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1、Basic Fire & Life Safetyfor Radiation Safety Professionals,Robert Emery, DrPH, CHP, CIH, CSP, RBP, CHMM, CPP, ARM Vice President for Safety, Health, Environment, Risk Management & Quality Assurance The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Associate Professor of Occupational Health Th

2、e University of Texas School of Public Health,1,特制分析,Why do we need fire and life safety codes?,According to the NFPA, in 2007 there were 530,500 structure fires one every minute 3,000 civilian deaths one every 2.5 hours 15,350 civilianinjuries one every 30 minutes $10,600,000,000 in property damage

3、 A fire department responded to a fire every 20 seconds,特制分析,Objectives,Introduce the codes that drive fire and life safety compliance Overview of fire detection and suppression Provide tools to conduct a basic fire and life safety assessment,特制分析,Fire Regulations and Codes,Safety and Health Regulat

4、ions OSHA (29 CFR 1910 & 1926) Fire and Life Safety Codes International Building Code (IBC) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Municipal Requirements,IBC,OSHA,NFPA,NIOSH,特制分析,Additional Requirements,All codes are minimum requirements Insurance company requirements Company policies The Joint

5、 Commission State and/or City requirements,特制分析,How are These Codes Enforced,Codes are adopted by reference by ordinance. Plans for remodeling or a new construction must be approved by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to starting work. State Fire Marshals Office Local Fire Department or

6、 City Code Officials Designated Local AHJ Take Home Message Know what code(s) apply to your operation,特制分析,Which do I follow?,Remodeling or new construction plans must be approved by authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to starting work State Fire Marshals Office Local Fire Department or City C

7、ode Officials Designated Local AHJ,特制分析,Features of Building Fire and Life Safety,Alarms Sprinklers Rated Corridors Exit Access Number of Required Exits Egress Widths Occupant Loads Elevator Recall Fire Rated Doors & Frames,Smoke Control Rated Stairwells Fireproofing Requirements Electrical Safety C

8、onstruction Combustibility Fire and Smoke Dampers Emergency Power Roof Assemblies,特制分析,Fire Alarm Systems,Play an Essential Role in Protecting Property and Lives From Fire. Protection Goals Governs System Selection Building Occupant Safety Satisfy Building Codes or AHJ Requirements Property Protecti

9、on First Responder Safety Environmental Protection Combination,特制分析,Fire Alarm Systems,IBC references NFPA 72 for installation and maintenance NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code Basic Components Panel Detection Manual Alarm Notification Off-Premises Connection for Supervision,特制分析,Fire Alarm Systems,F

10、ire Alarm System Will Provide Three Types of Signals Alarm Trouble indicates a fault in a monitoring circuit or component of the fire alarm system Bad smoke detector Ground fault Supervisory indicates a problem with other fire protection systems being monitored by the fire alarm system Water valve t

11、o sprinkler system closed Clean agent system problem,Alarm,Supervisory,Trouble,特制分析,Off-Premises Connection for Supervision,特制分析,Common Fire Detection,Smoke Detector Ionization Photoelectric Heat Detectors Fixed Temperature Rate-of-Rise,特制分析,Manual Pull Stations,Manual pull devices will be located o

12、n the wall Activated by pulling on a handle Sends signal to buildings fire alarm system which places the building into alarm,特制分析,Notification Appliances,Audible alarms (How loud is loud enough?) Public SPL must be 5 dB above any ambient noise that lasts 60 sec. or more, or 15 dB above the 24-hr ave

13、rage, whichever is greater Sleeping quarters Minimum of 75 dBA,特制分析,Notification Appliances,Voice Communication Better to have a larger number of lower SPL units vs. a few very loud units Intelligibility can be a problem,特制分析,Notification Appliances,Visual alarms Primarily intended to augment audibl

14、e alarms Common Locations of Visual Alarms Corridors Meeting rooms Restrooms Enclosed elevator lobbies,特制分析,Fire Alarm System Interfaces,Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Duct detectors AHU shut-down Sprinkler water flow alarms Magnetic lock release mechanisms Door unlocking devices Elevator

15、recall Stairwell pressurization,特制分析,System Reliability,Based on Four Elements Design Equipment Underwriters Laboratories Factory Mutual Global Installation Maintenance Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance are crucial Unfortunately, some problems may be identified after the previous three have been

16、completed,特制分析,Fire Suppression,Water Based Suppression Clean Agent Systems Fire Extinguishers,特制分析,Water Based Suppression,Wet-Pipe System contains water under pressure at all times Series of closed sprinkler heads Heat activates sprinkler head Water is discharged immediately * Not recommended if s

