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1、单词辨音题解题题型特征 :一组四个单词有两种读音,即有三个单词的划线部分读音有别于其他三个技巧指导 :1.理清题意,辨清类型 , 是考察元音还是辅音 , 是考一个字母还是字母组合的发音。2.如果划线部分是元音字母, 区别这个元音字母是开音节还是闭音节。 相对开音节:一个元音字母+一个辅音字母 +不发音的e如 bike, cake, these, home, excuse 绝对开音节:辅音字母+一个元音字母结尾,且重读如 he, she, be, go, hi,3.如果划线部分是元音字母组合,区别这个组合是重读还是弱读;如: A. first B. bird C. term D. father很

2、明显,前面三个都是重读,发长音/?:/,而最后一个是单词末尾的弱读,发短音/?/例题:A. farmer B. term C. father D. worker答案: B4.思考四个单词中有没有发音异于常规发音的单词,这种方法叫特殊单词比较法。强化识记 :1. ir, or, ur, er 在重读音节中发 /?:/, (字母常在单词中间)如: bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her ; 在弱读音节中发 /?/ ,(字母常在单词末尾)如, over, father, mother, doctor, colour,2. n

3、 在 k, c 前发 /?/,如 think, thank, drink, uncle, pink;ng 在单词中发/ng/,在末尾多发/?/如 English, England, stronger ; thing3. oo 在 t,d,k 前发短音 /u/,如 foot, look, good, book, cook ;oo 在 l,m,n 前发长音 /u:/,如 school, room, soon, zoo,4. th 发 / /的情况 /动词,如think,thank, throw数词,如 three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth 不定

4、代词,如 thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/?/的情况:亲属关系,如father, mother, brother指示代词,如this,that, these, those, the人称代词,如they, them,their, theirs; there介词,如with, without4.ch 读 /t?/; ck 读 /k/;ph 读/f/;sh 读 /?/;wh 读 /w/;5. 记住这些字母组合不同的发音情况!ea:heatseatleaveleadbreathe/i:/headbreadspread/e/g

5、reatbreaksteak/ei/forehead/i/ou:groupsouproute/u:/mouthsouthloud/au/southerncountryyoung/?/shouldersoul/?u/au:auntlaugh/a:/autumncausefault/?:/ie:pieceniecefield/i:/citiesladies/i/friend/e/lietie/ai/wallcallfall/?:l/chalktalkwalk/?:/ng:fingerlongeryounger/?g/singer/?/ee: fleetsleetcoffee/i:/th:bathp

6、athbreadthcloth/ /ei:weightfeint/ei/breathebatheclothes/ð/receivedeceiveseize ceilingveilingreceipt /i:/ch:teacherresearchmachinetechnical/k/height reich(德 )帝国 ) /ai/tion :suggestionquestion/?n/foreign/i/sion: revisiontelevision/?n/sovereign (君主 ) /i/ed: askedlookedstopped/t/oo: goodbookcook/u/n

7、aked/id/foodcoolfood/u:/wantedneeded/id/bloodflood/?/c, g, s, x: citydecidenicebicycle/s/ear: hearclearfeargear beardtear/i ?/couragecavecuriouscream/k/bearpearweartear / ?/exerciseexittext/ks/heard/?:/exampleexaminationexistexact/gz/heart/a:/g: age giantluggagevillagetechnologyhuge /d?/our : hourfl

8、oursour/au?/bagpighugegg/g/honourcolour/?/s: fastmapsgrass/s/journaljourney/?:/reasonnose/z/tourist/u?/measurepleasureoccasion/?/pourmourn(哀悼 )/?:/b: climb lamb subtle doubttombcomb bomb 不发音nourish(养育 ,施肥 )flourish( 兴旺 )/au/h:hourhonorhonestexhibition 不发音ur : turn nurse hurtsurface/?:/w:answerswordw

9、ritetwowrong 不发音surprisesurvivesurplus/?/k:knifekneeknockknowkneel 不发音al:halfcalmpalm/a:/练习题( B )10.A. sweaterB. teamC. breadD. head一、判断下列各词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同( C )11.A. bagB. mapC. gradeD. can的打“”。( B )12.A. farmB. warmC. farD. park1. firsther( )2. fifththere( )( B )13.A. orangeB. carrotC. clockD.

10、 holiday3. todayplay( )4. saysays( )( D )14.A. birdB. girlC. skirtD. fire5. eatkeep( )6. AprilMay( )( C )15.A. classB. grassC. takeD. last7. lookmoon( )8. grow touch( )四、默读下列句子,写出句子中含有所给单词划线部分相同读音9. makehave( )10.subjectmust( )词11.babymy( )12.favoriteEurope ( )1. The nurse in white skirt gave me a p

11、urse she picked up at work.二、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。bird nurse skirt purse work( B)1.A. rulerB. herC. teacher( A)2.A. bearB. dearC. hear2.The old woman with a yellow bag is walking slowly in the snow.( B)3.A. hobbyB. overC. cocklowold yellow slowly snow( A)4.A. grassB. cakeC. skate( B)5.A. inB. bikeC. little

12、3.David had no time to say goodbye and went home by bike.( C)6.A. goB. phoneC. stopwritetime goodbye by bike三、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(C)1. A. mustB. publicC. questionD. cup4.All right, you can come to the sports meeting with your daughter.(B)2. A. dangerB. herC. litterD. motherhorse All sports your daughter(

13、A)3. A. greatB breadC. readyD. head(B)4. A. dearB. bearC. hereD. near5.Many people have bread and milk for their breakfast every(A)5. A. cookB. roomC. foodD. schoolmorning.l (C)6. A. thirdB. thereC. fifthD. threehead have bread breakfast every(B)7. A. readB. readyC. teamD. sea(B)8. A. familyB.faceC. happyD. piano(A)9. A. instituteB. justC. underD. up


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