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1、高三英语完形填空议论文,1,高三英语完形填空议论文,2,Each year there is an increasing number of cars on roads and streets as millions of new cars are produced. One out of every six Americans works at putting together the parts of cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling cars with gas. Americans wont live without 1 !

2、Most Americans find it hard to 2 what life would be like without a car.,(五),1. A. planes B. cars C. trainsD. ships 2. A. intend B. face C. imagine D. seek,高三英语完形填空议论文,3,However, some have realized the 3 problem of air pollution by cars. The 4 air is poisonous and dangerous to health. One way to get

3、rid of the polluted air is to build a car that does not 5 . Thats what several of the large car factories have been 6 to do.,3. A. serious B. violent C. changeable D. various 4. A. protected B. polluted C. expanded D. surrounded 5. A. produceB. damage C. drive D. pollute 6. A. banning B. stopping C.

4、 trying D. holding,高三英语完形填空议论文,4,But to build a 7 car is easier said than done. Progress in this field has been slow. Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else. Engineers are now working on some new cars. Many makers believe that it will 8 years to develop a practical mode

5、l that 9 man.,7. A. specialB. clean C. free D. proper 8. A. take B. last C. count D. add 9. A. bothers B. pleases C. concerns D. shocks,高三英语完形填空议论文,5,To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, well have to make some 10 in the way many of us live. Americans, for example, have to cut down on th

6、e 11 of their cars. They are 12 to travel and go to work by bike because riding a bike is thought to help keep the air clean.,10. A. mistakesB. preparations C. changesD. advancements 11. A. styleB. form C. speedD. number 12. A. orderedB. arranged C. encouragedD. prevented,高三英语完形填空议论文,6,But this chan

7、ge does not come 13 a large number of workers may find themselves without 14 if a car factory closes down. And the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment. Although cars have brought us a 15 life, they have also brought us new problems.,13. A. trulyB. absolutel

8、y C. differentlyD. easily 14. A. jobs B. paysC. markets D. loads 15. A. higherB. safer C. better D. worse,高三英语完形填空议论文,7,1. practical 实用的 2. unemployment 失业 3. the polluted air 被污染了的空气,【助读词汇】,高三英语完形填空议论文,8,1. B 词语复现。前句说到每六个美国人当中就有一个人是从事汽车行业的。此外,第二段首句也提示了答案是cars。 2. C 逻辑推断。大多数美国人会难以“想象” (imagine)假如没有汽

9、车的话, 生活会变成什么样子。 3. A 逻辑推断。由下句的poisonous(有毒的)和dangerous(危险的)可知,空气污染是个很“严重的(serious)”问题。 4. B 逻辑推断或词语复现。由上一句的the air pollution得知,空气是“受到污染的”(polluted)。同时,第三段的第一句One way to get rid of the polluted air is to build也提示了答案所在。,高三英语完形填空议论文,9,5. D 逻辑推断。由下句:Thats what several of the large car factories have bee

10、n trying to do可知,很多车厂在致力于制造对环境无污染的汽车,故选pollute。 6. C 上下文语境。结合第5题可知,很多车厂在“努力”(trying)制造对环境无污染的汽车。 7. B 词语复现。由第三段第一句One way to get rid of the polluted air is to build a car that does not pollute.可得知,要制造一辆“无污染的(clean)”汽车是不容易的,故答案是clean。clean和that does not pollute是近义复现。 8. A 固定搭配。It takes+人+时间+to do sth

11、. “花某人做某事”。 本题也可以运用排除法。last“持续”;count“数,重要”;add“增加”,这三个选项皆不符合语境。,高三英语完形填空议论文,10,9. B 逻辑推断。句意是:很多制造商都相信要耗费多年的时间才能制造出一辆实用的、让人类满意的汽车。please sb.= satisfy sb.“让某人满意”。 而bother“打扰,令烦恼”;concern“让担心”;shock“让震惊”很明显不符合语境。 10. C 逻辑推断和词语搭配。由for example后面的例子可知,为了减少汽车对世界环境的影响,我们必须对目前的生活方式作出一些“变动(changes)”。make cha

12、nges“作出变动”,是最佳选项,而其他的选项 make mistakes(犯错),make preparations(作准备)和make advancements(取得进步)都不符合语境。,高三英语完形填空议论文,11,11. D 逻辑推断和常识。句意是:例如,美国人必须“减少(cut down on)” 他们汽车的“数量(number)”。常识告诉我们,汽车的数量少了,对环境的污染自然就会少,故答案是number。cut down on sth. 是“削减;减少”之意。 12. C 逻辑推断。结合上句,为了降低环境污染,应减少美国人汽车的数量,并“鼓励(encouraged)”他们骑自行车

