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1、第三单元形容词和副词知识梳理A. 考点要义 有关形容词和副词的内容较多, 本章节只涉及在运用形容词和副词时应注意的问题,而因为形容词的比较极与副词的比较相近,所以把两者合并起来总结。B. 模块构建模块一形容词的位置及用法1如形容词修饰由some-, any-, no-, every与 one, body, thing(where)等构成的复合不定代词(副词)时应位于其后2少数以a开头的表语形容词(如alike, alive, asleep, afraid, aware, alone,ashamed, awake, ahead) , 以 able, -ible结尾的形容词(如acceptable

2、,available,possible,suitable)以及absent,present,concerned,involved这四个词,通常位于其后。3当几个并列的形容词同时修饰一个名词时,一般采用评价,描述性形容词先于事实性形容词的办法。一般的排列顺序为:数量好坏大小形状新旧(年龄)颜色产地材料用途名词4大部分形容词既可作定语也可作表语,但以下形容词只能作表语:上面所罗列的以a开头的形容词再加上content,glad,ill,poorly,unable,unwell,well.以下形容词只能作定语:little, weekly, outer, live, inner, latter, g

3、olden,right, daily, elder, spare, major, former, minor, sorry,等。5大多数以 ly 结尾的词是副词, 但是有些以 lymonthly,deadly,nightly,early,quarterly,结尾的副词也同时是形容词:kindly,weekly,likely,daily,yearly,lowly6. 以 ly 结尾的不是副词而是形容词的有: deathly, silly, friendly, soldierly,brotherly, lively,manly, cowardly, motherly, ugly, lonely,

4、womanly, lovely7. 有些形容词既可作形容词也可作副词,使用时要根据它在句中的作用来判断,常见的词有: clean, late, clear, long, close, low, deep, much, direct, near, enough, quick, far, slow, fast, straight, firm, tight, hard, wide, high, wrong.模块二副词的位置和用法1 多数副词位于动词之后,如有宾语则位于宾语之后,但如宾语太长时也可置于宾语之前。有些方式副词well, badly, hard等只能放在句尾。2 副词的排列顺序为: (1)

5、时间,地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位的在后。( 2)方式副词,短的在前,长的在后,并用and 或 but等连词连接。( 3)多个不同副词排列为:程度 +地点 +方式 +时间副词3 副词 very 可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。副词enough 要放在形容词的后面,形容词 enough 放在名词的前后都可。模块三形容词和副词的比较级和最高级1 对于形容词和副词的构词法,特别是一些不规则变化的形容词和副词,同学们应该牢记在心,这里不再一一列举。2 形容词和副词的原级比较有以下三种形式:as .as / not so ( as) as . /no as as,在应用的时候应注意此结构中的第二个as

6、 系连词,它后面应是一个从句,但在实际使用中常用它的省略式。如这一省略式是一个代词,这一代词应该用主格形式,但在口语中也可用宾格。3 在形容词和副词的原级比较中可加入一些表示程度,倍数的词,表示强调。这些词有 just, almost, quite, nearly, .times等。4 形容词和副词的比较级也有以下三种形式:比较级+than+ . / more + 原级 +than/ less +原级 +than . 与原级结构一样,连词后面的代词也可用宾格代替主格;比较级也可有一些词或电于对此进行强调。表示强调的词有:much, far, by far,a lot, even, still,

7、 a bit, a great deal, all the ., two years (months,weeks, hours), .times等。5 需注意的是并非所有的形容词或副词都有比较级。下列形容词没有比较级:(1)表示 “终极”意义或绝对概念的形容词或副词。如absolute(ly), blind, dead,excellent, entire, living, full, perfect(ly), round, wrong等。( 2)表示时间,方位或方向的。 如:back,backward,forward, front,past, monthly,weekly,present, s

