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1、委托书英文范本4 篇精选模板委托书是指委托他人代表自己行使自己的合法权益,委托人在行使权力时需出具委托人的法律文书。而委托人不得以任何理由反悔委托事项。以下是为大家精心准备的委托书英文范本。欢迎参考阅读!委托书英文范本篇一I,_,of_,hereby appoint_我, _(姓名 ), _(地址等 ),在此指g 定_(姓名 ),_(地址或律师事务所名称等 ),为我的律师,以我的身份履行一切实践中我通过律师所能从事的合法行为。 本权利在以下载明日期全权生效并一直持续到 _或持续到双方当事人规定的延展期或提前撤销期。Dated_日期: _STATE OF_签(名处 )地址: _COUNTY OF

2、_州名和县名: _委托书英文范本篇二Letter of AttorneyConsigner: Hu Fang, female, ID Card No.: Trustee: Fu Zhihua, male,ID Card No.:The consignor Hu Fang and the trustee Fu Zhihua was registered to marry on Sept.7, 19xx. On August 25, 20xx, their son Fu Pengyuan wasborn. Now, the consignor Hu Fang entrust her husband

3、 Fu Zhihua being fully responsible for all the affairs regarding their son Fu Pengyuan during his staying in foreign country from August 2, 20xx to August 19, 20xx.The period validity of the letter of attorney is from signing the letter of attorney to the son gets back to China.The Trustee has no en

4、trustment transferring right.Consigner: Hu FangJune 27, 20xx译文:委托人:胡芳,女,公民身份号码:受托人 : 付志华,男 , 公民身份号码:委托人胡芳和受托人付志华于一九xx 年九月七日登记结婚,二0xx 年八月二十五日生育一子付鹏远,现委托人胡芳委托丈夫付志华全权负责儿子付鹏远在国外期间的一切事务。本委托书期限自签署之日起至回国之日为止。受托人无转委托权。委托人:二 xx 年六月二十七日委托书英文范本篇三我/ 我们是 _的公民 / 法人,根据中华人民共和国专利法第19条的规定,兹委托 _ (机构代码: _),并由该机构指定其专利代理

5、人 _、_代为办理名称为 _申请号(或专利号 )/ 国际申请号为 _的专利申请在中华人民共和国的全部专利事宜。Pursuant to the Article 19 of the Patent Law of the Peoples Republic of China, I/we, citizen/legal entity of_hereby authorize_ (Code:_) to appoint its patent attorney(s)_ ,_ tohandle all patent affairs related to the application with title as_ a

6、ndapplication number(or patent number)/international application number as_in the PRC.委托人姓名或名称Authorized by (Name)_委托人签字或盖章Signature or Seal_被委托专利代理机构盖章Seal of the Authorized Agent_委托日期Date of Authorization_委托书英文范本篇四I,_ (name), am the legal representative of Henan Road BridgeConstruction Group Co.,

7、Ltd. (the bidder name), hereby appoint Yang Mei (name) as our agent. The agent is granted to sign, clarify, explain, supplement, submit, withdraw and amend the bidding documents for A1, A5 sections of Qianfeng Farm to Nenjiang Road, Yichun to Nenjiang Section Construction Project, Yichun to Beian Se

8、ction Civil Engineering and Beian to Wudalianchi Scenic Section Bridge Engineering (project name). The agent is also responsible for signing the contract and dealing with relevant matters in the name of our party, and we shall bear the legal consequences.Commission Period: 90 days from the expiratio

9、n date for the bidding documents submitted by the bidderWe dont authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf.Attachment: Certificate of Identity of the Legal RepresentativeBidder: Henan Road Bridge Construction Group Co.Ltd.(Seal) Legal Representative: _ (Signa

10、ture)Post: General Manager, Chairman of the BoardID card No.: _Entrusted Agent: _Post: Staff of Operating DepartmentI.D. card No.: _December:_译文:本人 _(姓名 )系河南省路桥建设集团有限公司(投标人名称)的法定代表人,现委托杨玫 (姓名 )为我方代理人。代理人根据授权,以我方名义签署、澄清、说明、补正、递交、撤回、修改前锋农场至嫩江公路伊春至嫩江段建设项目伊春至北安段土建工程及北安至五大连池景区段桥梁工程 (项目名称 )A1、A5 标段施工投标文件、 签订合同和处理有关事宜,其法律后果由我方承担。委托期限:自投标人提交投标文件截止日期起计算 90 天 代理人无转委托权。 附:法定代表人身份证明投标人:河南省路桥建设集团有限公司法定代表人:职务:总经理、董事长身份证号码: _委托代理人: _职务:经营部职员身份证号码: _日期: _


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