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1、长坝中学校集体备课记录表主题Unit 6Topic 1Section A目标Learn some new words and phrases.Learn the usages of infinitives.重点难点Talk about field trips.Master the infinitives.教学过程设计:二次备课Topic 1Were going on a spring field trip.Section AStep 1 Review第一步复习 ( 时间 : 5分钟 )复习表达情感的词,导入新课。( 学生们流利地回答问题,说出能使自己快乐的事。( 板书并教学,要求学生掌握fie

2、ld。 )a field tripgo ona visita two-day visit toStep 2 Presentation第二步呈现 ( 时间 : 12分钟 )1. 呈现1a,教学生词和动词不定式。( 教师呈现含有交通工具的图片或玩具,让学生用by表示。( 用同样的方式分别呈现火车、公共汽车、飞机的图片或玩具。( 板书并教学生词,要求学生掌握vehicle和 airplane。 )by bikeby trainvehiclesby busby plane/airplane2. 出示下列句子。让学生先观察这些句子,然后听1aThere are other vehicles for us

3、.Do you know the best waythere?It s hard.I d loveby airplane.We will decide on the best wayon our field trip.的录音并完成句子。)3. ( 核对答案,教师用彩笔给出答案。)4. (5. (让学生观察这些句子,并找出共同点。)教师总结并简单解释动词不定式。)教师板书动词不定式的结构)读 1a,找出新单词和短语,并根据上下文的语境猜测词义。教学下列生词和短语,要求学生掌握。)find out, task, airline, decideStep 3 Consolidation第三步巩固 (

4、时间 : 10分钟 )巩固1. (2. (1a,讲解动词不定式的用法。跟读 1a 的录音,注意语音语调。)让学生自读1a 并找出含有动词不定式的句子和疑难点。)T: Read 1a alone. Find out the sentences with infinitives and difficulties.3. ( 鼓励学生读出含动词不定式的句子,教师解决疑难。)T: Please read out the sentences with infinitives. ( 板书并解释 )It takes sb. some time to do sth.the best way to do sth.

5、It s hard to say.the cost to do sth.decide on4. (小组活动。五人一组分角色朗读,鼓励小组表演。完成1a。 )T: Please read 1a in groups of five, and then Ill ask several groups to act it out.Step 4 Practice第四步练习 ( 时间 : 13分钟 )练习动词不定式,完成1b、 2 和 3。1. (让学生观察1b 图片,四人一组讨论去泰山的最好方式。完成1b。 )T: Please lookat the picturesin 1b carefully.Dis

6、cuss the best way to Mount Tai in groupsof four.( 学生们观察图片和信息并讨论。)( 板书重点结构,教学生词并要求学生掌握total。 )2.( 师生示范。请一个学生扮演A,老师扮演B,讨论 2 中的图片。 )( 板书 )I plan to visitWhat do you want to know?What s the best time to go there?Which is the best way to go there?How long does it take to get there?How much does it cost t

7、o go there?3. (让学生观察2 中的图片,两人一组,进行对话练习,注意动词不定式的用法。完成2。 )T: Now, Look at the pictures in 2, and ask and answer the questions with your partner. Pay attention to the usages of infinitives.4. (让学生运用动词不定式回答3 中的问题,然后两人一组练习对话3,正确使用所给词组中的动词不定式。教师对第二幅图给予指导( 学生练习几分钟后,叫几名学生到讲台前表演,其他学生注意听。)Step 5 Project第五步综合探

8、究活动 ( 时间 : 5分钟 )(1) (使用 It costs和 It takesto 两个句型造句。)Make sentences using the patterns of“It costs” and“ It takesto ”(2) (复习不定式的用法。)Review the usages of infinitives.长坝中学校集体备课记录表主题Unit 6Topic 1Section B目标Learn some new words:Go on learning the usages of infinitives:重点难点Learn how to book tickets and m

9、ake hotel reservations.教学过程设计:二次备课Topic 1Were going on a spring field trip.Section BStep 1 Review第一步复习 ( 时间 : 5分钟 )复习动词不定式。导入新课。1. (鼓励学生说出含有动词不定式的句子。)T: We learned infinitives yesterday. Could you give us some examples?2. ( 复习并谈论交通工具。 ) ( 由此导入新课。 )Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现 ( 时间 : 10分钟 )呈现 1a,教学生词。1.

