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1、2013年08月24日托福写作考试解析(官方版)小马过河为大家准备了“2013年08月24日托福写作考试解析(官方版)”, 供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267。8月24日综合写作:The reading and the writing are both dealing with the problem of dog domestication. The reading material suggests three proofs of dog domestication, whereas the listening material c

2、asts doubts on this view and put forward some arguments to disprove it.According to the writer, the ancestors of domesticated dogs are wolfs because they have similar genes. The lecture, on the other hand, argues that the dogs ancestor is by no means wolfs. The genes of the dogs are more similar to

3、those of a kind of wild dogs.It is also claimed in the passage that it is human activities that promoted the domestation of dogs. In other words, dogs are the result of artifical selection. The speaker, in comparison, disputes that the domestication of dogs has nothing to do with human because it we

4、nt through natrual selection. Only friendly dogs could eat food left by humans and were more likely to survive.Finally, the author points out that the date of the domestication of dogs is about 14000years ago because dogs have been found to be buried with humans. On the contrary, the professor refut

5、es that the date was much earlier. Before settlement of humans, they usualy hunted for food and went from place to place, even if people died, they would not be buried together.独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is important to have rules about the types of clothing that pe

6、ople are allowed to wear at work and at school.如果在公司或者学校指定相应的穿衣规则的话,人们工作的时候能更加专注,没有闲话聊。如果学校指定穿衣规则的话学生们就不会攀比,经济背景不好的学生不会感到自卑,自然学习会更好。穿衣规范还体现了学校和公司的形象,有利于他们的名声。所以这篇文章写一边倒很好写。Whether there should be rules about the type of clothing people wear at schools or in their workplaces has been the topic of muc

7、h discussion. Some people believe that having rules is better, which is in accordance with my thought.Obviously, there are many advantages if we set rules to regulate what students wear at schools. Primarily, these rules will be beneficial for students studies. If students care too much about clothe

8、s and fashion designs, they will spend a lot of precious school time on these things and become less attentive when having classes. Without roles to constrain them, some school girls may wear very sexy dresses that distract boys attention on their studies. However, if we set rules for students and l

9、et them wear school uniforms when at school, these things will never happen and students will have to focus on their lessons.Secondly, if we set these rules, there will be less inferiority on campus. As we all know, some students at school are from wealthy families while others come from poor ones.

10、Students with superior backgrounds usually wear better clothes than those with inferior backgrounds, which will make poor students feel ashamed because they appear shabby. If we let them wear certain clothes, the difference between them will be less distinct. So this feeling of shame will be less li

11、kely to occur, which helps students gain confidence.For people in workplaces, setting rules about clothes is also necessary. For a company which often does business with important clients, they should wear formal suits. Wearing formal suits shows your respect for others. If you wear gym suits, it wo

12、uld make the clients feel uncomfortable and weird. If a female employee wears a shirt that is too short, it may distract her colleagues.From the above discussion, we can see that setting rules about the clothes people wear at schools or in their work place is necessary. Therefore, I agree with the statement mentioned in the question. 源于:小马过河相关推荐:2012年11月18日托福写作真题解析2012年11月18日托福口语真题解析2012年11月18日托福阅读真题解析2012年11月18日托福听力真题解析全国免费咨询电话:400-0123-267


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