8、outhern等。( 3)部分表示事物性质,物质材料或结构成分的形容词。如: cultural, economic, educational, golden, political等。6 形容词和副词的最高级一般采用“ the +最高级 + 表示范围的短语或从句”这一形式。但如是副词, 最高级前的定冠词可以省略。最高级也可用 much, by far,nearly,almost, very, even, really, nothing like, next等词以及序数词来修饰。7 形容词最高级前也有不用the 的情况:( 1)形容词最高级用来加强语气,有“非常,极其”的意思,前面不用the, 有

9、时可用不定冠词。 (2)形容词最高级前面有物主代词或指示代词或名词所有格等限定修饰时,不再用the. (3)当两个形容词最高级同时修饰一个名词时,后一个形容词最高级前通常省略the.8 在比较结构中, 从句中的名词或动词如与主句中的名词,动词完全一样, 经常用 one,ones, that, those, do, did来到土这一重复的名词或动词。9 表达比较时, than 后面的从举可以是省略结构,但不能造成比较对象不清楚, 导致不相干的两个方面去对比。如:The summer in Hangzhou is as terrible as Wuhan.( 错句 ) The summer in

10、Hangzhou is as terrible as that in Wuhan. (正确 ) 。10. old, 和 far 各有两套比较级和最高级, 使用时应注意它们之间的区别: ( 1)older,oldest指时间,年龄,年代的长短或久远,既可指人也可指物,既可作定语又可作表语。 elder, eldest指家庭成员的长幼关系,经常作定语。( 2 ) farther,farthest表示距离上的较远,更远,最远; further,表示程度上的更远,更进一步; furthest现在已经很少用了。例题剖析1. Radio, television and press _ of conveyi

11、ng new as information.A. are the most three commonB. are the most three common meansC. are the three most common meansD. are three the most common means剖析:本题考查形容词最高级的词序问题。因为most 修饰形容词common,构成形容词的最高级, 所以 most 一定要放在所修饰的形容词common的前面, 数字通常要放在形容词前面,另外,冠词一般要放在最前面,故答案是C.2. Americans eat _ as they actually

12、 need every day.A. twice as much proteinB. twice protein as muchC. twice protein as muchD. protein as twice much剖析:本题考查的是倍数的表达方式。正确的方法是:times as .as .,在两个 as 之间可用 many ( 修饰可数名词 ) , much(修饰不可数名词)和其他相应的词。所以答案是 A.3. I couldn t find _, and so I took this one.A. a large enough coatB. an enough large coat

13、C. a large coat enoughD. a coat enough large剖析:本题考查enough 在句中的正确位置。enough 在句中修饰形容词或副词时,一般位于被修饰词之后。选项B 是汉语的词序;选项C 中把 large和 enough 割裂开,显然不对。而在选项D 中把 enough 放在 large之前,又把enough large放在被修饰的名词coat 之后,更不对。故答案选A.4. Mr. Smith was _ moved at the news.A. deepB. deeplyC. very deepD. quite deeply剖析:该题的正确答案为 B.

14、 选项 A 中的 deep 用做副词时, 修饰具体的深, 如 dig deep, 而选项 B 中的 deeply 则修饰表示感情色彩的词, 如该题为 deeply moved. 另如 deeply regret 等。而选项 D 中的 quite 和 deeply 均为副词,不能相互修饰。随堂练习1 I used to smoke _ but I gave it up three years ago.A. seriouslyB. heavilyC. badlyD. severely2. The little man was _ one meter fifty high.A. almost mor

15、e thanB. hardly more thanC. nearly more thanD. as much as3. Tom s father thinks he is already _.A. high enoughB. tall enoughC. enough highD. enoughtall4. The teacher in green is _ of the two.A. more patientB.the most patientC.the more patientpatient5. She is _ than her younger sister.A. less richerB

16、. not more richC. less richD. no rich6. It is _ for anyone to choose good friends.A. the most importantB. too importantC. a most importantD. most important7. The new reservoir is _ the old one.A. the size of five times thanB. the size of five timesC. five times big thanD. five times the size of8. He

