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1、。高中英语必修一Unit 1-1练习SectionWarming Up and Reading基础夯实.单词拼写1A love of _ ( 大自然 ) means a love of plants, flowers, birds, etc.2I think its wrong of you to _ (忽视 ) the teachers opinions.3The post office will issue a _ (系列 ) of new stamps.4As far as I am _ ( 关心 ), I cant agree with what you said.5I came ba

2、ck to school for the _ (目的 )of being admitted to a betteruniversity.6She suffered from the loss of her pupils respect, which _ (使不安 )her.7The boy hid himself behind the _ (窗帘 ) and looked out through thewindow.8The boss was _ ( 完全地 ) satisfied with what the workers had done.9Doctors are predicting t

3、hat it will soon be within their _ (能力 ) to curethe disease.10 Children should spend more time taking exercise _ (户外 ) and lesstime watching TV at home.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1Whenhe travelswithhis friends,his motheris always_(concern)about his safety.2 Trynottobeginjudginganythingabouttheideauntilyouhaveun

4、derstood it _ (entire)3I found a(n) _ (dust) bag under the bed when I was cleaning up myroom last night.4I have to believethatencouragementis so _(power)thatit canchange a person.5She fastened the belt _ (loose) around her waist.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空add up ; calm . down ; at dusk ; on purpose ; be concern

5、ed about ; go through ; face to face ; in order to ; set down ; walk the dog1When he was really angry,only his wife could_ him _.2Nowadays more and more people, whether they are young or old, _their health.3He wanted to _ all those important thoughts in his diary.4Peter has lost his job, and the fam

6、ily is _ a very difficult time.5It is necessary to _ in the park every day if you want it to be healthyenough.-可编辑修改-。6When we _ the bills, we realized we had spent too much.7The street lights go on _.8I want to see him as soon as possible and tell him the good news _.9_ improve his English, he join

7、ed an English club.10 As everybody can see, the little boy made the mistake_.完成句子1The fine day _ _ (增加 ) our pleasure. We had a good time inthe country.2_ _为了( )meet the need,we expanded the products.3_浏(览 ) the passage quickly and then tell me what its mainidea is.4Our teacher left some books for u

8、s to read after class _ _ (故意 )5The two girls went shopping _ _ _ ( 手拉手 )6You see, he is so excited. It is hard for him to _ _ (平静下来 )7 Thegovernmentshould_( 关注 )thegrowth ofyoung people.8 I _ (不得不 )attendan importantmeetingthisafternoon.9I heard he _ _ 不(再 ) played the violin in the band.10 _ _一连(串

9、的 ) wet days spoiled our holiday.单项填空1Johns success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work_ has made him what he is today.AwhyBWhenCwhichDthat2Mark _ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half anhour early.Aneednt BwouldntCmustntDcouldnt3 (2012 襄阳市田家炳中学期中考试)InChina

10、 , thosewhowant toenteruniversities have to_the College Entrance Examination.Acheck throughBwork throughClook throughDgo through4They use computers to keep the traffic _ smoothly.Abeing runBRunCto runDrunning5(2012 河北大名县三中期中检测 )The police asked him to_ what he hadseen.Aset aboutBset downCset upDset

11、out6Theworkersareworkingveryhard_theycan finishtheirworkahead of time.Ain order toBso as toCas ifDso that7(2012 河北大名县三中期中检测 )Although I often send e-mails to Tom ,I have-可编辑修改-。never seen him_.Aface to faceBin timeCat the momentDhand in hand8_ that he has no qualifications in business mana-gement, K

12、en plans to gain the necessary skills by taking a course.AConcerningBConcernedCConcernDTo concern9What big fish! Wheredid you get? It is the first time that I_ such fish.Ait; seeBit; have seenCthem; seeDthem; have seen10 Dear Sir, how can I remember the new words well?Try to _ at least an hour each

13、day for learning new words.Aset offBset outCset asideDset down11 This is a really good plan, but who shall we _ to carry it out?AhaveBGetCleaveDmake12 She was so astonishedthatfora fewseconds shelost the _ofspeech.Aforce BStrengthCpowerDenergy13 The teachers lecture on American history was three hou

