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1、八年级英语学科导学案课题Unit 1Whats the matter?课型综合课主备审核班级八年姓名时 间年3月5日小 组编 号【学习目标】:知识与技能:1. 能听说读写重点单词和词组: matter, sore, have a cold, stomachache, have a stomachache, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down, rest, cough, X-ray, toothache, take ones temperature,see a dentist2.句型:学会用 Whats the matter? I

2、have a cold. I have a stomachache. I have a sore back. I have a sore throat. 谈论身体情况。3. 学习用 should 给出建议过程与方法:向学生展示图片,同时播放录音,让学生努力地听,理解大意;采用学生模仿录音读,并和老师合作对话练习,学生之间对话练习;情感态度与价值观: 通过谈论身体状况给出同学相应的建议, 可以使同学之间的情谊加深。【学习重点】:能询问并表述身体的种种不适以及对他人身体的种种不适给予适当的建议。【学习难点】:用 should 给出建议,使用情态动词。【学法指导】 :“组织课堂复习导入新课讲授新知识

3、操练巩固”来开展教学预习交流把你所知道的身体部位的单词写下来,并写出其相应的中文意思。 eye 眼睛 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _【合作探究 1、 What s the matter?怎么了,其后常与介词with 连用。类似的问句还有:_Whats the matter with Ben? (改为同义句) Whats _ with Jim?2、情态动词 should 的用法1)should 常用来表示劝告、建议、认为某人应该做某事。2)should 本身不能单独作谓语,必须和动词原形连用。 should 没有人称和数的变化,其否定形式为 shouldn

4、t.如: We_ study hard我.们应该努力学习。You_ play computer games你.不应该玩电脑游戏。He _ lie down and rest. 他应该躺下来休息。【达标检测】一、翻译以下短语:1、感冒 _ 2 、背疼_3、发烧 _ 4 、量体温_5、腹痛 _ 6 、嗓子疼_7、牙疼 _ 8 、上点药_9、去看医生_10、躺下来休息 _ 11 、头疼_12、看牙医_ 13 、照 X 光片 _14、喝些加蜂蜜的热茶_二、完成句子:1、你怎么了?What s the matter _ you?2、他怎么了?What s the matter _ _?3、她昨天感冒了。

5、She _ a cold yesterday.4、 Mary 咳嗽。 Mary _.5、我觉得头很热。My head _ very _.【课堂总结】:询问并表述身体的种种不适以及对他人身体的种种不适给予适当的建议。【拓展训练】单项选择。() What s _ with you?A. troubleB. the matterC. the wrongD. matter() _? Nothing serious, but a bit tired.A. Is that allB. Is there anything elseC. What s thisD. What s the matterithw

6、you()【 2013 湖北孝感】 _? I have a headache and I don t feel like eating anything.A. How are youB. What can I do for youC. What s the matter with youD. How do you like it()【2011云南昆明】27. What shet matter with Tina?_.A. She is away.B. She is cool.C. She has a sore throat. D. She should take some medicine 【

7、布置作业】:完成学案上的作业。【教与学反思】:预习交流完成下列句子。1、你还好吗?XX 中学八年级英语学科导学案课 题Unit 1Whats the matter?课型综合课主 备XX审核XX班级八年姓 名时 间XX小 组编号YY002【学习目标】:知识与技能:1、重点单词: headache, break, hurt, herself,2、短语: have a fever,take breaks/take a breakin the same waygo to a doctor.3、句型: Are you OK? Do you have a fever? Yes, I do. /No, I

8、don t.What should she do? She should take her temperature.Should I put some medicine on it? Yes, you should. /No, you shouldn t.过程与方法:向学生展示图片,同时播放录音,让学生努力地听,理解大意;采用学生模仿录音读,并和老师合作对话练习,学生之间对话练习;情感态度与价值观: 通过谈论身体状况给出同学相应的建议, 可以使同学之间的情谊加深。【学习重点】:使用 should, shouldn出给t合理的建议。【学习难点】:使用should, shouldnt出合理的建议。

