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1、。Hello,everyone. Today I mgonna show you around Tianzifangwitha new perspective. Asyou see,thisbusy road isnamed TaikangRd. And there is a sign just pointing to our destination. Itturnsout thatthere are alwaysso many people here,includinglocalresidentsand plentyof tourists.Though itsfa ?ade seemsto

2、be small,youllbe surprisedwhen you actuallygo inthere.This zone is full of winding paths. Its kind of living stylein oldshanghaithatpeoplelivedina large neighborhoodcalledLongtang. Residents here used to gather outside the house onsummer nights to keep cool and chat. And the lanes inside wasused for

3、 communications between neighbors, which have beentransformed to galleries of art nowadays. On both sides aremostly shops selling artware, such as paintings, photographsand speciallydesigned clothes.Besides,cafes and barsare allover here as well. Both traditional and exotic snacks can befoundin orde

4、r to cater for differentpeople. Varietiesofbeersand wines are offered at the bars. When it starts to get dark,the nightlife is just beginning. People working around preferto have a rest here after a busy day, where they can enjoy a free and comfortable time with friends.However, it s hard for me not

5、 to think about what changes Tianzifang into an art zone like what it is now. Reasons are。1。various from the government programs to its own development.There is one thing out of them that couldntbe ignored thatis culture integration. In the 1990s, this area could only bedescribed asa bazaar thatwas

6、dusty and messy.Not until someartistsmoved theirworkshops tothisareawhen the big changewas triggered.FamousartistslikeChen Yifeibegan to work here,which brought an atmosphere of art to this place as well asraiseditsfame. A five-storyfactoryhas been transformedintoan urbanindustrialbuilding.There are

7、flags of more than tencountries orregionshanging up in frontof itsgate.Itseemsjust likea tinyworldwideartexhibition.Chinese and westerncultures collide and blend here, while distributing its lightand heat.Besides,some citizenshave been livinghere forsucha long time that they would not like to leave.

8、 The style ofdwellingsremains tobe traditional.Green mailboxes oftenseenin 1980s are stillused here,which creates unexpected artisticbeauty in this environment. People work and live around alsocontributetoitspopularityby patronizingthecaf s and bars.So now we recognizeTianzifangas a successfulmixtureofart,business and urban culture.。2。欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。3


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