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2、案中的词语意思,结合平时了解和掌握的有关背景知识以及各种情况下有关口语应答的知识,根据语感,选择一个既能满足句子结构的语法需要,又能满足语境意义需要的正确答案。如:1. It s getting late. I m afraid I must be goingOKnow.A.Take it easyB.Go slowlyC.Stay longerD.See you2. It s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much. _.A.My pleasureB.I m glad to hear that C.No thanksD.It3. I d l

3、ike to take a week s holiday., we re too busy.A.Don t worryB.Don t mention itC.Forget itD.Pardon me4. Now , where is my purse ? _! We ll be late for the picnic.A.Take your timeB.Don t worryC.Come onD.Take it easy s OK参考答案:1.D 。2.A 。 3.C。 4.C 。另一种是特定语境型试题。这种情景对话题真正要考查的是其他知识,如时态、连词、词语辨析等。这样做的目的是让考生在真实

4、的语言环境中运用所学知识,试题灵活性大,有一定的难度。要做好这类语法、语言知识的情景交际题,正确理解题干句子所提供的语境条件以及句子的语法结构,是十分重要的。 同时,还要注意备选答案中词语的意义和用法,把题干句子和选项结合起来加以认真考虑,据此选出符合句意及情景交际需要的正确答案。如:1. The boys are not doing a good job at all , are they? _.A.I guess not soB.I don t guessC.I don t guess so D.I guess not2. What about going to the film with

5、 me this evening? I ve got two tickets. _.A.Yes , by all meansB.Yes , I think so. Thank youC.All right , I must goD.OK.I d love to. Thank you3.-I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.-It _ true because there was little snow there.A.may not beB.won t beC.couldn t beD.mustn t be4. I thi

6、nk you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. _.It was her fault.A.No wayB.Not possibleC.No chanceD.Not at all参考答案:1.D 。2.D 。 3.C。 4.A 。二、情景交际题解题策略1.正确运用英语的习惯表达方式,语言表达要符合英语国家的文化和风俗。如:( 1) Hi , havent seen you for ages! You look fine ! _. You look well , too.A.GreatB.ThanksC.Oh , noD.Not at all这是听到

7、别人赞扬或恭维时的交际用语。在这种场合下,中国人往往谦虚地以否定作答,而英美人总是说“ Thank you”“Thanks ”“Many thanks”“That s very kind of you”“It s very kind of you to say之类的话表示乐意接受。选B 。(2) I m sorry for stepping on your foot._.A.That s all rightB.No , it s my fault C.You didnurthme at allD.You have it too这是一个表示歉意的交际用语。根据英美人的习惯,当对方致歉时回答应是“

8、Never mind”“ That alls湖南省教育科学十一五规划课题信息技术环境下英语教学资源的整合成果right”“ It doesn或tmatter“I s”nothing,而 B”、C 和 D 是汉语式的回答,不符合英美人的表达习惯。选 A 。2.正确理解英语句子的确切含义,不要望文生义。如:Why do we listen to the radio ?To get information on the air._You are right.A.Do you mean “ on the plane? C.Why not get information in the air”B.Oh

9、, I see. Then we can know more about the world.? D.So we can get information on the radio.根据整个语境所表达的意义,这里的on the air 是“在广播中 ”的意思,相当于on the radio 。A 、C 两项显然没有正确理解on the air 的真正意义, D 项语义不连贯。选B 。3.把握对话中上下文的逻辑关系,正确体会对话双方的意图。如:Go for a picnic this weekend , OK? _.I love getting close to nature.A.I couldn

10、 t agree more B. I m afraid not C.I believe notD.I don t think so从答语中 I love getting close to nature 可推断出答话者同意对方的建议,而 B、C、D 均为否定答语, 故选 A ,意为 “非常满意 ”。4.省略句在口语中大量出现,交际用语的考查也常和省略句联系在一起。如: Do you think it s going to rain over the weekend?_.A.I don t believe B.I don t believe it C.I believe not soD.I bel

11、ieve not口语中,在上下文明确时, 常用省略句 。believe 一词的肯定形式为I believe so ,so 替代上文中 “it s goingto rain这句话。其否定式为I believe not或I don believet so。类似的词还有over the weekend ”suppose, think ,fear, expect,imagine 等,皆有此用法。另外fear, hope, be afraid 的否定形式只有而没有等句型。选 D。“I fear not ”“ I hope和not“I ”m afraid not ” “I dont hope so ”【试

12、题设计】1. What do you want to do next ? We have half an hour until the basketball game._. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A .It just dependsB. It s up to youC. All rightD. Glad to hear that2. How long are you staying ? I don t know. _.A.That s OKB.Never mindC.It dependsD.It doesn t matter3. How