13、去旅游和上班。 13. D 逻辑推断。由破折号后面的内容可知,假如汽车工厂倒闭的话,大量的工人就会失业,因此这样的变革是不“轻易”发生的。所以答案是easily。,高三英语完形填空议论文,12,14. A 逻辑推断和词语复现。由if a car factory closes down可得知,假如工厂倒闭,大量的工人就会“失业(without jobs)” 。此外,without job和unemployment是近义复现。 15. C 逻辑推断。由they have also brought us new problems可知,该空填的是一个褒义词,根据搭配和结合选项higher(更高)、sa

14、fer(更安全)和worse(更差),无疑better(更好)是最佳答案。,高三英语完形填空议论文,13,One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly(悠闲地) on the bank. There I would 1 the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream, and listen to the singing of birds and the rustling(沙沙声) of leaves in the trees. I

15、 would also watch the bamboo trees bend under 2 from the wind and watch them return gracefully to their upright or 3 position after the wind had died down.,(六),1. A. seeB. enjoy C. taste D. get 2. A. pressureB. charge C. control D. protection 3. A. differentB. original C. same D. opposite,高三英语完形填空议论

16、文,14,When I think about the bamboo trees ability to bounce back or 4 to its original position, the word resilience(弹性) comes to mind. When used in reference to a person, this word means the 5 to readily recover from shock, sadness or any other situation that stretches the limits of a persons 6 .,4.

17、A. take B. expose C. attach D. return 5. A. possibility B. means C. ability D. response 6. A. feelingsB. thoughts C. conditions D. experiences,高三英语完形填空议论文,15,Have you ever felt like you are about to breakdown? Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point? 7 , you have survived the experien

18、ce to live to talk about it. During the experience you probably felt a mix of feelings emotions that 8 your health. You felt very tired, mentally 9 and you most likely endured unpleasant physical symptoms.,7. A. Carefully B. Hopefully C. ThankfullyD. Doubtfully 8. A. improved B. benefited C. strengt

19、hened D. threatened 9. A. prepared B. exhausted C. disturbed D. disabled,高三英语完形填空议论文,16,Life is a 10 of good times and bad times, happy moments and unpleasant moments. The next time you are 11 one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you 12 to your breaking point, bend but dont break. Try

20、 your best not to let the situation get the best of you.,10. A. nature B. adventure C. mixture D. feature 11. A. experiencing B. searching C. sharing D. showing 12. A. used B. blind C. opposed D. close,高三英语完形填空议论文,17,A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant experience. With hope for a

21、better tomorrow or a better 13 , things may not be as bad as they seem to be. The unpleasant experience may be easier to deal with if the final result is worth 14 . If the going gets 15 and you are at your breaking point, show resilience. Like the bamboo tree, bend, but dont break!,13. A. answer B.

22、situation C. moment D. solution 14. A. having B. thinking C. considering D. expecting 15. A. easy B. plain C. tough D. confused,高三英语完形填空议论文,18,1.bounce蹦;弹 2. drain耗完;耗光 3. get the best of 击败;战胜,【助读词汇】,高三英语完形填空议论文,19,1. B 逻辑推断。据下半句:看着河水向下游流去,听着鸟儿的歌唱和河岸旁树叶的沙沙声,可知作者是喜欢(enjoy)岸边的平和宁静。根据动宾搭配可排除其他选项。 2. A

23、 常识推断。根据常识,竹林在风的“压力(pressure)”下才会“弯曲(bend)”,故选A。 3. B 常识或词语复现。当风停(died down)时,竹子又优雅地恢复到原来(original)的位置。与第二段第一句中的original position是原词复现。,高三英语完形填空议论文,20,4. D 词语复现。想到竹子用自己的力量反弹回最初位置,“韧性”总会浮现在我脑海return to its original position与其前的bounce back, 为词语复现,故选D。同时第一段最后一句watch them return gracefully to their upri

24、ght or也提示了答案。 5. C 逻辑推断或词语复现。从下半句:从惊讶、低沉或者其他限制我们情感的境遇中走出来,可知是ability“能力”。与前句the bamboo trees ability中的ability是原词复现 。 6. A 词语复现。shock, sadness.是表示情感的名词与feelings内容一致,是上下义的关系。,高三英语完形填空议论文,21,7. C 逻辑推断。据后半句,值得庆幸的是,在熬过这些难关后你仍然能够讨论它,推理可知选C,thankfully“感谢地;感激地”。 8. D 逻辑推断。a mix of feelings“心中的情绪纠结”对健康会有不良影响

