Module 3My First Ride on a Train.ppt

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《Module 3My First Ride on a Train.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 3My First Ride on a Train.ppt(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 3,My First Ride on a Train,Module 3,My First Ride on a Train,Module 3,My First Ride on a Train,Module 3,My First Ride on a Train,Module 3,My First Ride on a Train,Module 3,My First Ride on a Train,Module 3,My First Ride on a Train,1.The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmo

2、re can be seen from a _ of 60 miles. A. length B. distance C. way D. space,B,Revision,2.The factory is all set to produce the new _ line. production B. product produce D. productivity 3. Seeing the happy _ of children playing in the park, Im full of confidence in the future of our country. scene B.

3、chance C. view D. sign 4. The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking _ in the world. A. scene B. view C. sight D. scenery,B,A,C,5. Youll get a fine _ of the town from the top of the hill. scene B. view C. sight D. scenery 6. Look at the small boats! What a lively _. scene B. view C. sight D. sce

4、nery 7. The girl student was trembling and there was a _ look on her face. frightened B. frightening C. frighting D. frightful 8. During that period, saying a wrong word was a great _. A. accident B. way C. change D. event,B,A,A,D,Can you name the means of transport?,motorbike (摩托车),1,ferry (渡船),2,T

5、ram (有轨电车),3,train,4,bus,plane,5,6,bicycle,helicopter (直升飞机),7,8,9,taxi,1. _, _, _ and _ travel on roads. 2. _ and _ travel on rails. 3. _ travel on water. 4. _ and _ travel in the air. 5. You can use a _ or a _ to travel a long distance.,Taxis,bicycles,motorbikes,buses,Trams,trains,Ferries,Helicopt

6、ers,planes,plane,train,get on get off,bus, train, tram, bicycle, motorbike, ferry, plane,taxi, helicopter,get into get out (of),Match the verbs with the means of transport above.,ride drive take off land,bicycle, motorbike train, taxi, bus plane, helicopter,Discussing: Describe the first time you tr

7、avelled a long distance. I first travelled a long distance _ when I was _ years old. I went with _ from _ to _. It was a/an _ travel because I saw _along the road. Ill never forget it.,by air,24,my friend,Longchang,Hainan,amazing,the beautiful scenery and kind people,Function :being polite,Excuse me

8、 Could I (see your ticket)? Could I possibly (see your ticket)? Would you mind (showing me your ticket)? Would you mind (if I saw your ticket)? Im very sorry but (this is an old ticket). The fact is that (its out of date),Ticket inspector: Excuse me, could I see your ticket? Passenger: Pardon? Ticke

9、t inspector: Would you mind showing me your ticket? Passenger:Im sorry, I dont understand. Ticket inspector: Would you mind if I saw your ticket? Passenger:Oh, here you are. Ticket inspector: Im very sorry but this is an old ticket. Passenger:Pardon? Ticket inspector: The fact is that its out of date. Its a month old. Passenger: Oh, sorry, thats the ticket I used last week. Ticket inspector: Wheres your ticket? Passenger: Here it is. Ticket inspector: Right.,Homework,Finish the exercises 4-6 on page 80-81 2. Preview the reading on page 23.,


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