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1、Page 1,电子邮件,Page 2,英文email与英文书信的写法和格式大体相同,但也有不同之处。英文email一般由以下五部分组成: 1标题栏 这是英文书信中没有的。标题栏中有“收件人”、“抄送”和“主题”三个框。在“收件人”框中填写收件人的email地址。如要将邮件同时发送给多人,可在“抄送”框中填入其他人的email地址。在“主题”框中简要地概括邮件的内容,可以用一个单词,如:Greetings(问候);也可以用短语,如:Personal information(个人情况);还可以是一个内容完整但语言简短的句子。,Page 3,2称呼语 如果是同学或亲朋好友间的邮件,可以直呼其名,如:

2、Mike;但如果是发给老师、长辈或上级,最好在称呼前加上称谓或职位。职位可用Doctor,Professor等,如:Professor Li。男性用Mr;女性用Miss(未婚),Mrs(已婚),Ms(不知婚否)。 3正文 大多数email篇幅短小,语言简单明了。如果是写给不熟悉的人,一般要先进行自我介绍;反之,则可直接进入正题。要多使用短句、简单句,少用或不用长句。一是便于阅读,再者使意思清楚。如果内容很长,可就重点部分作些介绍,而把详细内容以“附件”的方式发出。,Page 4,4结尾客套话 英文书信的信尾客套话常用Best wishes! Good luck to you! 等。而email

3、通常很简明,如:Best,Thanks,Yours等。 5落款 直接写发件人的姓名即可,且与客套话对齐。,Page 5,1段首常用语: (1)Thank you for your letter of Dec. 15th (2)Im glad/pleased to tell you that (3)I am very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago. (4)Thanks for your invitation to the Christmas party. (5)How are you getting alon

4、g with your study?,Page 6,2话题引入常用语: (1)Im glad to tell you something about (2)As far as I know/am concerned/see 3段尾常用语: (1)Please write to me soon and tell me about your (2)Im looking forward to your reply (3)With kind/ best regards/wishes. (4)If so, please email me in response,Page 7,电子邮件格式模板:,Page

5、 8,【活学活用】 假如你是中学生李华。你的外籍教师Tracy已经于上个月回到了美国。请用英语给她写一封电子邮件,内容如下: 1表达对她的思念; 2对她给予你的帮助表示感谢; 3邀请她在方便时再来中国。 注意: 1可适当增加细节使行文连贯; 2词数:100左右; 3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,Page 9,One possible version: Dear Tracy, How are you going recently? Its almost a month since I saw you off in the airport. I miss you a lot. Please

6、 accept my gratitude for all that you have done to help me with my learning obstacles. Whenever I got into trouble, you were always there, reaching out a hand for me to hold. It was your help and encouragement that helped me through all the difficulties and made me what I am today. I couldnt have made it without your timely help. Thanks a million.,Page 10,By the way, please come back to China for a visit whenever it is convenient for you. Anyway, you told me once that you enjoy your travels across China. I will be looking forward to seeing you again. Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua,


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