英语模块基础知识过关检测必修4 Module1.doc

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1、 英语模块基础知识过关检测必修4 Module 1 一.书面分(10分)。得分: 二.单词部分(30分,每题1分)。得分: (一) 汉译英。1.命令 指令(n)command 2.娱乐 消遣(n)recreation 3.预测(n) prediction 4.罪犯 犯人(n)criminal 5.系 贴 连接(vt) attach 6.冒险的 危险的(adj) risky 7.范围(n)limit 8.太阳的(adj) solar 9.开关(n)switch 10.装 装载(vt) load (二)英译汉。1.material(n) 材料 2.surgery(n) 外科手术 3.arrest(

2、vt)逮捕,拘留 4.clinic(n) 诊所 5.resource(n) 资源 6.eventually(adv) 最后,终于 7.alternative(adj) 替换的,供选择的 8.catalogue(n) 目录 9.colony(n) 殖民地 10.urban(adj) 都市的,城市的 (三)按要求写出相关派生词等。1.power(n/vt): powerful (adj) 2.rely(v): reliance (adj)3.optimistic(adj): optimism (n) 4.risky(adj): risk (n/v)5disability(n): disable (

3、vt) 6.colonize(v): colony (n)7.alternative(adj.) alternative (n) 8.attach(vt): tie (近义词)9.load(vt): unload (反义词) 10.shape(vt): shape (n)三短语部分(10分,每题1分)。得分: (一)汉译英。1.订购 place an order.place orders 2.依赖 rely on 3.肯定地 for sure 4.除掉 处理掉 get rid of 5.免费 free of charge (二)英译汉。1.take charge of 掌管 负责 2.for

4、a start 首先 3.carry out operations 做手术 4.without limit 无限 5.house kits 一套住房设备 四单选部分(10分, 每题1分)。得分: 1. With so much homework _, Tom has to stay at home. A A. to do B. to be done C. done D. doing 2.They call the officer because they are _ water and food. .D A. run out B. run out of C. running out D. ru

5、nning out of 3.Your furniture looks nice indeed, but you _ too much for it. C Im afraid it cant be any lower. AofferBpay Ccharge Dsell 4Sam promised to_ the children when their parents were away from home. Atake charge of Bbe in the charge of AChave charge of Dtake the charge of 5The general command

6、ed that the soldiers _ unless he _ the command. DAdont attack;give Bdidnt attack;will gave Cshould not attack;would give Dnot attack;gave6You should_ the bad habit instead of getting into it. DAbreak away Bkeep away Cget on Dget rid of 7. Dont worry! You wont miss her. She _a red t-shirt and a white

7、 skirt at that time. A. wears B.will be wearing C.is wearing D.has worn B8.- Is there anything wrong,Bob? You look sad .B -Oh,nothing serious. In fact,I_of my frieds back home.A. have just thought B, was just thinking C.would just think D. will just be thinking 9.The train _at 6:00 pm. So I have to

8、be at the station_ 5:40 pm at the latest. B A.will leave; until B.leaves; by C.is going to leave; at D.is leaving; after 10.-Ill call on you at 10:00 tomorrow morning. B -Sorry,I_the flight to Shanghai then. A.have enjoyed B.will be enjoying C.am enjoying D. am to enjoy五、句子练习 (40) (一)根据提示填空(每空1分,共20

9、分)。得分: 1.他们担心人类不久会用完石油,出现食品短缺问题。They are afraid that the world will soon _run_ _out_ _of_ oil and _run_ _short_ _of_ food.2.去掉一种坏习惯是很不容易的。It is not easy _to_ _get_rid_ _of_a bad habit.3.他被指控犯谋杀罪。He _was_ _charged_ _with_ murder. .4.这个医院附属于附近的那所医学院This hospital _is_ _attached_ to_the medical college

10、nearby.5.这些学生正在健康成长。These students _are_ _shaping_ _up_ well.6.我们不能指望他们来帮助我们。We cant_rely_ on them to help us.(二)英译汉(5分)。得分: Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live. Page103 (三)汉译英(每个5分,共15分)。得分: 1.我小的时候总是说想当医生,现在还是如此。 Page8 2中学毕业后,我肯定学医,当外科医生。 After I finish school,I will definitely study medicine and work as a surgeon. 3我将挽救生命,那肯定是非常有用,非常有趣的事业。Page8 学生自我评价与反思:


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