25、,可推断是 threaten your health“威胁着你的健康”。 9. B 词语复现。mentally exhausted“身心枯竭”与前面的very tired描述一致。 disturbed“烦恼不安的”。 10. C 逻辑推断。由后半句:人生总是有好有坏,有悲有喜,可知人生是“混合体(mixture)”,故选C,nature“自然,属性”,feature“特征,特点”。,高三英语完形填空议论文,22,11. A 词语同现。experiencing与第三段末句中的the experience to live to talk about it是词语同现。 12. D 逻辑推断。从后半句

26、bend but dont break“弯曲但切勿折断”,可知是身陷逆境或痛苦,take you close to your breaking point,“把你带到崩溃的边缘”。opposed“反对的”,blind“盲目的”等皆不符合语境。,高三英语完形填空议论文,23,13. B 词语复现。a better situation与第二段末句中的any other situation为原词复现,与后面的things是近义复现,故选B。抱着明天好会更好或者会有更棒境遇的想法,situation“情况;处境”。solution“解决(方法)”等不符合语境。 14. A 逻辑推断。据前半句句意“那过

27、程中不愉快的考验是能够迎刃而解的”,推理可知其前提是if the final result is worth having “如果最后结果值得拥有”,故选A。 15. C 词语同现。因tough与at your breaking point是词语同现,故选tough“艰苦的;困难的”。,高三英语完形填空议论文,24,In England children now start formal schooling, and the 1 teaching of literacy (识字) and numeracy (算术) at the age of four. A recent letter sig

28、ned by around 130 early childhood education 2 , including myself, published in the Daily Telegraph (11 Sept,2013), advocated an extension of informal, play-based pre-school preparation and a delay to the 3 of formal schooling in England from the current effective start until the age of seven.,(七),1.

29、 A. free B. formal C. informal D. revolutionary 2. A. experts B. students C. scientists D. leaders 3. A. education B. end C. start D. preparation,高三英语完形填空议论文,25,This is a brief review of the relevant research evidence which 4 a later start to formal education. This evidence relates to the contributi

30、on of playful experiences to childrens development as 5 , and the consequences of starting formal learning at the age of four to five years of age.,4. A. objectsB. shows C. tells D. supports 5. A. players B. readers C. learners D. teachers,高三英语完形填空议论文,26,There are several aspects of 6 which all poin

31、t towards the importance of play in young childrens evidence and the value of an extended period of 7 learning before the start of formal schooling. Studies have compared groups of children in New Zealand who 8 formal literacy lessons at ages five and seven.,6. A. development B. value C. difference

32、D. benefit 7. A. funny B. playful C. helpful D. hopeful 8. A. studied B. ended C. developed D. started,高三英语完形填空议论文,27,Their results show that the 9 introduction of formal learning approaches to literacy does not improve childrens reading development, and may be damaging. By the age of eleven there w

33、as no difference in 10 ability level between the two groups, but the children who started at five developed less 11 attitudes to reading, and showed poorer text comprehension than those children who had started later.,9. A. early B. late C. poor D. good 10. A. literacy B. numeracy C. reading D. writ

34、ing 11. A. impressive B. positive C. negativeD. attractive,高三英语完形填空议论文,28,In a separate study of reading achievement in fifteen years old across fifty-five countries, researchers showed that there was no significant association between reading 12 and school entry age.,12. A. age B. material C. reaso

35、n D. achievement,高三英语完形填空议论文,29,This body of 13 raises important and serious questions concerning the direction of travel of early childhood education policy 14 in England. In the interests of childrens academic achievements and their emotional(情感的) health, the UK government should take this evidenc

36、e 15 .,13. A. importanceB. evidence C. group D. help 14. A. clearly B. immediately C. currently D. fairly 15. A. seriouslyB. badly C. severelyD. attentively,高三英语完形填空议论文,30,1. advocate 提倡 2. extension 延伸 3. current现在的 4. consequences结果;后果 5.association联系 6. in the interests of 为了 7. a body of evidenc

37、e大量的证据,【助读词汇】,高三英语完形填空议论文,31,1. B 词语复现。与formal schooling是并列宾语,formal是原词复现 2. A 逻辑推断或原词同现。根据published in the Daily Telegraph可推断应该是这方面的“专家”。 与advocated,research evidence,education同现的应是experts。 3. C 词语复现。根据后文的current effective start until the age of seven可知。 4. D 逻辑推断。由research evidence可推知“支持”a later s

