英语专业毕业论文Effective Management of Human Resources.doc

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1、黄河科技大学毕业论文Effective Management of Human Resources学 生:学 号:080120127专 业:英语导 师: XXX 学校代码:10248黄河科技学院外国语学院二四年十一月ABSTRACTFor many years, people thought that the important factors of any company to survive were the companys financial health, product and market development, minimizing costs and improving c

2、ustomer relations. Nowadays more companies recognize that managing people within the organization is no less important than creating a competitive product or launching a successful promotional campaign. In fact, organizational success actually depends upon careful attention to human resource managem

3、ent. Therefore, Human Resource Management, which concerns the management of personnel, is more often recognized as a fundamental element in any organization. It has become a common notion that an organizations greatest assets are its people; therefore only effective management of its human resources

4、 allows organizations to achieve their goals and objectives. The purpose of my thesis is to give a brief view of how to conduct effective Human Resource Management in organization. At the beginning part, I briefly introduce Human Resource Management and its importance. Then, I analyze how to conduct

5、 effective human resource management in organization from four aspects: First is getting right people for the right position at the right time through recruitment and selection. Second is developing more effective and efficient workforce through training. Third is maintaining a highly efficient work

6、force through performance evaluation. Forth is attracting and retaining enthusiastic and qualified employees through compensation. At the last part of the thesis, I mentioned the strategic development of Human Resource Management. KEY WORDS: human resource management; recruitment and selection; trai

7、ning; performance evaluation; compensation; strategic human resource management摘 要多年来人们认为,任何企业生存的关键因素都在于其财务状况、产品和市场发展、成本控制及改善客户关系。而现在,越来越多的企业认识到,企业中人员管理的重要性并不亚于产品创新或企业推广的成功。事实上,企业的成功恰恰取决于企业对人力资源管理的关注。于是,人力资源管理越来越被看作是任何企业组织所必备的关键因素。企业组织中最大的资产就是人力资本,只有有效的人力资源管理才能引导企业达成其企业目标。本论文的目的就在于探讨怎样在企业组织中开展有效的人力资

8、源管理。本文的开始部分介绍了人力资源管理及其重要性。然后,从四个方面进一步分析了怎样在企业组织中开展有效的人力资源管理。首先,通过招聘和选拔在恰当的时机为企业组织中恰当的职位获得恰当的人选。第二,通过培训打造更具效率和效能的雇员队伍。第三,通过绩效考评来保持企业员工的高绩效。第四,通过薪资管理来吸引和保有兼具胜任能力和工作热情的员工们。在论文的最后部分,简略提及了战略人力资源管理的发展。 关键词:人力资源管理;招聘和选拔;培训;绩效考评;薪资管理;战略人力资源管理 1. Importance of Human Resource Management For many years, people

9、 thought that the important factors of any company to survive were the companys financial health, product and market development, minimizing costs and improving customer relations. Nowadays, more companies recognize that managing human resources within the company is no less important than these fac

10、tors. Many experts suggest: it is the work force and the companys ability to recruit and maintain the good work force that constitutes the foundation of a companys progressing. Therefore, Human Resource Management (HRM) is more often considered as a fundamental and crucial element in any organizatio

11、n. Organizations greatest assets are human resources. A companys competitive advantage is gained through a competent, committed workforce. Only effective HRM allows organizations to achieve their goals and objectives. Specifically speaking, the effective HRM can give a company the following competit

12、ive edge over its rival companies:1. Hard-working employees are more likely to produce excellent work that adds value to the organization.2. Possessing sound employee relations will encourage outside investors to buy shares of the company, so that it becomes easier for the company to raise funds.3.