17、ystem could be exposed to temperatures below 40F,特制分析,Wet-Pipe System,Main valve Alarm check valve Fire department check valve Fire department connection Water motor alarm Sprinkler head Inspectors test valve,特制分析,Wet-Pipe System,Only the sprinkler heads heated by the fire activate Fire sprinklers s

18、pray 18 gallons of water per minute,Sprinkler head,As temperature rises the bulb will shatter,Water is released and deflected in a spray pattern,特制分析,Sprinkler Color Codes and Ratings,特制分析,Field Method for Temporary Stoppage of Sprinkler Head,特制分析,Dry-Pipe System,System contains air under pressure C

19、ompressor on system keeps pressure up Sprinkler heads hold the pressure A dry-pipe valve holds back the water supply Valve opens when pressure falls below a predetermined level Sprinkler head activation pressure drop valve opens water sent to all heads water discharged from activated sprinkler head(

20、s) * Recommended for areas that could experience freezing temperatures,特制分析,How do Dry-Pipe Systems Work?,Heat Activated,Pressure Drop,Water Discharges from activated head,Water sent to all sprinkler heads,Valve Opens,特制分析,Dry-Pipe System,Supply check valve Main valve Dry pipe valve Fire department

21、check valve Fire department connection Water motor alarm Sprinkler head Inspectors test valve,特制分析,Pre-action System,System contains air under pressure Compressor on system keeps pressure up Water held back by pre-action valve System equipped with supplemental detection Operation of detection system

22、 allows pre-action valve to open and water fills the system Water not discharged until fire has generated sufficient heat to activate a sprinkler head * Typically found in computer rooms and museums,特制分析,How do Pre-Action Systems Work?,Smoke Detected,Water Discharges from activated head,Water sent t

23、o all sprinkler heads,Valve Opens,特制分析,Pre-action System,Supply check valve Main valve Water control or deluge valve Fire department check valve Fire department connection Water motor alarm Sprinkler head (closed) Detector Electrical bell Manual release station Control panel Inspectors test valve,特制

24、分析,Fire Pumps,Fire pumps are utilized when the hydraulic demand exceeds public supply capacity Components Pump and motor Controllers Jockey pump Water tank,特制分析,Water Supply,Standpipe System Class I 2 inch hose connection intended for fire department use Class II 1 inch hose connections intended for

25、 first-aid fire fighting Class III Provided with both 2 inch and 1 inch hose connections Fire Department Connection,特制分析,Suppression Without Water,Halon NFPA 12A Being phased out per 1987 Montreal Protocol Carbon Dioxide NFPA 12 Clean Agent NFPA 2001 Inert gas formulation * These systems are often n

26、ot recognized as allowable substitute for water suppression,特制分析,Fire Extinguishers,NFPA 10 standard for portable fire extinguishers Select appropriate extinguisher for area Class A, B, C, D, and K Identify hazard occupancy Light Hazard Offices, schools, assembly halls Ordinary Hazard Mercantile sto

27、rage, parking garages High Hazard Woodworking area, warehouses,特制分析,Conducting a Basic Assessment,Determine Your Building Occupancy Type First IBC Occupancy Classifications Assembly: Group A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 Business: Group B Educational: Group E Factory and Industrial: Groups F-1 and F-2 Hi

28、gh Hazard: Groups H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, and H-5 Institutional: Group I-1, I-2, I-3 and I-4 Mercantile: Group M Residential: Groups R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Storage: Groups S-1 and S-2 Utility and Miscellaneous: Group U,特制分析,Conducting a Basic Assessment,Additional Detailed Requirements Based on Use and O

29、ccupancy Covered Mall Buildings High-Rise Buildings Atriums Underground Buildings Motor-Vehicle-Related Occupancies Motion Picture Projection Rooms Stages and Platforms Special Amusement Buildings Aircraft-Related Occupancies Combustible Storage Hazardous Materials Drying Rooms,特制分析,Know Your Buildi

30、ng,Once occupancy is determined codes will give you guidance What type of construction is required? Is a sprinkler system required? Is a fire alarm system required? Exiting and egress? Emergency power required? Is a smoke control system required? Is a standpipe system required?,特制分析,Conclusion,Codes

31、 drive facility fire and life safety requirements Know what codes apply to your operation All codes are MINIMUM requirements Who is your AHJ? Many things can be left up to this individuals interpretation Maintain systems in accordance with code requirements and manufacturers recommendations,特制分析,References,International Building Code, International Code Council National Fire Protection Association The Joint Commission,特制分析,41,特制分析,


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