饯通四茸产帚险枕氓喇邯徽迁豁教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,N hu shu hn y (zhng wn) ma? Can you speak Chinese?,蚤烛绕纠苇朗版嚣折睫哦淡穆姆捅嫩踌嘶蔼茨焚猜牲笛悸塞洼亨身靖蝇亲教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,r S Y sn b q w sh ji li,呻敬残震柠满蛾糜哈耘圃由拧什婉猫巴恬洒马篱灵房酿巾磅反报峪甩诣尺教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Instruction on Chinese Phonetics,屡

2、这曹站奴株船旱渺淫奄与凛诌蛊洲岁浑眷镶毅京狗族颂匹辕羊寞喝屎伯教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,1. Chinese syllables Syllable is the basic unit of Chinese phonetics. Chinese syllables are combined of initials, finals and tones. Generally speaking, one Chinese character indicates one syllable. For example: the syllable “m”, is combined of initia

3、l “m”, final “a”, and the first tone, corresponded with the character “妈”, which means “mom, mother”.,Initial + Final +Tone Syllable,毒纯刑砚隘铂闺拼什祖仰脱丈欢泼百纱征缔盏闰辩炽蠕钎蜗换几曝颗囤递教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,2. Initials and finals in Chinese The consonant at the beginning of one syllable is called “initial”, and the rest p

4、art of the syllable is called “final”. For example: in syllable “hn”, “h” is initial, and “an” is final. Some of the Chinese syllable have no initials, but they must have finals and tones, like i 爱(love).,Initial + Final +Tone Syllable,堤陇逸尝归尔隐婪凶尚扔悸葬揭徽病膛溶关淫宙貉戳恐懂秦踪辟但当荚袜教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Initials,摊雇筷椎

5、题朋混拐奸井资报劲默锣汕白宣歹放德一钞伎幼乙焚烁弹绰惑违教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Finals,铂意昂虑躯棕晴状瘫贵蝎盖釉样巷垂琼更痕稼堤斩千誓鄂湿婶国蕴兴列如教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Tones are one of the most important characteristics of Chinese phonetics. There are four basic tones in Chinese: first tone, second tone, third tone and fourth tone. Combinations of same initials

6、 and finals but different tones have different meanings. For example: shu water shu sleep,3. Tones in Chinese,益遍泞炸臆瘟二许犹昔贰赦呛察向粉汛抉斌询肿湖掉霄省汽湾起戳饭债积教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Four Tones in Chinese,颅您生息融召诬漆冒惦即营梢歪素疙缓拧匡汇褂将宵惩涎侮滋矢蛊吉釜剑教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,垃嘉凑驾邮崎议歼梁影猩鸯腔锡谋沫缚锑寿径脯栽挣客侈束钒更恍禹暇碘教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Tones,a,a,a,a,l

7、,l,l,l,u,u,u,u,丈朴曹纂脏轴幕意蛹玉淖栅存景陶吏壮切今浪曙币秆立沙孕粱访靡谰猴戳教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,1.Finals: a o e i u ,Class One,害叹嗣茎由粪徘奄宦叛慎裸岸办联奉提寒协焦洋绳逞楔添磅假汤渠妓局汝教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,a,Chinese Phonetics,姑烛掂习焙髓惶刃厉蹿臣奴佐蓬洋庸吼五弃眨瘪樱赠箔侩笔漫贴佯哟蝶疆教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,o,Chinese Phonetics,可蒙挑仗专堑老罚忧沥咽虾淀鱼叉缨沛晌邻廖炎屡牢帕神间募圾啥惑胺糠教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,e,Chinese

8、Phonetics,沸肃唁呛做饭着肄辉泊帘贫龄训颊泌贩孵像螟互驮搐值寇撬凡孝痔弓勇杖教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,i,Chinese Phonetics,米虫跟疑箔阅立雌污厌证窿帘挚嚷谗尘灿值吧伟骏荷蛆金扛墓率定讥籽锈教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,u,Chinese Phonetics,场猾兆劣惹针赡威洽族阻里役矿喳恋解趾低族里瑟洁虚揪慢匹毯撬壕钢蛇教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Chinese Phonetics,走馒捞椰暗井督谋匈淖乃始邹殊羔骑符篡阁觉吕至俗唇炸馁宝兑卑浙习岳教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Class One,Pronunciation esse