13、 often do you eat out ? _, but usually once a week.A.Have no ideaB.It dependsC.As usualD.Generally speaking4. No , I m afraid he isn t in. This is his secretary speaking. Can I help? you_A.Oh , you will.B.Oh , that s a pity. C.I should think so.D.Well , I look forward to hearing from you.5. Guess wh

14、at! I came across an old friend at the party last night. _ I m sure you had a wonderful time.A. Sounds good!B. Very well.C. How nice !D. All right.6. Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer ? _?A. What forB. What is itC. How is itD. How come7. _we move the picture over there ? Do you think i

15、t ll look ?better I can t agree more.A. What you thinkB. What ifC. Even ifD. Only if8. Hello , Mr.Smith. This is Larry Ja ckson. I am afraid I won t be able to arrive on time for themeetingin your office. _. We ll wait for you.A. Hurry upB. No doubtC. Cheer upD. That s all right9.-I ve got your invi

16、tation.-Oh , good. _A. Can you come ?B. Thanks a lot.C. I ll take it.D. May I help you ?10. Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office ? Yes, _.A. for pleasureB.I couldC. my pleasureD. with pleasure11. Do you think I should get a good guidebook ?湖南省教育科学十一五规划课题信息技术环境下英语教学资源的整合成果 Yes, o

17、f course. _ , you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.A. What s moreB. In other wordsC. By the wayD. All in all12. _I didn t hear you clearly. It s tooIwasnoisysayinghere. that the party was great.A.Repeat.B.Once again.C.Sorry?D.So what ?13. It s cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. _.

18、A.Yes , take it easyB.Well , it just dependsC.Ok , just in caseD.All right , you arewelcome14. James, I am sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning. _.A.That s all rightB.It s a pleasure C.You are welcomeD.Don t mention it15. Oh, dear! I ve just broken a window. _. It can t be help

19、ed.A.Never mindB.All rightC.That s fineD.Not at all16. Let gos and have a good drinktonight. _ Have you got the firstprize in thecompetition ?A. What for ?B. Thanks a lot.C. Yes, I d like to.D. Why not ?17. I m taking my driving test tomorrow. _!A.CheersB.Good luckC.Come onD. Congratulations18. It s

20、 been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much. _.A.My pleasureB.I m glad to hear that C.No , thanksD.It s OK19. Do you mind if I open the window? _I feel a bit cold.A.Of course not.B.I d rather you didnC.Got.ahead.D.Why not ?20. I want to buy a pen , but I happen to carry no money with me. Could you

21、 lend me some? _.A. That finesB. Nothing seriousC. Never mindD. Noproblem【参考答案】1 5 BCBCC6 10 ABDAD11 15 ACCAA16 20 ABABD高考交际用语及惯用法专练100 题1. I wonder if I could use your mobile phone. _.A. I wonder howB. I don t wonderC. Sorry, it s out of order D. No wonder, here itis2. ?Wasn t it DrWang who spoke t

22、o you just now? _.A. I didn t know he wasB. Yes, it wasC. No, he wasn tD. Yes, he did3. Have you got time on Monday? _A. Of course not.B. It s certainC. You can say that again.D. Why? I ll stay at home.4. Sorry, I coul dn t come to theparty. I was sick that day. _.A. I don t know thatB. That s all r

23、ightC. Yes, we ll have another partyD. No, the party wasn t held5. Thank you ever so much for the present you brought me. _.A. No,thanksB. I m glad you like it C. Please don t say soD. No, it s not so good6. Would you do me a favor and carry these books? _.A. Yes, that s rightB. No troubleC. Never m

24、indD. With pleasure7. _. Thank you. I certainly will.A. Happy birthday to youB. Let me help you with your EnglishC. Please remember me to your grandparentsD. Don t forget to post the letter8. Hello. May I speak to Bill, please? _.A. Bill speakingB. I m BillC. You are speaking to BillD. I meakingsp9.

