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1、初中英语高效能语法教学探究,学生双语报 刘鹰,语法教学的现状与挑战,教学理念:淡化语法 命题方式:分值比例与交际语境 教材:表述、练习与语法规则,教师的反应,不适应教材的编写方式与内容 不适应新的语法题型 不适应新教学方法中的语法讲解 陷入了淡化语法的误区,学生的反应,更喜欢教师多讲、细讲 喜欢追根问底,研究规则 将语法与交流技能割裂开来学习,深陷困境的语法教学,语法教学已陷入困境,人所共知 旧转新的困惑,很正常。,讲座内容剧透,问题的分析 解决的方案 教学的案例,问题的分析,导致困境的原因,确定真实的问题 教学理念 教材 课堂教学,传统语法教学特点:理念与认识,语法与单词是英语学习的两大基础

2、 语法是一种知识,而非技能 语法体系应当以词法而非句法来组织 语法的核心是语言的形式规则而非用 语法的教学以分析与解释语法规则为主 规则讲解+练习是语法教学的最佳方式,传统语法教学特点:教材编写,教材结构的编排特点 语法内容按结构的难易顺序编写 语法讲解相对集中,难点不够分散 教材内容的写作特点 语法内容细碎繁难、枯燥乏味 例句脱离生活与语境,多为中式英语 练习仅仅与语法规则配合,为规则服务 练习内容与课文内容及生活语境没有关联,传统语法教学特点:教材结构,语法内容按结构的难易顺序编写 讲解相对集中,难点不够分散,传统语法教学特点:教材写作,语法内容细碎繁难、枯燥乏味 例句脱离生活与语境,有些

3、是中式英语 练习仅仅与语法规则配合,为规则服务 练习内容与课文内容及生活语境没有关联,传统语法教学特点:课堂操作,规则讲解先于语言接触与输入 讲解以演绎为主,而非归纳总结 讲解方式单调:规则、示例加练习,传统语法教学特点:练习形式,完全依照考试题型设计 单项选择或选词填空 各类针对句式结构的转换式操练 短文或句子改错 英语与汉语翻译,传统语法教学特点:学生的学习,语法学习就是理解与记忆语法规则 不了解语法形式与意义及功能的关系 运用语法的基本方式就是做语法练习 缺乏在语言运用中,如听、读、写的过程中运用语法的训练 缺乏在语境中判断规则正确时的能力,传统语法教学弊端:理念与认识,语法就是规则与形

4、式,传统语法教学的弊端:教材问题,让语言适应语法 没有突出语法的主线结构 没有区分易懂多错与难懂不易错二类语法内容 一次性解决应多次循环重复的语法难点 缺乏英汉语言结构的比较,传统语法教学的弊端:教师教学,以规则说明与解说,而非交流与运用 注重语法形式,忽视语法的意义与功能 缺乏语境中的归纳,注重规则演绎 以教师讲解为主,而非学生发现为主 教师单向灌输,学生被动接受,传统语法教学的弊端:学生学习,学生感觉语法学习枯燥乏味 学习语法以记忆规则为主 学生熟知规则后,很难在交流中运用 学生会说出写出合于语法的中式英语,解决的方案,转变理念与认识 理解教材结构 选择与编写优质教学材料 教学实例分析,语

5、法是什么?,一种表述意义的方式(ways of saying something) 一种功能与意念的表达方式(ways of expressing notions and ideas) 三维语法观:形式、意义与使用(form, meaning, use),语法教学的原则,语言接触与输入先于规则总结与练习 从已知的语言材料归纳规则,而不是推理规则 以句法中心而非以词法中心,句法带动词法 Verb patterns and word order Joining words and types of sentences Types of words and syntax,以句法中心,动词句型与词的顺

