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1、Unit 1The Great WallPeriod 3Grammar学习目标:1. Master the passive voice.2. Grasp the passive voice by doing exercises.学习重点:Master the passivre voice.学习难点:The using of the passive Voice.学习过程:一、温故知新I 、过去分词的构成1. 规则动词过去分词变化规则与过去式规则相同。1) 一般直接在词尾加上ed。look-looked-looked2) 以 e 结尾的动词,直接加d。move-moved-moved3) 以辅音字

2、母 +y 结尾的动词,变y 为 i,再加 ed。carry-carried-carried4)末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母,再加-ed。stop-stopped-stoppedregret-regretted-regretted2. 不规则动词的过去分词形式要逐个记忆(参加 172 页不规则动词表)。begin-began-begundrink-drank-drunkcost-cost-costII 、写出下列动词的过去式及分词。do _throw_give _lend_take _see _speak _put _let _build _tell _buy _wake

3、_knowhurtleave人称代词时,“格”应作相应的变化。wantcallThe workers makemachinesin this factory.openplay主语谓语宾语其他成分二、自主预习Machinesare made by the workers in this factory.1. 被动语态 The passive Voice主语谓语by 的宾语其他成分1) 英语动词有两种语态,分别是和。四、合作探究) 主动语态表示是谓语动词所表示的动作的执Reform the sentence by using the passive voice after the model.2行

4、者,被动语态表示主语是谓语动词所表示动作的。The teacher showed the children a storybook.2. 被动语态的构成The childrenwere showna storybook by the teacher.被动语态结构:A storybookwas shownto the children by the teacher.三、新知学习1.People speak English in many countries.主动语态变被动语态的基本步骤:_1. 将主动语态中的宾语变为被动语态中的主语,主动语态中的2.Bell invented the telep

5、hone in 1876.主语变为被动语态中的介词by的宾语。_2. 将主动语态中的谓语动词变成“助动词be+该动词的过去3.They have spent all the money on books.分词”注意时态不变。_3. 助动词要与新的主语保持“数”的一致;若主语和宾语是4.Well learn about 30 English words this morning._5. They are buliding a new library not far from our school._五、课后小结Unit 1The Great WallPeriod 4Grammar学习目标:1.

6、Master the passive voice.2. Grasp the passive voice by doing exercises.学习重点:Master the passivre voice.学习难点:The using of the passive Voice.学习过程:一、温故知新试译下列句子。1. 他每天打扫他的房间。_2. 昨天他买了一台电脑_3. In China, English is spokenby many people._4. 孩子们经常唱这首歌。_5. The door was openedby Lucy._二、自主预习时态主动语态被动语态一般现在时do /d

7、oes一般过去时did一般将来时will(shall)+do三、合作探究1. People use knives for cutting things. Knives _ _ for cutting things.2. The students clean the windows of their classroom twice a month. The windows of their classroom_ _ twice a month.3. I found the ticket on the floor.The ticket _ _ on the floor.7)This book _(

8、sell) to me at the price of 5 dollars4. I told her to return the book in time.yesterday.She _ _ to return the book in time.2、 Chooce the best answers for each5. The foreign friends gave us some wonderful stamps.1) The car accident _ on a cold winter morning.We _ _ some wonderful stamps.A. was happen

9、edB. is taken place6. The teacher asked Tom to turn on the computerC. was taken placeD. happenedTom _ _ to turn on the computer.2)Birds can often be heard _ in the morning.四、课堂达标与检测A. singB. singingC. to sing D. sings1、Fill in the blanks with the words.3)As usual, Meihua _ at 6:30 this morning by he

10、r mother to get ready for1) Large numbers of plastic bags _(use) in theschool.supermarkets every day.A. has woken upB. woke upC. wakesD. was woken up2)The old people _(send) to hospital yesterday.4)Many more houses _ for teachers since last years.3) Her grandma was still alive when he _(take) toA. a

11、re building B. builtC. have builtD. have been builtthe safety.5) Who was the book_?4) English _(speak) in many counties.A. writeB. wroteC. writtenD. written by)(write) in English.6)How dirty the tables are! They need _.5 Many books _6) The knife _(use) to cut.A. to cleanB. clean C. to be cleaned D.

12、cleanedUnit 1The Great WallPeriod 5Grammar学习目标:1. Master the passive voice.2. Grasp the passive voice by doing exercises.学习重点:Master the passivre voice.学习难点:The using of the passive Voice.学习过程:一、自主预习时态主动语态被动语态现在进行时am(is,are)+doing过去进行时was(were)+doing过去将来时would(should)+do二、合作探究1、用被动语态改写下列句子。1)She is

13、teaching the boy English.2)Uncle Wang was mending the machines at this time yesterday.3)They are writing a report about the negative effects of cell phones inschool4)They were building a new railway then.5)We are painting our classroom now.6)She was doing her homework that time.7)Now he is making th

14、e girl water the tree.8) They were cleaning the floor when the teacher came in.9) They would put this book into English.10) Edison s inventions would change the world.11) She would visit her uncle.3)More money _ for the Hope Project.A. is being collectedB. is collectingC. has collectedD. be collecte

15、d4) Cellphones _ by more and more teens.A. are usingB. is usedC. are being usedD. being used5) A new library _ in our school.A. is buildingB. is builtC. have builtD. is being built2、根据汉语补全下列句子。三、课堂达标与检测1) The watch I lost yesterday( 找到了 )in my1、选择填空bedroom.1) New Year sDay is coming and ChildrensPar

16、k _ for it.2) This kind of truck_ (制造 ) in Changchun.A. is preparedB. is being prepared3) A new modern bridge_( 将建造 ) in our cityC. has preparedD. is preparingnext year.2) With the development of science, more new technology _ to the 4) Computers_often_使(用 )fields of IT.in our school.A. has introduc

17、edB. is being introduced)回答了) next week.5These questions_ (C. is introducedD. was introduced三、课堂小结Unit 1The Great WallPeriod 6Grammar学习目标:1. Master the passive voice.2. Grasp the passive voice by doing exercises.学习重点:Master the passivre voice.学习难点:The using of the passive Voice.学习过程:一、自主预习时态主动语态被动语态

18、现在完成时have(has)+done过去完成时had+done情态动词can(may,must)+do二、合作探究1、用被动语态改写下列句子。1) I have seen this film before.2) He has finished the work.3) They had done the work.4) They haventread the novel.5) She had heard the news by the end of last week6) The workers have built a big building.7) Wang Feng has plante

19、d millions of trees.8) We can play computer games.2)He lost his bike yesterday.9) We should study English._3)The teacher asked the students a strange question.10)Students must clean the classroom._4)They were discussing the problem when I came in.11)They can finish the job on time._5)She will invite

20、 him to her birthday I came in.12) You may do the exercises tomorrow._2、根据汉语补全下列句子。12) You have to do these exercises.1)A sports meeting(将举行)next week.2)The program in this computer(已被改变了)14) She has to throw it away.3)The house(正在被粉刷) when we arrived.4)The room must(清扫 ) as soon as possible.三、课堂达标与检测5)I cantuse my bike now. It(正在被修理).1、将下列句子变成被动语态。四、课堂小结1) You can look up the word in that old dictionary._


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