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1、8.2.2 Register,1,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Language varities with the user and it also varies with the circumstances under which it is used, i.e. according to the social context in which the language user finds himself. The totality of linguistic varieties possessed by an individual const

2、itutes his linguistic repertoire(全部语言变体),2,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,汤姆病了,今天没去上学,Being ill,Tom didnt go to school. Tom didnt go to school because of illness. Tom was ill, so he didnt go to school. Tom adidnt go to school, because he was ill.,3,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,In a res

3、tricted sense, some linguists use the term “register” to refer to the variety of language related to ones occupation; (与某人职业有关的语言变体) In a broader sense, according to Halliday, the type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a register.(与场合相符的语言类型就是语域),Whats register

4、?,4,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Social variables that determine the register Field of discourse语场 Tenor of discourse语旨 Mode of discourse语式,5,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Field of Discourse We say relates to a particular situation; words are not uttered independently of the context o

5、r situation. One of the determinants of the discourse is a social activity, already referred to as “field of discourse”. The actual term “field of discourse” is referred to and explained by Halliday in several ways, out of which one is presented below. the social action: that which is going on, and

6、has recognizable meaning in the social system; typically a complex of acts in some ordered configuration, and in which the text is playing some part, and including “subject-matter” as one special aspect (ibid: 142-3). This definition of field given by Halliday implies that there is more to the field

7、 of discourse than just the subject matter. Hence, a broader concept should be kept in mind the one that is equally attentive to the affair being talked over and factors forming the communicative situation. That is to say field of discourse concerns not only “what we are talking about”the subject ma

8、tter that the actual chat group focuses on , but also concerns “what we are doing”, or “what is going on”, within which that language is playing a part (ibid: 221-2). For example, in a discussion about a game of football, the social action is the discussion and the verbal interaction among the parti

9、cipants is the whole of this social action. “What is going on” is the discussion, and “what we are talking about” is the game itself.,6,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Tenor of Discourse Tenor, the second of the three situational determinants, carries the information on “who are taking part” (H

10、alliday 1978: 189). In Hallidays understanding,tenor of discourse results from the speech communication and reflects the relationship, contact and attachment among members (ibid: 33). The social relations between the members are usually reflected in the social status of power and solidarity.,7,Regis

11、ter-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Mode of Discourse In linguistic terms, “mode” refers to either a medium of communication (spoken/written) or a rhetorical channel (Halliday 1978: 222) that one decides to use. They form a special relationship in that the former predetermines the latter and the latter

12、is an indicator of the former. Thus mode of discourse answers the question “how” the communication is carried out and makes the third situational determinant of the discourse. Hallidays semiotic structure of the situation stresses that it is only through mode that field and tenor become operational.

13、,8,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,语场(field of discourse)、语旨(tenor of discourse)和语式(mode of discourse)。语场指的是言语交际过程中发生的事情表达的经验,能体现语言使用者在特定情景语境中所要实现的交际目的和作用;语式指言语交际的渠道或媒介。即“讲话”和“写作”两种方式;语旨指的是交际情景中讲话者和受话者之间的关系和讲话者的交际意图(秦秀白,2002)。这三个变项的共同作用便产生了语域(register)。语域是指语言随着场合环境不同而区分的变体,是在特定的语言环境中使用的、有一定的语言特

14、征的语言变体。,9,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Lab Research Puts Mobile Phone Safety under New Scrutiny The safety of mobile phones(U.S. cellphones) seems set to face new questions after British researchers found that microwave emissions can effect the health of earth-worms in unexplained ways. The

15、larvae of tiny soil-worms called nematodes grew faster and became more fertile after they were exposed for a long time to weak microwave radiation, of the same strength and frequency as that emitted by mobile phones, they found. Why this occurred is unclear, and there is no evidence that human healt

16、h is also affected.,10,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,a piece of news the use of a lot of professional technical words passive voice Field :technical, scientific(precise, formal) Tenor: reporter - reader Mode: written,11,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,A lecture on biology in a technical

17、college Field: scientific ( biological) Tenor: teacher-students (formal, polite) Mode: oral (academic lecturing),12,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,8.2.3Degree of formality,13,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Language used on different occassions differs in the degree of formality, which is

18、 determined by the social variables, e.g. who we are talking with and what we are talking about. (1) Hi,Peter. Fancy meeting you here. (2) Good morning, Mr.Brown. How are you?,14,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Intimate style (亲密语体) Casual tyle(随意语体) Consultative style(询议语体) Formal style(正式语体)

19、Frozen style(庄严语体),familiar disourse,colloquial disourse,Five stages of formality ( Martin Joos The Five Clocks),1. between loved ones, family member or very intimate friends 2. show feelings 3. pay no attention to the form,1. used among friends, acquaintances or insiders e.g. relaxed conversations

20、(朋友之间的闲谈)& letters 2. use slang, ellipsis(省略) 3. pay very attention to the form,1. everyday getting-things-done language(日常办事语言) 2. marked by syntactic completeness and politeness,1. used for public lectures and speeches 2. mainly for providing information 3. may replace of might, can 4.require much

21、 attention to the form,1. very formal and elegant literary style 2.used for written legal documents or highly solemn speeches 3. require great attention to the form,It is routine to alternate, within a single discourse, between two styles adjacent on this scale.,15,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语

22、言学,LOREM IPSUM,Frozen(庄严语体),Visitors would make their way at once to the upper floor by way of the staircase.,Casual(随意语体),Tie you all went upstairs now.,Formal(正式语体),Visitors should go up the stairs at once.,Consultative(询议语体),Would you mind going upstairs right away, please?,Intimate(亲密语体),Up you

23、go, chaps!,A illustration of these five stages,16,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Different styles of the same language can be characterized through differences at three levels, syntactic, lexical and phonological. The following passages will reveal how language can vary at syntactic level.,17,

24、Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Passage A It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties f

25、or overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced. Passage B The number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing, and dont forget that the library is for everyones convenience. So from now on, were going to enforce the rules strictly. You

26、have been warned. Passage A is more formal than Passage B. The use of passive voice and impersonal constructions accounts in part for the higher degree of formality.,18,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,Variation at the Lexical Level,More Formal,Less Formal,offspring decease peruse reply particip

27、ate in encounter tolerate,children die read answer take part in come across put up with,19,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,The Use of Address Forms in English,Like other languages,English provides a number of ways to address the same person. e.g.,Smith,Sir Mr. Smith Smith Uncle Smith Mate,20,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,THANKS,21,Register-and-Degree-of-formality-语言学,


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