13、Company resources will be used in the most efficient way, via recruitment of the best people, improvement of employees ability and skills through training, etc.4. The organizational culture will be more conducive to quality performance.Therefore, companies, who are expert in the management of human

14、resources, will develop considerably. In order to understand the detailed functions of HRM, wed better first look at what the Human Resource Management means.According to Graham and Bennett (1998), “Human resources management concerns the human side of the management of enterprises and employees rel

15、ations with their firms. Its purpose is to ensure that the employees of a company, i.e. its human resources, are used in such a way that the employer obtains the great possible benefit from their abilities, and the employees obtain both material and psychological rewards from their work. ”Once known

16、 as Personnel Administration, the meaning of HRM is continually evolving and expanding. The change in its title also reflects that the discipline of HRM has moved from being largely administrative to being a strategic and dynamic management field. Generally speaking, Human Resource Management refers

17、 to the practices as follows:1. Conducting job analyses (determining the nature of each employees job)2. Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates3. Selecting job candidates4. Orienting and training new employees5. Managing wages and salaries (determining how to compensate employees)6. Prov

18、iding incentives and benefits7. Evaluating performance8. Communicating 9. Training and developing10. Building employee commitmentOn the basis of those practices, HR managers work effectively and efficiently to enable employees to contribute their maximized efforts towards the objectives of the busin

19、ess. Meanwhile, a variety of functions are incorporated within the overall functions of the Human Resources Manager. The following pages will elaborate how to conduct the effective management of human resources in organizations. 2. Conducting effective Human Resource ManagementEffective HRM could en

20、able employees to maximize their work efficiency and their contribution towards the company. In order to achieve that, higher standard and more challenges are posted to Human Resource Managers. A good HR manager has to know how to get the right people into the right place at the right time and how t

21、o manage them effectively once they are there. Usually this involves:1. Identifying the kinds of human resources that are needed to fulfill the planning and objectives of the company. It must be viewed from both quantity and quality perspectives, such as how many people should be hired and what kind

22、 of competences, aptitudes, skills and attitudes they must possess.2. Identifying the vacancy in the departments of the company.3. Developing a process of recruitment and selection to place right people in right position, where they can exercise their talents properly.4. Clarifying responsibilities

23、and objectives to employees, to ensure that their performance and personal objectives are tightly linked with the objectives of the company.5. Motivating the workforce by systematically compensating the efforts of employees. The compensation system must be rational, equitable and incentive, in order

24、 to retaining and motivating employees.6. Cultivating the competency and capability of employees through training programs. After hiring new employees, HR manager has to design comprehensive training programs to ensure that the new employees become qualified as soon as possible. Before the promotion

25、 of present employees, the consequent training should also be conducted, so that the promoted employees could suit the new position more quickly. 7. Maintaining a highly efficient workforce through performance evaluation. Collaborating with department managers, HR managers have to evaluate employees

26、 performance monthly and yearly, to ensure everyone in the company performs well. To explain how to perform the above-mentioned functions most effectively, we may need to study the profound discipline of Human Resource Management in depth. Here four key aspects of effective HRM are discussed in deta

27、il. They are Recruitment and Selection, Training, Performance evaluation, and Compensation. 2.1 Recruitment and selectionRecruitment and selection is the screening step for a company to get the right people for the right position from numerous candidates. It is primary important for HR manager to co

28、nduct a successful recruiting and selection. Employees with the right skills will do a better job for the company, whilst the wrongly hired employees will be costly, because the company has to offer more training or even to replace them sometimes. To achieve a successful recruiting result, HR manage

29、rs have to use one or more recruiting methods which are suitable to the requirement of the company and the opening position. So the effective recruitment has to be tactical, well-designed and systematical as well.Firstly, HR department should develop a candidate pool. Because the more candidates HR

30、has, the more selective the company can be in the hiring. If only two candidates apply for two openings, HR manager may have little choice but to hire them. But if 10 or 20 applicants appear, then the HR manager can use various techniques like interviews and tests to screen out all but the best.Most

31、 popular recruiting methods used to develop a pool of candidates are as follows:1. Internal recruiting. Internal recruiting means recruit candidates from current employees within the company. It often uses job posting to publicize the opening position to all the employees, and listing its attributes