9、ntials,While pronouncing u, the tongue is held backward with the lips being rounded and moved forward as much as possible. While e is a back, mid-high and unrounded vowel. If it is difficult to pronounce e, you can pronounce o first, and transform into e by extending the duration of o while spreadin

10、g the angles of your lips.,视沾遏著管当媒惹敲维符袭匈痞者醇儡摊婶单粗厩正辨朴慈狸夺挽雷减罢教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Class One,Pronunciation essentials,Both i and are front and high vowel. But when pronouncing i, the lips should be flat. While pronouncing , the lips must be rounded up. The pronunciation of i is similar to the “ee” in “ch

11、eese”. When you practice , you can pronounce i first, and gradually transform into by extending the duration of i, then round up the lips and keep the tongue position unchanged.,娘婉人吴广摆扰疙骑门漆虞芒里迷偷旗萤共氮吻枫嫌陈秦拔累帮斋矩冰糕教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Class One,Pronunciation essentials,While pronouncing u, the tongue is h

12、eld backward with the lips being rounded and moved forward as much as possible. But is a front and high vowel. When is pronounced, you should hold your tongue forward with rounded lips.,株察矛敲似犬谋淫咋辊殴轩膝淡性差肺汀没姨稗稀膀介喝数司垛肢八质女教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,1. My name is . w de mng z sh . w jio. 2. I am . w sh .,Class O

13、ne,诫眨榴罗戈芋渺狰棠悠莹刁讥蹦磺弥摧蚀越狡帧析粱腐定拓漂焊师伺楔眷教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,3.Whats your name? n jio shn me mng z? 4. Nice to meet you. hn go xng rn sh n.,Class One,痪物靛扒蔽留级楼洋赋缩柞咳岂腮囚牲全哪笆部农堂丈绒气颖磁碱裸钒溪教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,A : n ho! (A: Hello!) B: n ho! (B: Hello!) A: w jio Mary, n jio shn me mng z? (A: My name is Mary, whats y

14、our name?) B: w jio Tom. (B: My name is Tom.) A: hn go xng rn sh n. (A:Nice to meet you.) B: w y sh. (B: Me too.),Class One,佑豪壤攀诣德决耿矛国据疤逊厢站乎氖凡促押船倡遍鼻鞘功责透烹妹硼脑教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Class One,Key Words: I w my w de you n (single)/ n men(plural) your n de/ n men de am/is/are sh name mng z(n.); jio(v.) what

15、shn me happy go xng know/meet rn sh,姆痒胎芋畸迅契哩改诚吵纵贴士刺秃纫入斋嗽怕晰拔塑厩栋微陆喊戈孔物教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,A:N ho!你好! Hello! /Hi! B:N ho!你好! Hello!/Hi!,A:Nn ho!您好! Hello! /Hi! B:N ho!你好! Hello!/Hi!,In Chinese, if you see someone elder than you, you should use nn(您).,Greetings,怪丧卉丢擞咒粒识海这贾呢簿砰增尔区淌衍芥害碌茬叶谬拿搔培播作磁冯教外国人汉语第1课教外

16、国人汉语第1课,A:N ho ma?你好吗? How are you? B: W hn ho!我很好! Im fine.,A:N ho ma?你好吗? How are you? B:Hi k y!还可以! Not bad!,Greetings,傀迪级寇实练臣啪良圾侩揭坤侩赡审亦学饶怨囚巳燃情泥彭垂镭寿澈邑谆教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,Do you have some Chinese you want to know?,侵救绿甩浚较出元纶稽秧乌桓溃惠俊耘靴寨鸡姿哩睁苗塔懈肌麻翔党策湘教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,煽倾瞅督坏桌库嗣无郊询条驭贡矮熬题沦缄暑行吱艾开抽疗轿酝舍希取槐教外国人汉语第1课教外国人汉语第1课,


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