9、给【学法指导】 :“组织课堂复习导入新课讲授新知识操练巩固”来开展教学Are you _?2、我该怎么办?_ should I _?3、我应该量体温吗?Should I _ _ _?4、我头疼。I have _ _.5、你周末做什么了 ? What_ you_ on the _?6、你应该离开电脑休息一下。You need to _ _ _ _the computer.7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think you should _ _ and rest.【合作探究 1、小组成员轮流读对话并翻译,划出疑难准备提问。2、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上。【达标检测】短语翻译:1

10、、 休息 _ _2、没有移动_3、以相同的方式_ 4、听起来像 _5、割伤自己_ 6、让自己受伤 _7、在伤口上敷点药 _ 8、跌倒 _【课堂总结】:用英语熟练的谈论身体状况给出同学相应的建议。【拓展训练】单项选择。1、()【2012 曲靖中考】 I didn sleept well last night, because I _ a toothache .A. wasB. wentC. hadD. took2、()【 2013 山东莱芜】 Tony, What s _ matter with you? I have _ toothache.A. a; theB. the; aC. /; th

11、eD. the; /3、() Mr. Smith eats _ food, so he s _ fat.A .much too; too muchB .too many; much tooC. too much; too muchD. too much ;much too4、()【 2013 孝感】 Why are you so tired these days?Well, I have _ homework to do.A. too muchB. too many C . much too D. many too5、()You _ be quiet when you are in the r

12、eading room.A. shouldB. shouldn tC. canD. can t6、()【 2013 安徽】 You _ drive your car so fast.It s very dangerous.A. wouldn tB. shouldn t C. couldn t D. mightn t7、() David needs _ a good rest.A. has B. to haveC. have8、()The boy isn t _ to dress himself.A. old enoughB. enough oldC. old9、() I m sorry to

13、break your pen. _A. That s right B. It doesn t matterC.Thank you【布置作业】:完成学案上的作业。【教与学反思】:XX 中学八年级英语学科导学案课 题Unit 1Whats the matter?课 型综合课主 备XX审核XX班 级八年姓 名时 间小 组编号YY003【学习目标】:知识与技能 :1、重点单词: herself2、短语: hurt oneselfhave a sore throat put some medicine ontake one stemperatureFall downlie down3、句型: Whats

14、 the matter with?She should put some medicine on the cut.She should lie down and rest.过程与方法:突出重点,突破难点:通过听力训练、做调查、小组竞赛等多种形式反复操练重点句型,巩固所学知识,提高灵活运用能力,通过操练中人称的变化和幻灯片展示帮助学生更好地领会语法。情感态度与价值观:通过对人生的讨论,树立自己的人生理想。【学习重点】:使用 should, shouldn给出t合理的建议。【学习难点】:根据不同的病症给出多个合理建议。【学法指导】:教学中关注学生的情感,努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围,尊重每个

15、学生,积极鼓励他们大胆尝试,保护他们的自尊心和积极性。预习交流自读 Grammar Focus 两次,弄懂含义。【合作探究 1、组内熟读 Grammar Focus, 并演练对话。2、独立完成 4a、4b,小组内互相检查,解决疑难。hurt oneselfWhat should I do?You should see a doctor and get an X-ray.3、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上。4、总结各种疾病以及相对应的建议,准备4c 的活动。【达标检测】一、短语翻译:1. 伤着自己2. 给伤口上药 _3. 切到自己 _4. 体温 _5. 摔倒 _6. 做个 X 光

16、检查 _二、 根据句意填空A: I hurt _ when I played basketball yesterday. What _ I do?B: You _ see a doctor and get an X-ray.A: _ the matter?B: My sister and I _ sore throats. _ we go to school?A: No, you _.A: _ Mike _ a fever?B: No, he _. He _ a stomachache.A: He _ drink more hot tea with honey.【课堂总结】:思考归纳用日记体裁

17、写自己的人生理想的格式及常用句型【拓展训练】选择填空。1.You should _ more water when you have a fever.A. drinksB. drinkingC. drinkedD. drink2._ did the headache start? - About two hours ago.A. WhenB. WhatC. whereD. How3.I can t sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should; shouldB. shouldn t