10、( 让学生听 1a 的录音并回答问题。 )T: Maria s classwant to visitMount Tai and they decideto go thereby train.They ask Kangkang to book the tickets.Now, let s listento 1a and answer the followingquestions: When does thetrainleave Beijing? How many tickets does Kangkang book? ( 师生核对答案。 )2.(学生自读并猜测生词的意思。)( 板书生词,要求学生

11、理解。)book,sleeper3.(再听 1a 的录音,让学生跟读,注意语音语调。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步巩固 ( 时间 : 10分钟 )巩固 1a,完成 1b 和 1c。1. ( 学生再读 1a,独立完成 1b 表格。 )2. (让两名学生读出他们的答案,全班学生核对,完成1b。)3. ( 让学生分角色表演 1a。 )4. ( 给学生一些时间完成 1c。 )T: Very good. Now, let s do 1c. Suppose you worked in a cinema,your deskmate wantedto book tickets.( 教学生新单

12、词cinema ,要求学生掌握。)T: Make a dialog in pairs. Begin!5. (选 1 2 组学生展示对话,完成1c。 )T: Which pair would like to act it out? Come on!Step 4 Practice第四步练习 ( 时间 : 15分钟 )练习动词不定式,完成2 和 3。1. ( 设置情景,导出生词。 )( 教师边叙述边出示与单词相符的图片,并板书生词)( 板书并解释单词。)hotel comfortable condition standard single refrigeratorair conditioning r

13、eservation( 教学生词,要求学生掌握:hotel, refrigerator, standard, single,condition, comfortable。理解 reservation和 air conditioning。 )2. ( 让学生独立完成 2。 )T: Now, complete the conversation in 2 alone.( 核对答案,并用小黑板幻灯片呈现已经准备好的问题。)How many rooms with two single beds does she want?How many rooms with one single bed does s

14、he want?When will they want them?How long will they stay?What is the total cost?( 让学生分角色表演对话,然后回答问题。)3. (放 3 的录音,让学生独立完成3。 )T: Please lookat3. Pay attentiontothe picture.Listenand fillin the blanks.( 根据学生填写的情况,可以放1 2 遍录音。 )( 师生共同核对答案。)T: Now, according to the form in 3, make a dialog like 2. Act it

15、out in pairs.( 教师及时给予鼓励。要求学生掌握生词person 。 )Step 5 Project第五步综合探究活动( 时间 : 5分钟 )探究本课重点话题:订票、订房间。1. ( 设置一个全家周末要进行一次为期两天的旅游的场景。他们要了解相关旅馆的信息,然后自己订房间,让学生在学完这个话题后能够运用。)T: This weekend your family will go on a two-day trip. You want tobook rooms foryour family.Firstyou want to know the informationabout a hot

16、el. You should do:(1) Make a form like 1b.(2) Make a similar dialog like 2.T: Act out your dialogs, please.2. Homework:(1) ( 复习不定式。 )Review infinitives.(2) (编一个关于订购火车票的对话。)T: Make a dialog about booking train tickets.长坝中学校集体备课记录表主题目标重点难点Unit 6Topic 1Section CLearn some new words and phrases:Go on le

17、arning infinitives:Learn about how foreign students raise money for field trips.教学过程设计:二次备课Topic 1Were going on a spring field trip.Section CStep 1 Review第一步复习 ( 时间 : 5分钟)复习1. (Section B预订旅馆的内容,导入新课并完成把 Section B, 2 的信息图片出示给学生,3。复习 Section B预订旅馆的内容。 )( 选两个学生到讲台前表演对话,重现预订旅馆的情景,达到复习的目的。 )2. (板书下列算式,让学

18、生根据section B的内容算出结果。 )train tickets+hotel+food+shopping=total cost()( ) (¥50) (¥50) ()T: Yes. We have many ways of raising money. We can sell old booksto raise money. We can have a show to raise money( 板书 )The best way to raise moneyis to do sth The most exciting way to raise moneyT: Which is the be

