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1、.七年级上 Unit8单元检测卷二、 单项填空1.My birthday is on.A.June fourthB.June forthC.July fourD.June four2. Happy birthday to you,Gina!.A.All rightB.Thank youC.That s all rightD.You rewelcome3. When isDay? It s on June 1st.A.ChildB.ChildrenC.ChildsD.Childrens4. When is your school s contest? It sMay 25th.A.inB.onC

2、.atD.to5.There aremonths in a year.Themonth of a year is December.A.twelve;twelveB.twelfth;twelfthC.twelfth;twelveD.twelve;twelfth6.Our school hasArt Festival every year.A.aB.anC.theD./7. _ is your birthday? It s on May 2nd.A.WhenB.WhatC.WhereD.How8.Ia birthday party for my mother today.A. callB. ta

3、keC. haveD.play9.? I m fourteen.A.How are youB.When are youC.What are youD.How old are you10. I ll have a school trip next Sunday. _.A.Thank youB.Have a good timeC.You re welcomeD.You re wrong三、完形填空Gina is141old.2birthdayis onNovember3. Shelikesplaying4and56.Hersister,Amma,is12 years old. Her birthd

4、ayis on7eighth.Shelikes8books.Shelikes blue.Hersweater and910blue.She is very lovely(可爱的) .1.A.yearB.years oldC.yearsD.year old2.A.HeB.HerC.She sD.His3.A.twelveB.tenthC.tenD.seven.4.A.basketballB.a basketballC.the basketballD.basketballs5.A.playB.playingC.playsD.to play6.A.pianoB.the pianoC.pianosD.

5、apiano7.A.thirdB.sevenC.MayD.nine8.A.readingB.lookingC.seeingD.reads9.A.pantB.pantsC.trouserD.a trouser10.A.is allB.isC.are allD.all are四、阅读理解AToday is November 8th. It s Gina s birthday. She is twelve. Jim, Kate and Billare her friends. They want to buy some presents(礼物)for Gina. They go to the sho

6、pnear the school. There are a lot of things in the shop. They buy a big cake,two boxes of color pencils, a pencil box and some nice exercise books. They want to buy twodolls (玩具) for Gina. But all the dolls are too dear(贵的) .1.How old is Gina today?A.12.B.13.C.11.D.10.2.Gina hasfriends.A.threeB.four

7、C.twoD.only one3.is near the school.A.Their homeB.A factoryC.The shopD.The farm4.They buy _ for Gina.A. a big cakeB. two boxes of color pencilsC. a pencil box and some nice exercise booksD.A,B and C5.When is Gina s birthday?A. Today.B. It s Gina s birthday.C. November 8th.D. Sorry,I don t know.BBirt

8、hdays of my familyThere are five people in my family. My (1)birthday is in January. We( 2 )看电视on her birthday and eat a big birthday cake(蛋糕) .March is the (3)month of a year. In my family, we have three birthdays in March.(4 ) My sister sbirthday is on March 6th.My birthday is on March 16th.My gran

9、dfather s birthdayis in March, too. My father s birthday is in December. It(5 )12 月 26 日s. on根据短文内容,完成下列任务。6.给空格( 1 )处选择一个正确的选项:A.motherB.mothersC.mothersD.mothers7.将画线( 2 )处词组译成英语:8.在空格( 3 )处填一个恰当的序数词:.9.将画线( 4 )译成汉语:10. 将画线( 5)处日期写成英语:五、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1.S12th is Sally s birthday.2.Fusually has only

10、 twenty-eight days.3.Dis the last month of a year.4.New Year s Day is on J1st.5.O1st is the Chinese National Day.6. Do you want to come to my birthday p? Sure.7. How many m_are there in a year? Twelve.8.The eleventh month of a year is N.9. A_is the eighth month of a year.10.We are very hon Children

11、s Day.六、句型转换1.Dave has his birthday party on July 22nd.(改为一般疑问句)_ Dave _ his birthday party on July 22nd?2. Does Mike have a good trip?(作出否定回答) No,_ _.3.My birthday is on June 4th.(就画线部分提问)_ _ your birthday?4.They have an English speech contest every year.(改为一般疑问句) _ they _ an English speech contest

