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1、,9A Unit 2 Colour,Bu Lv Huabing from Nanjing No.13 High School,Colours and moods,Today I am happy. Today Im in a good mood.,It is a sign of Nanjing. It represents Nanjing.,Do you believe colors can change our moods? Do you want to know what different colors represents?,colors,Calm colours,Warm colou

2、rs,Energetic colours,Strong colours,Lets find out!,colors,Calm colors,Warm colors,Energetic colors,Strong colors,?,Look at the picture and then tell us how do you feel?,Blue also represents sadness. You may say Im feeling blue when you are feeling sad.,warm colors,The flowers make me think of a warm

3、, sunny day. They remind me of it.,What can people use them to do? First, people living in cold climates prefer to use them in their homes _. Second, orange can be used to _ and _. Third, some people use yellow _.,to create a warm and comfortable feeling,bring you success,cheer you up,when they stud

4、y for exams,It represents new life and growth.,However?,It is also the colour of envy.,be green with envy= be jealous,He is strong in body. He has physical strength. He is strong in mind. He has metal strength.,Wearing red,gives you both _ and _ strength. Makes _ for you to take action. Helps to mak

5、e a _.,physical,mental,it easier,decision,The best colors for Millies friends,I think the best colour to represents Lisa is _. She is always in the library and she often gets good marks in tests. Daniels colour must be _. He can help people calm down when they are angry. I think Sandy should use the

6、 colour _ more. She worries a lot and often gets stressed. Pauls colour should be _. He has a strong personality and likes to be the leader. I think Kitty should use the colour _ when she feels tired or weak. It can give her energy when she dances.,yellow,blue,white,red,green,Your advice is importan

7、t !,Lets interview! You can do like this!,A: Hello, . B: Hello,.: A: What is your favorite color? B: Why do you like it? A: I like it because it represents (and it can also.) B: Oh, its a wonderful colour. My favorite color is . I like it because .,HOMEWORK,Write a short passage about your favorite color and your characteristics as well as your partners.,


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