32、 like qualifications, supervisor, working schedule, and pay rate. It is the best way to enhance employees morale by giving them the opportunity of a promotion or a more favorable position. Meanwhile, having been within the company for some time, inside candidates may be more committed to company goa

33、ls and less likely to leave. 2. Advertising. Its one of the external recruiting methods. Due to the use of mass media, the advertising method could attract a vast number of candidates. The selection of the best medium local paper, journal, TV, or internet depends on the type of positions. Nowadays,

34、a large and growing proportion of employers recruit on the internet.3. Executive Recruiters (also known as head hunters). Headhunters are employment agencies specialized in seeking out top-management latent for their clients. They can be quite useful, because they have many contacts with qualified c

35、andidates who are currently employed and not actively looking to change jobs. They can also keep firms name confidential until late into the interview process. They can save top management time by doing the preliminary work, such as advertising for the position and initially screening applicants. 4.

36、 College Recruiting. College recruiting means sending an employers representatives to college campuses to prescreen applicants and create an applicant pool from the colleges graduating class. Its an important source of management trainees, promising candidates, and professional and technical employe

37、es. In this method, recruiters and schools must be carefully chosen. The recruiters should be chosen on the basis of his/her ability of identifying top candidates. The school should be selected by its reputation and performance of previous cooperation with the company.The type of job generally deter

38、mines what recruiting source is used. According to a recent survey, for managerial positions, 80% of employers used newspaper ads, 20% used head hunters. For technical jobs, 75% used college recruiting. For recruiting sales person, 80% of companies used newspaper ads. With a pool of candidates, the

39、next step is to select the most suitable person for the job through interview.One-to-one formal interview is probably the most commonly used, but there is also another method named panel interview. The most appropriate method will be chosen according to the real situation.For example, interviewing c

40、ollege students should normally be one-to-one, as college students are likely to be nervous in front of a group of interviewers.The panel interview means the candidate is interviewed simultaneously by a group of interviewers. The panel interview is often used for recruitment of senior positions. The

41、 candidate could be judged from different aspects by experts from different departments.In many modern organizations, the conventional methods of interview, whether it is one-to-one interview or panel interview, become inadequate. Many managers therefore devised additional tests to measure candidate

42、s real competence.The occupationally relevant tests include:1. Attainment tests Designed to measure specific knowledge or skills in a particular field, e.g. a typing test2. Aptitude test Designed to measure specific capabilities such as mechanical or musical ability3. Interest tests Designed to iden

43、tify areas of activity particularly attractive to the candidate4. Trainability tests It attempts to measure the interviewees general capacity to learn knowledge or skill. For example, the interviewer could ask interviewee to perform a job-related task after giving the prior instruction to the interv

44、iewee.5. Work samples It is the simulations of the real work situation. In-tray exercise is one form of work samples. It requires the interviewee to prioritize a list of tasks in the tray.6. Work tasks The interviewee is expected to deal with the real work in real situation. 7. Personality tests Som

45、e personality test instruments, such as questionnaire, could be used. The purpose is to give a personality profile of the interviewee, in order to identify his/her suitability for a particular job.When deciding which tests to use, the reasons for the recruitment must be clear. For example, a new mem

46、ber of designing department must be selected on the basis of both personality and designing skills, but a technician is more likely to be chosen because of his technical expertise.Finally, after deciding which candidate will be hired according to the results of interviews and tests, it is particular

47、ly important to inform candidates of the outcome as quickly as possible. The successful candidate should be notified very immediately. It is frustrating and costly to lose the suitable person if he/she has taken up a job offered from another company. And, the unsuccessful candidates should also be i

48、nformed quickly, because it could build up a good reputation for the company.2.2 Effective trainingOnce employees have been recruited and selected, the training program for them must be conducted from the start to the end during the whole employment period. For employers, training means develop more effective and efficient workforce for their company. For new or present employees, through training, they acquire knowledge and skills to fulfill their jobs better and better.


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