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1、Unit5 Feeling HappyTopic 2I feel better now Section B班级姓名_第_组组长签名_家长签名_【学习目标】1、会使用本课所需掌握的四会单词;2、能理解和运用课文中的典型词组及句型;3、学会提供处理情绪问题的建议;4、学会处理不良情绪。 学习过程 一、课前预习: ( 所需时间: _分钟组长或家长检查后签名: _)1、试着朗读课本P11P12 课文、书本 P125-126 (U5 T2 SB)新词汇 feeling 至 nervous ,并把它们写下下面横线上。1)._()2)._()3)._()4)._()5)._()6)._()7)._()8).

2、_()9)._() 10). _()2、在课文 P11 (1a)、P12 2a和 2b 中划出下列词组,并把中文意思填在横线上。1).How are youfeeling? _2).英 语 考 试 不 及 格_3). 在 某 人 的 年 龄 _4).和 交 朋 友_5).给 我 讲笑 话_6).使 我 笑_7).似 乎 喜 欢 _8).好 啦 , 好 啦 !_9). 提 出 你 的 建 议 _10). 是 正 常 的_11).发 生 在 我 们 身 上 _12).打 ( 号 码 ) 给 我_13).害 怕 说英 语_14).公 开 地_3、再回顾P107-108 Section B的课文注解,

3、在课文中划出重点的词组、句型和语法。二、课堂活动:1、检查书本P125-126 (U5 T2 SB)新词汇feeling至nervous的朗读情况,教师正音。2、巩固单词练习:根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1 ) Give them your _ (建议 ) .2 ) Many people in their teens have such _ (经历 ) .3 ) I m glad to see the _(柔和 ) color of the room.4 ) If you don t work hard, you will _ (失败 ) to pass the exam.5 ) He c

4、ame home later than _(平常的 ).6) She always feels _ (紧张的 ) when she speaks in public.3、读 P 11 1a,完成 1b。4、课文难点攻破:知识点拨:1).I failed the English exam.译: _“ fail ”的中文意思是 _.一讲一练:失败,未能做到某事_Kangkang failed _ last math exam because he was careless.A. pass B. to passC.finishD. to finish知识点拨: 2). Everyone gets t

5、hese feelings at your age. Who do you want to make friends?每个人在你这个年龄都会有这些感受。你想跟谁交朋友呢?归纳:在某人的年龄 _在岁时 _和某人交朋友 _一讲一练:同义句转换:他 5 岁就会骑自行车了。_,he could swim.=When _, he could swim.知识点拨: 3). She always tell me jokes and make me laugh.她总是给我讲笑话使我发笑。归纳:讲笑话 _一讲一练:使我发笑 _结构:make sb./ sth. + _This movie _ _ _ (使我哭了

6、 ).知识点拨: 4). they don t know how to stop these unhappy feelings.他们不知道如何终止这些不愉快的心情。一讲一练:how to do的结构是: _ 词 +_ 式我不知道该做什么。I don t know _.知识点拨: 5). It s normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us.当我们遇到不好的事时,伤心是正常的。归纳: 是正常的 _一讲一练:碰巧干某事 _他昨天出了车祸。 A trafficaccident _ _ _ yesterday.拓展练习:(某事)降临到头上 _

7、我在回家的路上碰巧遇见了她。I _ _ _ on my way home.5、分组朗读P12 2a 。三、检测反馈单词:1)I likeZhou Xingchivery much becaeuse he alwaystellsa lot ofj_inhismovies.2)She isreally sorrytof_ theChineseexam because the exam isn tdifficult.3)It s n_forus to have thesebad feelings,becauseeveryone can tbe happyall the time.4)His s_ c

8、heered the girl up. She was very thankful (感谢的 ).5) She always feels n_ when she speaks in public.6) I have some e_ to walk through the forests alone.选择题:1) - I feel sad because Mr. Li is angry with me.- Go and tell him the true. He will understand you. _A. I m glad to hear that.B.I m sorry to hear

9、that.C.ThatThere, there! It ll be OK. s too bad.D.2) She seems _ me. A likes B to like C like3) The boy seems _ a student, but we often see him smoke.4) - Wangxin _ to know that secret. Who told him about it?- Maybe Dong Qi did.5) Mr. Wang gave us many good _ on how to keep ourselves heathy.6) Every

10、one gets these feelings _ your age. A at B in C on完成句子1) 他经常给我们讲笑话并总是使我们发笑。Heoften_andalways_.2) 在你这个年龄的时候,我喜欢运动和读书。I loved playing sports and reading books _ _ _.3) 茱莉亚非常内向,不知道怎么样和别人交谈。Juliais very shy and doesn t know_ _ _ _ others.4) 当你感到紧张的时候,何不听一听音乐来放松一下呢?_tothemusictorelaxyourselfwhenyou_ _.5) 看来徐丽要在赛跑中获胜了。_ _ _Xu Li will win the race.6) 我想和莉莎交朋友。I want to _ _ _Lisa.7) 在你这样的年纪就能帮助别人,你很了不起。You re great to help others_ _ _.四、课后反思与收获:_


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