19、st way to raise money?Ss:The best way to raise money is toT: Yes. We can raise money in different ways. What about Helen?Helen doesn t have enough money for her trip. She is worried.Let s listenand findout how Helen can get money for her trip.Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现 ( 时间 : 10分钟 )呈现并处理 1 和 2a中的知识点。1

20、. ( 放 1 的录音,让学生找到Jane 给 Helen 提的建议。 )2. ( 让学生 3 人一组分角色朗读 1,并找出疑难点。 )3. ( 让学生掌握 afford 并解释难点。 )can t afford,toldus not to ask 4. ( 让学生操练以达到学会运用的目的。)T: Make similardialogsaccordingto 1, and act them out in groups.5. ( 让学生听 2a 的录音,回答问题。 )T:Weknow Jane and her classmates want to raise money. Please list

21、en to 2a and find out how the Canadian and American students raise money.( 听完 2a 的录音,核对答案。)6. ( 让学生阅读 2a 并找出生词及疑难点。 教师要求学生掌握: common, comeup with, dollar, sell, noon ;理解 headmaster ;了解 draw。然后解释疑难点,教授阅读技巧。 )T: Look at the new words and mon, come up with, dollar, draw, sell, headmaster, noonAfter the

22、 tickets are sold, one ticket is drawn.Step 3 Consolidation第三步巩固 ( 时间 : 10分钟 )巩固 2a,完成 2b。1. (让学生再读2a,做 2b 并划出含有不定式的句子。)T: Read 2a again and do 2b, and then underline the sentences with infinitives.2. ( 请一个学生说出他的答案,全班核对,完成 2b。然后让两名学生说出他们找的句子,其他学生判断他们找的句子是否含有动词不定式。)Step 4 Practice第四步练习 ( 时间 : 10分钟 )1

23、. (让学生听4 的录音后回答问题。让学生掌握top ;理解 safely 。 )T: Look at the sentences in 4 carefully, then listen and mark True(T) or False (F).( 待学生听完后,核对答案。完成4。 )2. (阅读并完成5。 )T: Now, lets look at the letter from Maria to Li Wei. First lets learn the new words and expressions.( 板书 )forwardlook forward to (doing)sth.he

24、ar from sb.( 让学生注意发音和用法。)( 学生独立完成以后,请一两名学生说出他们的答案,全班共同核对。3. (让学生从信中找出含有动词不定式的句子。)T: Please find out the sentences with infinitives in the letter.)( 请一两名学生读出他们找到的含有动词不定式的句子,教师给予评价。tep 5 Project第五步综合探究活动( 时间 : 10分钟 )探究如何筹钱给妈妈买生日礼物。1. ( 教师设置场景,给出提示。 )T: If next Saturday is your mother s birthday, you w

25、ant to buy a present for her. But you don t have much money. What should you do to raise money? The following questions may help you.What would you like to buy for your mother?Work out the cost of the present.Which do you think is the best way to raise money?2. Homework:( 让学生给他 / 她的朋友写一封信,信的内容是关于自己到

26、某地的一次旅行。 )长坝中学校集体备课记录表主题Unit 6Topic 1Section D目标Learn the new phrases:Review the usages of infinitives:重点难点Go on talking about traveling.Review useful expressions:教学过程设计:二次备课Topic 1Were going on a spring field trip.Section DStep 1 Review第一步复习 ( 时间: 5分钟 )复习 Section A C 的内容并导入新课。( 教师问一些关于王老师的学生怎样为旅行做准

27、备的问题。(1) Who booked the train tickets to Mount Tai?(2) Who made hotel reservations?(3) How did they raise money?(4) What else should they do for their trip?Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现 ( 时间 : 13分钟 )呈现并完成1。1. ( 让学生阅读 1。 )T: Miss Wang made a schedule for their trip. Now look at the schedule in 1. There ar

28、e ten blanks in the schedule. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.( 听 1 录音并填空。)T: OK. I ll ask two students to give their answers.( 请两名学生说出他们的答案,全班核对,完成1。 )2. (让学生看时间表 , 扮演 Miss Wang, 说出旅行计划。 )3.(教师通过介绍徐霞客引入2 的教学。 )4.(学生读完后,通过师生问答学习游记的要素。)5.( 学生再读2,标出疑难点。)( 师生共同解决疑难点。)( 板书 )as soon asDai Templei