25、 _? No, thanks. I m just looking around. I ll let you know if I want anything.A. Have you made up your mind what you wantB. What do you wantC. Can I help youD. Do you like it10. I think you look very nice in the red dress. _.湖南省教育科学十一五规划课题信息技术环境下英语教学资源的整合成果A. Oh, no, I donnicetlookat allB. I m glad

26、you think soC. I don t like redbut my mom made me wear itD. You are very kind11. I m so tired, working all morning on the farm. Why not take a rest , then? _.A. Becau se I can t afford itB. Maybe I shouldC. I do n t knowD. Sorry, I can ttell you12. Have you heard that Susan has been elected mayor of

27、 the city? After working so hard for so many years, _.A. she surely welcomes itB. she has certainly earned itC. she is welcome to itD. it s good news13. Can you post these letters for us on your way home? _.A. No problemB. It s all rightC. FineD. I hope so14. Do you happen to have twenty dollars on

28、you? _? I want to buy a reference book.A. Do you want the moneyB. What will you want to doC. How muchD. What for15. How s everything going? _.A. Everything is finishedB. Everything has been doneC. Not so bad, you knowD. Not doing wrong, you know16. Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday? _ .A.

29、Yes, of course.B. The other is better. C. What s the matter? D. Either would suit me.17. _. It s nothing to worry about. I never liked it anyway.A. I lost my walkman this morningB. I feel awful. I ve got a coldC. I feel terrible, but I ve left your tape somewhereD. I m sorry, but we don t have that

30、medicine18. Jane: Tom, let me introduce you to Lucy. Tom: _ Lucy: Hi, I m Lucy Lee.A. What s your name? B. Hello.C. Nice to see you.D. Sorry, not right now.19. What s happened to my library books? _ .A. I ve no ideaB. You borrowed them from the libraryC. You bought them yesterdayD. They re about wil

31、d animals20. My children are always arguing. _A. Just leave them alone. B. Th at s right.C. Are you sure?D. How old are the boys?21. Where is Tom this morning? He s got a cold. _A. Just tell him to take it easy.B. What s the matter with him?C. He is absent.D. What? Where is he?22. I m so sorry for s

32、tepping on your foot. _.A. That s all rightB. No, it s my faultC. You didn t hurt me at allD. Yes, don t worryabout it23. You ve won the football game. Congratulations! _.A. It nices of you to say so B. We are really luckyC. No one else could do it D. Oh, notreally24. Do you feel like taking a walk

33、in the park? _.A. You may ask your brother to go, tooB. Yes, but I can t afford the time湖南省教育科学十一五规划课题信息技术环境下英语教学资源的整合成果C. No, I mreally not in the mood for it this eveningD. No, I d like it25. I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. _A. I don t like the weather this time of the year. B. I

34、don t mind ifisitgoing to rain tomorrow.C. Why read the newspaper yourself?D. Let s listen to the weather report on the radio at ten.26. I ll meet you outside the cinema in an hour, OK? _.A. No, 2 hours laterB. Yes, that s a good ideaC. OK, but I can manageD. No, I don tthink so27. Your tie goes ver

35、y well with your shirt. _A. Oh, I got it on sale.B. I bought it at half price.C. Does it really look OK? D. No, not sonice.28. Have you got any oranges and apples? _ .A. Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there.B. The oranges are very cheap.C. You like apples, don t you?D. Of course, we have some

36、fruits.29. Excuse me, you left this handbag in the shop. _A. It s not my fault.B. Oh, thank you.C. I m sorry. I m busyD.It. s mine!30. _ Drop in if you have time. Sure. Bye!A. Well, I really must be going now.B. I wonder if you could let me go now.C. Do you mind if I leave now?D. What a shame that I

37、 want to go now!31. Let s go swimming, shall we? _.A. It s my pleasure B. It doesn t matterC. Yes, let s go D. I agree with you32. I enjoyed the food very much. I m glad you liked it. Please drop in any time youlike. _A. Is it all right?B. I m afraid I won t be free.C. Yes, I will.D. That s great.33

38、. I m afraid I can finishtthe book this week. _.A. Please go aheadB. That s right C. Not at allD. Take your time34. Hello, may I have an appointment with the doctor? _A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B. Why didn t you call earlier?C. Certainly. May I know your name?D. Sorry, he doesnwantto see you

39、.35. You ve given us a wonderfulEnglish dinner, Mrs.Smith. _.A. Oh, I m afraid I didn t cook veryB.wellI m glad you enjoyed itC. Come again when you are freeD. It s not necessary for you to say so36. _ Oh, what a nice house! I m glad you like it. Let me show you around it first.A. Let s drive to my

40、house.B. Here we are.C. Would you like to see my house?D. My house is behind the hill.37. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often _ or better than an actual performance.38. What kind of food would you like to have? _ but Japanese. How about Korean, then?A. AnythingB. SomethingC. EverythingD. Nothing39. Would you mind _the window? It s hot here!_.A. to open; No, pleaseB. open; Yes, please湖南省教育科学十一五规划课题信息技术环境下英语教学资源的整合成果C. opening; No, of course notD. opening; Yes, please40. Could I borrow your camera? _. But you will have to buy some film.A.


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