18、; shouldn C.should;t shouldn tD. can; don t4.David _ a stomachache. So he _ eat anything 24 hours.A. has, shouldB. has ,shouldn tC. have, shouldnDt. had, shouldn t5.-I have a sore throat. What should I do?-You should drink hot tea _honey.A. ofB. inC. withD. about.【布置作业】:完成学案上的作业。【教与学反思】:XX 中学八年级英语学科

19、导学案课题Unit 1Whats the matter?课型综合课主 备XX审核XX班级八年姓名时间小组编号YY004【学习目标】:知识与技能:1、重点单词: bandage sickkneenosebleedhurthitbreathingsunburnedourselves2、重点短语: get sunburnedfeel sickget hit on the headput a bandage onput ones head backput on a clean shirthave a nosebleed过程与方法:尽量用英语教学,创造英语课堂良好的听的环境,让学生充分感知,积极体验,大

20、胆实践,把握用英语交际的机会,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。情感态度与价值观: 通过学习他人的优秀品质和坚韧不拔的精神,激励自己的学习。【学习重点】:使用 should 和 shouldn t给出合理建议。【学习难点】: 使用 should 和 shouldn t给出合理建议。【学法指导】:对于本课的单词短语通过卡片或图画来引出学习。 借助于课本及课件的图画来引出给学生创设情境, 利用多媒体辅助教学, 增强学习的趣味性、主动性。预习交流1.浏览 Page5上 1a 中的图片,完成1a 的要求。2.小组讨论自学结果并一起朗读它们。(老师可通过邀请学生表演这四种情况来检测学生对 1a 的掌握情况)3.浏

21、览 1b 中的图片并完成 1b 的要求。4.小组讨论自学所填结果并在小组中比赛看谁背得最准最快。【合作探究】1.浏览 2a 和 2b 题目要求及图表信息,完成下列问题。How many persons are there mentioned(被提及)in this chart and who are they?_.2.师生共同探讨。3.Listen to the tape and complete the requirements of 2a and 2b。4.小组讨论听力各自所听答案结果。5.根据 1d 所给 model conversation 按照你所填的图表信息和搭档制作自己的对话。然

22、后争取在所有同学面前展示你们的对话。记住,当你站起来的时候,你就已经是个成功者了。 .【达标检测】一、根据首字母和句意补全单词。1.She is tired, she should go to bed early, she s_ go to the party.2.Would you please get me some water?I m a little t_.3.Im t_, I would like something to drink.4.When you are s_ out, you should listen to some music to relax. You should

23、ntstudy .二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.He _(have) a headache last week. But now he is _(feel)better.2.Im too _(stress) out, let me listen to some music now.【课堂总结】:思考归纳谈论自己的新年愿望及实现方法的常用句型【拓展训练】选择下列每组句子的正确语序,使其组成符合逻辑的对话。 Is it anything serious? My head hurts. I feel terrible. Please sit down. Let me have a look at

24、you. Whats wrong with you, young man? No, nothing serious. Take this medicine and you can be better soon. A. B. C. D. 【布置作业】:完成学案上的作业。【教与学反思】:XX 中学八年级英语学科导学案课题Unit 1Whats the matter?课型综合课主 备XX审核XX班级八年姓名时间小组编号YY005【学习目标】:知识与技能:1、重点单词: risk accident situation kilo rock knife blood importance decision

25、control spirit death2、重点短语:be used to doingtake riskscut offuse sth to do sththe importance ofmake a good decision have the sane spiritbe in control of情感态度与价值观: 通过学习他人的优秀品质和坚韧不拔的精神,激励自己的学习。【学习重点】:提升阅读和写作技巧。【学习难点】:提升阅读和写作技巧。【学法指导】:温故知新预习交流1.Read the passageand underline the words you donknowt. Then l

26、ook up the new words in a dictionary and write down their meanings.2. Read the passage and circle TRUE, FALSE or DON T KNOW.( 1 ). Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.( 2 ) Aron had a serious accident in April 2003.( 3 ) Aron ran out of his water after three days.( 4

27、) Aron wrote his book before his serious accident.( 5 ) Aron still goes mountain climbing.【合作探究 】一、根据所给词的正确形式填空。1. My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay _(health) every day. 2.Its easy _(say), but difficult _(do).3.Its important for us to eat a b_ diet to have a healthy lifestyle .二、选择正确答案。1.Its

28、_ to eat mooncakes in China.A. traditionB. traditionalC. awfulD. stressed out2.You are always angry, maybe you have_“ yang”.A. tooB. too manyC. much tooD. too much【达标检测】选择填空。1.-How are you?-I m feeling _.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. fun2._ did the headache start? - About two hours ago.A. WhenB. WhatC.