17、 is so frightened that he _ knows what to say.A. nearlyB. almostC. hardlyD. mostlyD.very简析:1答案是 B. 全句的意思是 “我过去抽烟很厉害,但三年前已经戒了。”“抽烟厉害”和“雨下得很大”一样都应用副词heavily修饰。2本句讲的是一个人身材矮小,句中little的意思是 small size. 在 4个选项中,只有hardly more than从否定角度表示小个子的身高,而选项C的意思是 “几乎超过“,是从肯定角度来谈论身高的。选项D的意思是“多达” ,不能来表达身高,选项 A与C的意思相似,所以

18、答案是 B.3该题的正确答案是B. 修饰人高用 tall,而建筑物的高用 high, 并且 enough修饰形容词时要放在形容词的后面。4. 该题的答案是 C, 因为在一般的比较级结构中不加冠词, 但如果表示两个人或物的比较时要用冠词,选项 B是最高级,可以排除,选项 D没用比较级,更不正确。5本题中的形容词 rich 的比较级的构成是 richer和 less rich,选项 B和D不符合题目的要求,而选项 A是比较级的重叠,是一个在运用形容词比较级时的典型错误。6形容词的最高级如果不用定冠词来修饰,则most相当于 very 。7本题考查倍数的表达法。如果不是用形容词,而是用the siz

19、e / length / height/ width/ depth等,那么表倍数的短语应放在名词前面。8 从本题的题意看空格内应该填一个带有否定意思的词,表示 “他不知道该说什么”而 nearly 和 almost 的意思是“几乎”, mostly 表示“大部分的” ,故答案是 C.。归纳提炼1 哪些形容词只能作定语或表语?_2. 哪些词既能用作形容词有能充当副词?_3.哪些形容词或副词没有比较级?_4.哪些词或短语可以修饰形容词或副词的原级和比较级?_过关检测1.Ann is _ than I.A. a head shorterB.tallera headC.shorter a headD.

20、a headtall2. I think it too wide. I want a _ one.A. narrowB. the narrowC. narrowerD. more narrow3. Tom is the tallest of _ in the Smith family.A. any other memberB. any of the membersC. anyone of the membersD. all the members4. Wednesday is _ day.A. the our busiestB. our busiestC. our the busiestD.

21、a ourbusiest5. - Do you enjoy listening to records?-I think records are often _ an actual performance.A. as good as or better thanB. as good or better thanC. like good or better thanD. as good as any other6. -Its six o clock and your father is still at the office.- I know. Who else would _ he does?A

22、. be as hard working asB. be working harder thanC. do harder work thanD. work as hard as7. It s always difficultbeingin a foreign country, _ ifyou dontspeakthe language.A. extremelyB. especiallyC. basicallyD. naturally8. To plant the tree, we must dig _.A. a three feet deep holeB. three-foot-deep a

23、holeC. a hole three feet deepD. a three-feet deep hole9. - Are you going to the football game?-No, the tickets are _ for me.A. terrible expensiveB. so much expensiveC. far too expensiveD. highly expensive10._ carvings were donated to the museum.A. Original twenty wood AfricanB. Twenty original wood

24、AfricanC. African twenty original woodD. Twenty original African wood11.Mr. Brown told me that he would go _.A.to downtownB.downtownC.fordowntownD.in downtown12.John has three sisters. Mary is the _ of the three.A. most cleverestB. more cleverC. cleverestD. cleverer13.ProfessorBlackhas writtensome s

25、hortstories,but he is_ famous forhis plays.A. the mostB. the moreC. moreD. much14.She told us _ story that we all forgot about the time.A. such an interestingB. such interesting aC. so an interestingD. a so interesting15. It is impossible for so _ workers to do so _ work in a single way.A. few, much

