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1、。听力部分( 40 分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10分)1.() A. storybookB. copybookC. notebook2.() A. rabbitB. rubberC. ruler3.() A. basketballB. baseballC.football4.() A computerB. crayonC. camera5.() A. herB. yourC. his6.() A.toiletB.tigerC.toy7.() A.fatB.fiveC.four8.() A.catB.crayonC.dog9.() A.monkeyB.birdC.rabbit10.()

2、 A.pandaB.pencilC.pen二、请你先听录音,然后选出与你所听到内容同属一类的单词。( 5% )() 1. A. penB. pieC. hatD. violin() 2.A. breadB. pencilC. cupD. father() 3.A. notebookB. sheC. juiceD. piano() 4.A. niceB. footballC. hereD. bear() 5.A. shortB. thirstyC. theyD. fat三、听问句,找出正确的应答(5 分)() 1.A. Su Yang s.B. My father s.C. Su Yang s

3、father s.() 2.A. Twenty-two.B. Two twenty.C. Two.() 3.A. At six.B. At six fifteen.C. At six fifty.-可编辑修改 -。() 4.A. He s sleepy.B. He s ill.C. He s thirsty.() 5.A. It s Nancy s.B. It s Helen s.C. It s Yang Ling s四、选出你所听到的句子的正确翻译(5分)1.() A. 1+1= ?B. 1-1=?2.() A. 该上学了。B. 该回家了。3.() A. 几点了?B. 五点了。4.() A.

4、 你什么时候回家?B. 该回家了。5.() A. 你怎么了?B. Mike怎么了?五.听录音排句子顺序。 ( 10% )() 1.May I come in,Miss Li?() 2.Su Yang,is this yourbookmark?() 3.Look,what s that on the desk?() 4.No,it isn t.Perhaps it s Miss Li s.() 5.Come in,please.() 6.It s a pencil case.() 7.It s on the desk.() 8.Is this your ball pen?() 9.Where i

5、s your umbrella?() 10.Thanks a lot.六、请你先听录音,然后在对话中填入所缺的单词。( 5% )-可编辑修改 -。Helen:What s _?Mike:It s_.Helen:Oh,it s! Let sthe_ .Mike:OK.But_?Helen:.笔试部分( 60 分)一、请你判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“” 。( 10% )()1. keycat() 2. bigorange() 3. smallseven() 4. rabbitbag()5. deskpen() 6. lookzoo() 7. nowknow() 8.

6、wherewhose() 9.there three()10.fifteentelephone二、请你写出下列词组和句子的汉语或英语。( 10% )1这支红钢笔 this _ _2几点了?3他的风筝 _ _4 一本英语书 _ _book5 (去 ) 睡觉 _ to _6 下午 _ the _7 8:10 _ _8 打开你们的书 _ your _9 Why don t you have a look? _10 It s time to read the storybook. _三、请你选择正确答案。( 15% )() 1. Whatsthe time, please?A. This is fiv

7、e .B. It s five .C. At five .-可编辑修改 -。() 2. Here s a new sweater _ you.Thank you.A. inB. toC. for() 3. Do you like dolls?No, I _.A. doB. dontC. not() 4. What s one and one?. _.A. ElevenB. TenC. Two() 5. She _ so funny.A. looksB. lookC. looking() 6. It s nine. Go to bed, David.All right._, Mum.A. Goo

8、d nightB. Good morningC. Good evening() 7. I play football _ afternoon.A. inB. at theC. in the() 8. I m tired._.A.Here s some water. B.Sit down, please.C. Have a pizza.() 9. Is this your puzzle? _,it is.A. NotB. NoC. Yes() 10. May I have a bookmark _Su Yang?A. forB. toC. give() 11._ you like dolls?A

9、. AreB. CanC. Do() 12._ is my ruler? It s in your pencil case.A. WhereB. Where s C. What() 13. What s that _?A. on EnglishB. over there C. here() 14. The jacket is _.A. NancyB. NancysC. Nancys() 15. _ that your pencil case?A.isB.AreC.Is四、填入适当的冠词a, an._/_ (5%)-可编辑修改 -。1.I d like _ apple.2.Whats that?

10、 Its_ monkey.3.I like your _ panda.4.Can I have _ look?5.Here is _ orange balloon for you.五、选词填空 ,不可重复使用。 ( 5% )myyourhishertheir1.This isn tyourbook. That is _ book.2.-Is that your tape?-No, it isnt_tape.3.Mike is an English boy. _ brother is David.4. -Do you like _ skirt?-Yes. I like my skirt very

11、 much.5. Mr. Black and Mrs.Black are very nice. _ children are Nancy and David.六、连词成句(10 分 )1. dress, is , for, my, this, mother (.)2. you, like, do, ball pen, that (?)3. do, you, what, like (?)4 like, I d, bear, that, toy (.)5 the, on, desk, perhaps, it s (.)6、 do to goschool time what you (? )7、 t

12、hewhatspleasetime(? .)8、 beagaindon tlate (.)-可编辑修改 -。9 、 boysnowopenyourgirlsand books (.)10 、 the wordsnewwriteinnotebookyour (.)八、 在 B 栏中找出 A 栏相对应的答句,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(5 分)AB() 1. Where s my watch?A. No, I don t.() 2. What do you like?B. Thank you.() 3.Do you like apples?C.How nice!() 4.This new bag is for you.D. I like rabbits.() 5.Look at my new sweater.E. It s on the table.本文来源于 :http:/ html-可编辑修改 -。THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改 -


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