29、whereD. How3.I can t sleep,I solisten to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should; shouldB. shouldn t; shouldn tC. should; shouldnDt. can; dont4. What do you think of their _?Terrific!A 、 advicesB. adviceC. suggestiones D. Suggest.【课堂总结】:罗列针对不同健康问题所给的建议的词汇或短语;理解should 及 shouldn t 的使用方

30、法。【拓展训练】句型转换。1.What s wrong with you?(同义句 )What s _ _ with you?2.My back hurts.(同义句 )I have _ back.3.He should eat something(否定句 )He _ eat _.= He should eat _.4 .That sounds good. 同(义句 )That s a_.5.I have a toothache, I should visit a dentist.同(义句 )I have a toothache, I _ to _ a dentist.【布置作业】:完成学案上

31、的作业。【教与学反思】:XX 中学八年级英语学科导学案课 题Unit 1Whats the matter?课型综合课主备XX审 核XX班 级八年姓 名时 间小 组编号YY006重点短语归纳:1. have a cold2. have a stomachache3. see sb. do sth.4. shout for help5. expect (sb.) to do sth.6. to one s surprise7. thanks to8. think about9. be interested in sth.10. lose one s life11. save ones life12

32、. take a risk=take risks13. cut off14. keep on doing sth短语用法:1. What s thematter? 怎么啦?出什么事情了?【解析】 matter/ m?t?(r) /n.问题;事情What s the matter with you?= What s the trouble with you?= What s wrong with you?你怎么了?【注】: matter 和 trouble 为名词, 其前可加 the 或形容词性物主代词,wrong是 adj. 不能加 the【用法】用于询问某人有什么病或某人遇到什么麻烦、问题其

33、后跟询问对象时,与介词 with 连用。即:Whats the matter with sb.?= Whats your trouble?= Whats up?= What happens to sb.?【拓展】 matter 的用法(1) It doesn t matter没关系 (用来回答别人道歉时的用语)【解析 1】 have a cold 受凉 ;感冒have a/an + 疾病名词“患 病”(cold/fever/cough)have a sore throat患喉咙痛have a sore back 患背痛have a fever 发烧have a cold =catch a co

34、ld 患感冒have a stomachache患胃痛have a toothache患牙痛have a headache患头痛have a backache患背痛【解析 2】 back n 背;背部at the back of.在.的后面go/come back 返回give back 归还【解析 3】3. hand n手 hand in hand 手拉手V交给;传递hand in 上交 hand on 依次传递 hand out 分发4. She talked too much yesterday and didntdrink enough water.她昨天说话太多了并且没有喝足够的水。

35、【解析 1】 too much/too many/much too短语含义用法例句too much太多后接不可数名词There is too much rain these days修饰动词,放在动词之后Watching TV too much is bad foryour eyes.too many太多后接可数名词复数There are too many things for meto do every day.much too太修饰形容词或副词It s much too coldin winter.【解析 2】 enough 的用法(1) adj.足够的,充分的修饰名词时,可放在名词之前或

36、之后enough time(2) adv. “足够地, 十分,相当”修饰 adj./adv,放在 adj./adv 后 expensive enough(3) be +adj. +enough to do sth be strong enough to carry the box.5. drink some hot tea with honey. 喝一些加蜂蜜的热茶。【解析】 with : prep “具有, 带有” , 表示某物带有或具有某种特征。 She is a girl with long hair.with (反) without6. see a dentist and get an x- ray看.牙医并且拍张 x 光。【解析 1】 see a dentist = go to a dentist看牙医see a doctor = go to a doctor 看医生【解析 2】 X-ray/eks rei/n. X 射线; X 光7. What should she do?她该怎么办呢?Should I take my temperature?我应该量一下体温吗?【解析 1】 should “应该” 情态动词,后跟动词原形,表示责任和义务 should not =sh


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