新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 2 Good Health to You!Lesson 12 Helen Keller》教案_2.docx

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1、Lesson 12 Helen Keller教学目标:1. 学生能针对故事人物主动提出问题。2.学生能在老师帮助下运用寻读、略读等阅读策略读懂本课故事。3.学生能回答出课后的思考问题。4.学生能在时间轴的提示下复述故事大意。教学过程:I.Pre-reading:1. Greeting.T: Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello! Mr zhang. T: Nice to see you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.(设计意图:开课简单打招呼,迅速集中学生注意力。)2. Guessing game: Who are they?T: Choose

2、a ball in my box. I will give your the information. Try to guess the persons name. Lets have a try! Would you like to help me? Choose a ball, please. Which letter on the ball?S1: A.T: Look!(点击课件相应字母) Do you know the persons name?S1: No.T: Others? Do you know?Ss:No.T: Ok, lets go.(阿炳)(猜出后,其他信息出示) T:

3、Ok, let see. (念一遍其他信息)Yes, his name is A Bing.(贝多芬,霍金)Ok, next one. Choose a ball, please.All of you did a good job.As we know, A Bing, Beethoven and Hawking, they are the disabled, but also great. (ppt 出示disabled, great.).Look, heres another great, disabled person.(出示海伦凯勒图片。)T:What do you know abou

4、t her?Ss:Helen Keller.T:Yes. (板书 Helen Keller 标题)(设计意图:用猜人物名字的游戏开课,一是活跃一下课堂气氛,二是为了引出本课主人公Helen。)II.While-reading.1. T: What else do you want to know about her? Can you ask some questions?S1:What happened to her?S2 Where did she born?S3:When was she born?(Whats her job? How long did she live? What bo

5、ok did she write? Did she get married.)学生提问的同时,板书问题关键词。T:You are so great! You give us many good questions.Now lets skim the story and try to find the answers.(一边说一边用手指示。)You can underline or circle the answers as you like.(Reading time)T: OK, stop.T:When and where was Helen born?S1: Helen Keller wa

6、s born in 1880.T: Yes, Helen was born in the U.S. in 1880.(板书:born,U.S.,1880)Look! The chicken was born yesterday.Whats the meaning of born? Ss:出生。(找不到答案的问题不处理,处理一个问题擦掉一个)(设计意图:让学生自我提问,养成学生积极思考的习惯。体现出课堂中学生的主体地位。自己提问,自己解答,提高学生学习故事的兴趣。)2.T: This time, lets read and try to find the answer. What happene

7、d to Helen Keller when she was 19 months old?(板书:19 months later)S1: She became deaf and blind.S2: She fell ill.T: Yes. She fell ill and became deaf and blind.(ppt 出示答案)。Read follow me deaf. Ea says e. This line, please read one by one.Deaf, hear. Here blind. Read after me. Here ind says aid, bl say

8、sbl. So blind. She couldnt see. T: (手指一下板书)19 months old,she was only a baby. She became deaf and blind.(一边重复一边贴deaf和blind词条).Poor Helen.(设计意图:解决学生提出的问题同时处理本节课生词。)3.T:Sometimes, she threw her food from the table. Why? (ppt)S1: Because she got angry.(出示)T:Why did Helen often get angry?Read and underl

9、ine the answer.(part 2)S1:She couldnt see anything. She couldnt hear anything. She couldnt speak at all.T: OK,lets read. Ss:齐读。T: Who wants to try?S1:.T: This time, lets read again. Pay attention to the emotion.How to read these sentence?Should we use high voice or low voice?Ss: Low voice. T: OK, le

10、ts try again.S1:.T: Others. How about her reading? Good? Great? Wonderful?Ss:.(看学生朗读情况加:老师重复一遍)(设计意图:处理本节课重点问题的同时也为孩子们渗透发音知识,一举两得,有感情的朗读目的在于培养学生良好的阅读意识,养成良好的阅读习惯,更深刻的体会其中的情感。)4. T: But what happened in 1887?(ppt) Read and find the answer. Part3 (板书:1887)(reading time)T: OK, who knows?S2: Her parents

11、 met a teacher, Anne Sullivan.(板书met her teacher, Anne Sullivan)5.T: How did Anne teach Helen? Lets watch.(视频)T: How? One day.Ss: 学生接上 All of you did a good job.So Helen got the word “water”.(板书water)Its an important day for Helen. (设计意图:故事的重要转折点,视频的出示给孩子们更直观的感受,帮助学生理解文本,随后阅读文本内容,加深对本段的理解。)5.From th

12、at day on, Helen began to study.She worked very hard.(板书 began to study, worked very hard) (ppt)Read and choose the answer.What did Helen learn?(ppt 出示选项)S1:She learned many new words every day.S2:She learned to speak, read, write.(板书learned)T: Yes, she learned to speak, read, write.(ppt)And then:Wh

13、ere did Helen go when she was 20 years old? Part 5(板书 20 years old)Now please read and find the answers quickly.(A) She went to _. A.university B.high school T: 加university 教学。 Sity- versity-university. b. What did Helen become,later? (B)She became a great _. A.painter B. writer 出示图片处理university 和 w

14、riter.(板书 university,a great writer)T: Do you know some other writers?Ss: 鲁迅T: Youre so great.(设计意图:用两个选择的练习,处理本小节文本内容,同时在文本中处理难点词汇,为随后的复述故事做准备。)6. This time, lets listen to the story. Look at the time line. Pay attention to the words of time.(设计意图:完整地听一遍故事,让学生们对故事有一个整体认知,同时也是为了随后的复述环节做准备。)III.After

15、-reading.1. Look at the blackboard. Lets retell the story together. This time, please retell the story with your partner.Who wants to show your story for us?T: Wow, youre amazing!(设计意图:通过复述故事,了解学生们对故事的掌握程度,同时也让学生对故事的内容了解更深。)2. T:So what can you learn from Helen Keller? Ss: Work hard,optimistic, pers

16、istence, brave, lucky and give us hope.Yes, Helens story gives everyone hope. Look, Helen, her parents and her teacher just like a triangle. As we learn in math class, triangle was stable. Helen was great, her parents and teacher were great,too.All of us just like Helen, we need to work hard. And we

17、 also need our parents and teachers help, too.We should work together and make the triangle stable. Ok?Ss: OK!This time, lets know more about Helen.(视频)Here are some Helens words, lets enjoy.1. As long as the sun,they will not see the shadow.(只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。)2. Make good use of your eyes,as if you w

18、ere going to be blind tomorrow .(像明天就要失去那样去利用你的眼睛。)(设计意图:总结部分,通过不同形式将故事的情感再一次升华,让孩子们真真切切感受到Helen的伟大的同时,也更加努力的学习。)3. Homework:1.Copy Helens words on your note book.2. Choose Helens writings to read as more as you like.T: Look!(指黑板上没有解决掉的关于Helen的问题)We still couldnt find the answers for these questions. Maybe you can find the answers through reading Helens writings.(ppt出示封皮) Share them on our QQ or wechat after class.T:Ok. So much for today. Bye,everyone.板书设计:


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