26、B. few, manyC. little, muchD. little, many16. This year they have produced _ grain _ they did last year.A. as less, asB. as few, asC. less, thanD. fewer, than17. The littleheroheldhishead _ beforetheenemy and the people aroundhim were _ moved.A. highly,deep B.high, deeply C. highly, deeplyD. high, d

27、eep18. There are more _ houses in this village than in that one.A. new-builtB. new-buildingC. newly-builtD. built-newly19. Afterthefight,a caretaker foundthata young man _ so he telephonedfor an ambulance immediately.A. was injured seriouslyB. was serious injuredC. seriously injuredD. was seriously

28、injured20.Dogs possess hearing abilities far superior to _.A. those of their ownersB. that of their ownersC. their ownersD. ones of their owners简析:1 答案是 A. 句中的 a head起强调的作用,表示“高出一个头” ,放在比较级的前面。2 答案是 C. 这里用比较级是强调比前面提到的那个要窄一点的,因为第一句的含义是it 太宽了。3 答案是 D. 全句的意思是 “ Tom是 Smith 家里最高的。 ”这其中当然包括 Tom本人,而 any ot

29、her 是表示“除了。 。以外的” 。4 答案是 B.如果形容词最高级前有物主代词修饰,可以代替定冠词。5 答案是 A.选项 C 的前半部分不符合语法习惯,选项B 中少了as,而 any other只用于同类比较。6 答案是 D. 选项 A 和 B 中的动词不一致,一个是be, 一个是 does,选项 C 不符合英文习惯。7 答案是 B.全句的意思是“在一个陌生的国家生活很困难,特别是当你不懂当地的语言的时候。”其他三个词分别为“extremely非常地basically基本地naturally自然地8 答案是 C. 表示“多少米深的。 。”可用两种方法:1) a +数字 - (连字符)量词(

30、单数 ( 连字符 )deep + 名词 2 ) a + 名词 + 数字 +量词 +deep9 答案是 C. 本题考查能修饰形容词原级的词语,除了选项C 外。其他都不正确。10. 答案是 D. 形容词之间排列的原则应遵循数量好坏大小形状新旧(年龄)颜色产地材料用途名词, 这里 twenty 是数字,original 是新旧(年龄),11答案是D. 句中的 downtown 是副词,直接跟动词,之间无需介词。12答案是C. 表示三者以上的比较用最高级。13答案是C. 句子的含义是“ Professor Black的剧本比他的小说还要出名。”14答案是 A. such 和 so 与形容词一起修饰名词

31、时,词序是不一样的:such + a + adj.+ n. / so + adj. + a + n.15.答案是 A. few只能修饰可数名词。故选项C 和 D 可以排除,而句中的work 是不可数名词, many用于可数名词。16答案是C. grain是不可数名词,排除B 和 D, 选项 A 中 as less as 是原级和比较级混淆了。17答案是B. highly没有表示具体高度的含义,“把某人的头高高扬起”的英文表达是 hold one s head high,而表示“深深地感动了”要用deeply18 .答案是 C. 这里的构词法是:副词+动词的过去分词,构成形容词。19答案是D.

32、在被动语态中,副词通常放在be 动词和过去分词之间。20答案是A. be superiorto 也是比较级的一种,因为abilities是复数,所以要用those.Choose the correct form in parentheses.1. Her child behaved ( bad / badly)2.The time to begin draws (near / nearly).3. He was ( formerly / formally) the president of the association.4. The bird flew ( high / highly).5.

33、 They are (altogether/ alltogether) too busy to take on anotherassignment.6. I wish to discuss the matter ( further / farther).7. I was kept up ( late / lately) last night by my work.8. This ( pretty little / little pretty) Chinese girl is his niece.9. We could (hard / hardly) hear the announcer.10.I shall be seeing her (short / shortly).答案: 1. badly2.near3.formerly4.high5.altogether7. late8. pretty little9.hardly10.shortly6.further


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