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1、高二牛津版模块六,Unit 4 Helping people around the world Word power,1,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),What do you know about the UN and the organizations belonging to it?,Brainstorming,2,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),Step 1 Read Part A on page 54 and make sure that you know the Chinese names of

2、 these organizations in blue.,3,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),1. International Labour Organization,国际劳工组织,联合国专门机构,Specialized agencies:,International organizations,4,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),2. Food and Agricultural Organization,联合国粮农组织,5,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),3.

3、 UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,联合国教科文组织,6,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),4. World Health Organization,世界卫生组织,7,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),5. International Civil Aviation Organization,国际民用航空组织,8,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),6. Universal Postal Union,万

4、国邮政联盟,9,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),7. World Bank Group,世界银行组织,10,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),8. International Monetary Fund,国际货币基金组织,11,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),9. Programmes and funds: UN Childrens Fund,联合国儿童基金会,12,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),10. UN Envir

5、onment Programme,联合国环境规划署,13,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),11. UN Drugs Control Programme,联合国毒品控制署,14,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),12. UN Development Programme,联合国开发计划署,15,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),13. UN Development Fund for Women,联合国妇女发展基金会,16,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpow

6、er(牛津译林版选修6),Do you know about the function of each organization?,Discussion,17,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),Step 2 Complete the article, using the information from Parts A and B,The UN is an important international organization that helps many people around the world. One of the most impor

7、tant groups within the UN is _.,the World Bank Group,18,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),It includes the International Monetary Fund, which loans money to developing countries to help them with their development projects.,19,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),The UN is also made up of many o

8、ther agencies. These include: the _, which makes sure we can send and receive post to and from every part of the world; the _, _,Universal Postal Union,Scientific and Cultural Organization,Educational,20,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),which promotes education and cultural development and prot

9、ects the worlds natural and cultural heritage; the _ which works to improve food and farming,Food and Agricultural Organization,21,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),and the living standards of rural populations. Other agencies help improve the lives of many people around the world. These agencie

10、s include the (6) _ which helps to improve working,International Labour Organization,22,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),conditions and create employment opportunities. It also aims to solve problems such as child labour. Finally, the (7)_ tries to solve health problems.,World Health Organizati

11、on,23,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),Which of the organizations do you think is the most useful for China?,Discussion,24,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),Work out the following acronyms using the information in Part A,FAO,ILO,UNESCO,UNEP,WHO,25,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),Food

12、and Agricultural Organization,FAO,26,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),International Labour Organization,UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,ILO,UNESCO,27,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),World Health Organization,UN Nations Environment Programme,UNEP,WHO,28,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),Try to remember the names of the international organizations. Preview Grammar and usage.,Homework,29,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),30,湖南株洲市第四中学高二英语Unit4Wordpower(牛津译林版选修6),


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