6、序 词的类型与句式 结构词与实意动词,英语与汉语的比较,英语的形式化特征与汉语的意义特征 I like it here,我喜欢这儿 鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门 千江有水千江月 汉语的无主句: 去哪儿?下雨了 身未动、心先远 非生物主语: The dawn found her on the way to the city.,理解新教材的结构,人教版新目标语法体例分析 Grammar Focus & Grammar in Context Grade 9 Unit 6,语法辅导材料的选择,初中阶段原则上不需要专门的语法教材 中考复习时,可考虑一本系统的语法书 选择的标准:简明、清晰、准确 可推荐的语法书

7、: 没有见到适合初中学生使用的语法书。 初中教师可以考虑的两本语法书 朗文英语语法 新编英语语法(简编本)章振邦著,语法教学的操作,以语言接触与输入为先导,不必过于介意学生在初次接触时是否了解语法的形式,注重意义理解 归纳式讲解 句子中心 动词中心 真实的交际情景与多样化练习形式,操作实例之一,新目标语法讲解示范 Grade Nine Unit 6: I like musich that I can dance to,操作实例之二:现在完成时态,语言材料:课文之外,三到四篇文章 学生预习时,先划出新的语法现象:没有讲解过的,不是没有接触过的 上课的三个步骤:学生分组进行 讨论新的语法 总结新的

8、语法形式特点 讨论这种语法形式的意义 讲解这种语法形式与意义的功能用用法及其与一般过去时的比较,Passage One,The best way to save endangered animals is to protect them and help them have safe places to live. Many countries have set up protected areas to protect the endangered animals. Animals can live there safely. People have turned large areas i

9、n Africa into wildlife parks to save the animals there. However, because of the size of the parks it is hard to protect the animals. Sometimes people cant protect some animals and the places where they live. As a result, many animals have become endangered or have moved away.(双语学习报,时文阅读版,2006-2007,4

10、级,第4期 2版 ),Passage Two,Kids born in the late 1980s and the 1990s know little about Chinese cartoon films and grow up with movies from Hollywood and Japan.Now, Chinese stories have become more and more popular in Hollywood, and many great movies have showed a lot of Chinese elements, making foreign p

11、eople enjoy and love them. Besides, more famous international directors have begun to pay attention to Chinese stories, such as Spielberg. (学生双语报,2006-2007,九年级,第7期 头版,Chinese stories to prevail in Hollywood),Passage Three,The Great Pyramid has changed over time. Today, it is shorter than when it was

12、 first built. Sand and wind have worn down the top. The casing stones are gone. Robbers stole some of them. People used others in new buildings. Robbers also took many of the pharaohs things. All that they left in the pharaohs tomb was an empty coffin.(国家地理学生英语主题阅读训练丛书Grand Canyon Adventure),Passage

13、 4,What do you think of when you hear the word gold? Do you think of being rich? Do you think of gold medals or piles of gold bars? Maybe you see a treasure chest overflowing with beautiful gold jewelry and coins. Throughout history, gold has been a symbol of wealth and power. People have risked the

14、ir lives searching for gold. Wars have been fought over gold. Empires have been created and destroyed because of gold. (国家地理学生英语主题阅读训练丛书My Town at Work),Sentences: Group One,Many countries have set up protected areas to protect the endangered animals. People have turned large areas in Africa into wi

15、ldlife parks to save the animals there. Besides, more famous international directors have begun to pay attention to Chinese stories, such as Spielberg. People have risked their lives searching for gold.,Sentences Group Two,The Great Pyramid has changed over time. Sand and wind have worn down the top

16、. Throughout history, gold has been a symbol of wealth and power. As a result, many animals have become endangered or have moved away. Now, Chinese stories have become more and more popular in Hollywood, and many great movies have showed a lot of Chinese elements,Sentences Group Three,Wars have been fought over gold. Empires have been created and destroyed because of gold.,联络方式,刘鹰 学生双语报 电子邮址: derekdyl.name 报社网站: 个人网站:www.dyl.name,操作实例之三:中考复习,选自中考语法教程,


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