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1、榆林市横山县石窑沟中学 代党平,八年级 下册,He said I was hard-working. (The second period),Rivision,I like playing baseball.,Tom,Tom said he liked playing baseball.,My sister is playing the guitar.,Mike,My sister is playing the guitar.,Kate,My brother is a driver.,I will not go boat.,Ann,New Words and Expressions,messa

2、ge n. 消息;信息,pass on 传递,suppose v. 假定;认为;期望,be supposed to 被期望或被要求,first of all 首先,listening,2a,Listen and true or false for each statement .,circle,1.Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a suppose party for her. 2.Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore. 3.Lana said that she wouldnt go to M

3、arcias house on Friday night. 4.Marcia called everyone and told them she wasnt going to have the party. 5.Lana told Marcia she would bring some books to her house on Friday night.,false,true,true,false,true,false,true,false,true,false,2b,Listen again. What did the people on TV say? Circle the correc

4、t answers.,I (am/ was) not mad at Marcia anymore.,I (will / would) go to Marcias house on Friday night.,Marcia (is / will) going to have a surprise party for you .,1.Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.,2.Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore.,3.Lana said she wou

5、ld go to Marcias house on Friday night.,I (am / was) not going to have the party,4. Marcia told everyone she wasnt going to have the party,I (will / would) bring some drinks and snacks to your house.,5. Lana said she would bring some drinks and snacks to Marcias house.,PAIRWORK,2C,Have a conversatio

6、n about last nights episode of “Young lives”.,Exercise,Change the following sentences into Direct Speech or Reported Speech.,1.Mary said, “I have a pen.” 2.He said that I was a good student. 3.They said , “We are going to swimming.” 4.I said, “I am not a teacher anymore.”,Mary said she had a pen.,He said , “ You are a good student.”,They said they were going to swimming.,I said I was not a teacher anymore.,Summary,Direct Speech Reported Speech,Thank you for your listening. Good-bye!,


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