14、rs long, so Maryfelt very _.Aupset BBoredCexcited D neglected14 It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl hewould like to marry.Awhen; thenBnot; untilCnot until; thatDonly; when15 Its no use _ about your fate.AcomplainBcomplainingCto complainDcomplained能力提升阅读理解ACan mansbestfriend

15、bereplacedby a small animal?Busypet lovers inBritainhave been buyinghedgehogs (非洲侏儒刺猬 ), whoselivinghabitsmakethem loved by the modern workers,because they wake up in the evening whentheir owners arrive home after a day in the office.Although Britain has its own wild hedgehogs, the latest pet fever

16、is Africanhedgehogs. “They are very good little animals. The way they move and the waythey poke their noses into everything are very lovely.”Bonnie Martin said.“Costs for the animal and equipment needed can cost up to 300 pounds, buthedgehogs, who can survive on cat food, are cheaper to feed because

17、 they eat athird ofwhat ahouseholdcat wouldnormallyeat. ”Martin said.“Peopleoften-可编辑修改-。travel very far in order to get a good hedgehog.”However,animalprotectorssay thatthetrendis a seriousthreattothedecreasing population of Britains native wild hedgehogs.The baby hedgehogs will die without their m

18、um because they are completelydependent (依赖的 ) for four weeks.Bullen, an animalprotector,said thatthe introductionof a foreignspeciescouldcause a secondarywildlifeproblemif pet ownerswhoget tiredof theirhedgehogs set them free into the wild.“People will probably think they can existin our country, b

19、ut we are not sure if they can and what harm they might cause tolocal populations.”1Why do British pet lovers prefer hedgehogs?ABecause Britain has no native wild hedgehogs.BBecause hedgehogs are lovely little animals.CBecause hedgehogs usually wake up in the evening.DBecause hedgehogs are so small

20、that people can take them to their office.2Which of the following is NOT a reason why people raise hedgehogs?AThey can be found in the garden.BThey are lovely animals.CThey have good living habits.DIt is cheap to feed them.3It can be inferred from the text that _.Ahedgehogs will make some animals in

21、 Britain die outBbaby hedgehogs need mothers care for about a monthCforeign hedgehogs can live in Britain very wellDBritains native animals will do harm to hedgehogs4Bonnie Martin thinks that _.Ait is too expensive to raise a hedgehogBthe African hedgehog is a threat to the native wild hedgehogsChed

22、gehogs can bring much fun to peopleDpeople shouldnt set free their pet hedgehogsBFriendship is the gold of childhood. Kids find it themselves. Other things inlife school,bedtime,dinner are fixed,_butfriendsare somethingthatkidschoose for themselves.Friendshipbeginsat babyhood.A childsfirstbestfriend

23、sare usuallyitsparents.By thetimekids can crawl,theystartmeetingotherkids.Around3,childrenare ableto playwitheach otherandformdeeperfriendships.By 8,friends take up a lot of childrens interests and energy.For parents, although they cant live their childrens social life for them, thereare some things

24、 they can do to help or help themselves stay out of the way.Believein thepowerof friendship,mostkids knowwhattodo withtheirclose friendshipsand circlesof friendsquitewell.Mostwillget throughsomerejection (拒绝 ), particularly when they have parents who are good listeners but-可编辑修改-。not fixers.Meet the

25、 parents of your childrens friends. Whether you have preschoolers or high -schoolers, get to know the parents of your childrens friends. Be a good host and invite them over.Talk about coping (应对 ) instead of pain. When children experience social rejection, we often experience it with them. But it do

26、esnt help to just ask morequestions or try to work it out for them. Instead, ask what theyve done with the situation and let your children know you are there. Keep in mind that best friends will get along.5According to the passage, which of the following is what children discover by themselves?AScho

27、ol.BBedtime.CDinner.DFriendship.6The underlined word“fixed ”in the first paragraph means _.ArepairedBDecidedCtakenDseen7To help children with friendship, how many pieces of advice does the passage offer?AOne.BTwo. C Three.DFour.8Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? AParents should learn how to help children with friends. BIts not important for children to make some friends. CChildren dont need any help in making friends.DParents should do everything when children need help.-可编辑修改-。THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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