38、tart to formal education。注意答案A是object (反对) 与后文的 to构成词组,容易上当,要看上下文的意思,全篇文章是主张推迟正式上学的入学年龄。,高三英语完形填空议论文,32,5. C 逻辑推断或排除法。根据childrens development as可知是儿童,排除D;这里是说学习,答案A是运动员,排除;答案B只是说“阅读者”与文章开头的teaching of literacy and numeracy有矛盾,故最佳选择为learners 。 6. A 词语复现。与上文playful experiences to childrens development

39、中的development是原词复现。下文接着讲关于儿童发展有几个方面。 7. B 词语复现。上文说到the contribution of playful experiences to childrens development,这句是7learning before the start of formal schooling。两句都是指playful。 8. D 词语复现或逻辑推断。根据后文的at ages five and seven推理是started。另外,上下文多处出现start,原词复现。,高三英语完形填空议论文,33,9. A 逻辑推断。前文说的两组实验是5岁和7岁入学,but

40、 the children who started at five developed less to reading, and showed poorer text comprehension 可知此处是early。 10. C 词语复现。与前文的does not improve childrens reading development是原词复现。此句意思是“到了11岁这两组几乎没有阅读能力方面的区别了”。 11. B 逻辑推断。前文说5岁和7岁入学组到了11岁在阅读方面没什么区别,此处由but 转折说5岁入学的甚至更糟糕,由developed less attitudes to read

41、ing和下文的showed poorer text comprehension可推断出less positive。 而impressive“印象深刻的”,negative“消极的”,attractive“吸引人的”,都不合题意。,高三英语完形填空议论文,34,12. D 词语复现+逻辑推断。此句意思是另外一项研究显示“入学年龄”与“阅读成绩”没什么关联。与前文中in a separate study of reading achievement是原词复现。 13.B 词语复现。与最后一句should take this evidence.是原词复现。 14. C 词语复现。与第一段curren

42、t effective start until the age of seven中的current是同源词复现,此处是形容词,而后文是副词。指“目前的英国教育政策”。答案A和B都不恰当,而fairly是“相当地”的意思,也不合题意。 15. A 逻辑推断。修饰take this evidence当然应该是“认真地seriously”,takeseriously= be serious about“认真对待”,故选答案A。而severely 意思是“严重的”; attentively是“专心地”,在此不合题意。,高三英语完形填空议论文,35,What is the secret of tough

43、 people that enables them to succeed? Why do they 1 the tough times when others are overcome by them? Why do they 2 when others lose? Why do they rise when others sink? The answer is very simple. Its all in how they look at their problems. Yes, every living person has problems. A problem-free life i

44、s an illusion a mirage(海市蜃楼) in the desert. Accept that 3 .,(八),1. A. enjoy B. surviveC. spend D. treasure 2. A. win B. laugh C. compete D. doubt 3. A. secret B. problemC. fact D. life,高三英语完形填空议论文,36,Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its 4 point. Life has its ups and downs, its peaks and i

45、ts valleys. No one is up all the time, nor are they down all the time. Problems do end. They are all 5 in time. You may be 6 to control the times, but you can control your response.,4. A. low B. high C. deep D. shallow 5. A. discussed B. discovered C. caused D. solved 6. A. unwilling B. unfit C. una

46、ble D. uneasy,高三英语完形填空议论文,37,You can turn your pain into expectation and motivation. The choice is up to you. You may not have chosen your tough time, but you can choose how you will 7 to it. The 8 solution to a problem may require courage to accept it. When you control your reaction to the seemingl

47、y uncontrollable problem of life, then in fact you do control the problems 9 on you.,7. A. stick B. react C. object D. agree 8. A. negative B. instant C. positive D. pessimistic 9. A. dependence B. comment C. emphasis D. effect,高三英语完形填空议论文,38,Your reaction to the problem is the last word! Thats the

48、bottom line. What will you let this problem do to you? It can make you 10 or tough. It can make you better or bitter. It all 11 on you. In the final analysis, the tough people who survive the tough times do so because theyve chosen to react 12 to their difficult and unpleasant situations.,10. A. gen

49、tle B. strong C. determined D. hopeful 11. A. falls B. dependsC. focuses D. works 12. A. indifferentlyB. strongly C. optimisticallyD. immediately,高三英语完形填空议论文,39,Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people will 13 to their firm beliefs all the time. History teaches us that every problem has a lifetime. No problem is 14 . Storms always give way to the sun. Winter always disappears into springtime. Your storm will 15 . Your winter will disappear. Your problem will be solved.,13. A. takeB. pickC. m


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