12、 every year?5. _ _ are you?(根据答语完成问句) I m thirteen.七、书面表达 (满分 15 分)Tom是实验中学的一名学生,请根据11 月份的日程表,写一篇60 词左右的短文介绍Tom 在 11 月份的活动,可适当发挥。11.6have a birthdaypartyfor mybrother11.16Art Festival11.20basketball game11.28English Day_Unit 8When is your birthday?检测题听力原文及参考答案一、. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。1.Which season d

13、o you like best?.2.Maria,your new dress is beautiful!3.What do you think of the basketball match?4.Hello!Who s that speaking?5.Why not go to the park with me this afternoon? . 听对话,写出你所听到的日期,将其代号填在横线上。对话读两遍。6.M:When is your birthday, Mary?W:My birthday is on January fifteenth.7.M:When is your birthda

14、y, Vera?W:It s on June fourth.8.M:When is your father s birthday?W: My father s birthday is on August fourth. Oh, no, twenty-second.9.M:When is your mother s birthday?W: My mother s birthday is on July 4th.10.M:When is Madam Curie s birthday, do you know?W:It s on December 7th. . 听对话,选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。1

15、1.M:How old are you, Lingling?W:Eight.My birthday is on August 16th.12.M:ItsSeptember 1st.It s the first day of school.W:We can see our friends again today.13.M:Dudu, when were you born?W:Let me see. I was born on April 12th.M:Oh, I was born on February 3rd.I am older than you.14.M:Lily, do you like

16、 apples?W:Yes, I do.M:I have an apple. Here you are.W:Thank you.15.M:Hello, this is Tom speaking.W1:Hello, Tom. This is Aunt Mary. Is Mum at home?M:Yes, hold on, please. Mum! Mum!W2:I m coming. . 听句子,填入所缺单词,每空一词。每个句子读两遍。16.My birthday party is on October 5th.17.The basketball game is on October 2nd.

17、18.The school trip is on September 15th.19.When s the English contest?20.He was born on November 21st.15ABBCC 610CBEDH1115CABBA 16.party17.October18.trip19.English20.November二、1.A根据日期的正确表达法可知,只有 A 项正确。基数词 four对应的序数词为fourth 。2.B别人向你祝贺生日,你应表示感谢。3. D儿童节应表达为“Children s Day D”。 , 故选4.B在具体的某天介词用on 。.5.D根据

18、常识知一年有 12 个月。第 12个月应用序数词。6.B读音以元音音素开头的单词前用不定冠词an 。7.A提问在什么时候疑问词用when 。8.C动词 have 在此意为“举行;进行活动”。9.D根据答语可知,上句是询问对方的年龄。10. B 当听到对方下周日要去参加学校郊游的时候,应祝愿对方“过得愉快”,故选B。三、 1.C .years old意为“岁”。2.B形容词性物主代词修饰其后的名词birthday ;又因 Gina 为女性,故选 B。3.B几月几日的表达法为:月份+ 序数词。4.Aplay basketball意为“打篮球”。5.Bplaying the piano与前面的 pl

19、aying basketball同为 likes 的宾语,故形式上应一致,都用动名词形式。与play 连用时,球类名词前不加任何冠词;西洋乐器名词前要加定冠词the 。6.B7.C根据句意知,她的生日是“5月 8 日”,故选 C 项。8.Alike doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。read books意为“读书”。9.Bpants “短裤”和 trousers“裤子”都是成双成对的物品,一般以复数形式出现。表示“一条短裤”或“一条裤子”可用a pair of. 。10.Call 为不定代词,用在实义动词之后或be 动词、助动词等之前。四、 1.A 由 She is twelve. 可知

20、。2.A由 Jim, Kate and Bill are her friends.可知。3.C由 They go to the shop near the school.可知。4.D由文中内容判断可知。5.C由第一句可知“吉娜的生日是在11 月 8日”。6.B7.watch TV8.third9.我妹妹的生日是在3 月 6 日。10.December 26th五 、 1.September2.February3.December4.January5.October6.party7.months 8.November9.August10.happy六、 1.Does , have2.he doe

21、sn t3.When is4.Do, have5.How old七、 One possible version:I have some interesting things to do in November. My brother s birthday is onNovember 6th. I want to have a birthday party for him. On November 16 th , myschoolhasan ArtFestivalandonNovember20th,wehavea basketballgame.English Day is on November 28 th. This is a really busy month.


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