29、n the daytimein a local restaurant( 要求学生掌握as soon as Step 3和 in the daytimeConsolidation;理解第三步temple 和 local 巩固 ( 时间 : 10;了解分钟 )daytime。 )巩固完成 2。1.( 让学生再读2,回答问题。)T: Please read the postcard in 2 again and answer some questions. ( 板书 )Where is Darren now?Did Michael have a good time last week?What wa

30、s the weather like on Mount Tai?How long did it take them to get to Wanghai Stone?What did Michael do in the daytime/in the evening?2. (教师用小黑板或幻灯片出示下列内容,然后根据2 完成短文。 )Michael had a _ time on Mount Tai last week. The weather there was _. As soon asthey arrived there, they began to climb Mount Tai. It

31、_ them almost the whole might toget to Wanghai Store. They saw the _ and the sea of clouds on Mount Tai and visited DaiTemple in the _. In the evening, they had a big dinner in a local restaurant. That wasan exciting _.( 师生共同核对答案。完成2。 )Step 4 Practice第四步练习 ( 时间 : 10分钟 )复习巩固 3a 和 3b。1. ( 复习巩固 3a。 )(

32、让学生听3a 的录音并跟读,然后教师总结动词不定式的用法。在本话题中,动词不定式可以用作定语、宾语、主语、表语、宾语补足语。让学生用动词不定式造句。)T:Pleaselistento3a and readafterit,andthenmake similarsentencesusinginfinitives.( 请几名学生说出他们的句子,其他学生判断动词不定式在句子中的成分。2. (复习巩固3b。 )( 让学生听3b 的录音并跟读,然后分组从本话题中找出更多的有用表达,然后用这些内容编成简短对话。 )T: Listen to 3b and read after it, and then fin

33、d out more useful expressions in this topicin groups.Step 5 Project第五步综合探究活动( 时间 : 7分钟 )探究旅游话题完成4。1. ( 让学生写一篇游记。 )T: Boys and girls , please choose one of the most popular places for you to travel, andwrite down your travel routes and schedule. You can begin like this:Were going to visit2. Homework:

34、( 让学生复习订票、订房间的用语,达到会交际的目的。)长坝中学校集体备课记录表主题Review of Unit 6目标Master the useful expressions.Review the usages of infinitivesTopic 1:重点难点Go on talking about traveling.教学过程设计:二次备课Topic 1Were going on a spring field trip.重要短语 ( 见表 )重点语法: . 动词不定式作定语I have some exciting news to tell you.作表语The most interest

35、ing thing for me was to take photos.作宾语I want to make a hotel reservation.作宾语补足语Kangkang helped us (to) book the train tickets.作目的状语They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains at the back.作主语It s very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.知识点练习 .单项选

36、择。 (10 分)()1. What about going shopping together?Sorry, I have a lot of homework _.A. do B. to doC. doingD. did()2. It s impossible for us _ there on foot in two hours.A. to getB. getC. gettingD. got()3. Though Mike is _ boy, he can say many words.How clever!A. an-one-year-oldB. a one-year-oldC. an

37、one-year oldD. a one-year old()4. What did the teacher say just now?He asked them _ the math problem.A. discussingB. discussedC. to discussD. discuss()5. I ll go on a visit to Mount Huang._A. Thank you.B. Have a good trip!C. Never mind.D. My pleasure.()6. I want _ the answer to the problem. Could yo

38、u help me?A. to come up withB. coming up withC. come up withD. came up with()7. The foreign visitors _ watching Beijing Opera at Haidian Theater.A. looked forward toB. looking forward toC. look forward toD. willlook forward to()8. There are so many bags. You can _ any one.A. choose fromB. pick fromC

39、. decideD. choose()9. How much did your new car _ you?¥ 800 000.A. spendB. payC. costD. take()10. They will decide whether _ the movieThe Sound of Musicat the cinema.A. seeB. to seeC. seeing D. saw用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。book tickets, decide on, have a rest, comfortable, air conditioning46. They plan _ after a long journey.47. It s so hot that we would like the rooms wi


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