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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)模拟95公共英语一级(B)模拟95第一部分 听力第一节 图片判断 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A解析Jim plays Ping-Pong very well解析 根据“吉姆乒乓球打得很好。”可知与图片A相符。所以应选A。2.答案:C解析The skirt is very beautiful解析 根据“裙子很漂亮。”可知与图片C相符。所以应选C。3.答案:B解析Her brother is a soldier解析 根据“她哥哥是一名军人。”可知与图片B相符。所以

2、应选B。4.答案:C解析Computers were invented in 1976解析 根据“计算机是于1976年发明的。”可知与图片C相符。所以应选C。5.答案:B解析Tomorrow will be Friday解析 根据“明天是星期五。”可知与图片B相符。所以应选B。第二节 对话应答 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Oh, your pen is on the desk.B.Sorry, I dont know.C.Theyre in Row Three.答案:B解析Where is my pencil?2.A.Yes, theyre Lucy and Lily.B

3、.No, shes not Lily.C.I think shes Lucy.答案:C解析Is the little girl Lucy or Lily?3.A.Hes 28.B.Sorry, its OK.C.Hes fine.答案:A解析How old is your English teacher?4.A.Hi! How are you?B.How do you do?C.Hello, goodbye!答案:B解析How do you do?5.A.Its an egg.B.Thats wrong.C.Sorry, I dont know.答案:C解析Is she at school t

4、oday? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Yes. Why?B.See you later.C.Ill be free tomorrow.答案:A解析Are you free this afternoon?听力原文 Are you free this afternoon?这是一般疑问句,回答要用Yes或者No。 选项AYesWhy?(有空,干吗?)符合语境。 7.A.Youre welcome.B.Its a pleasure.C.It doesnt matter.答案:C解析Im sorry Ive broken your pencil.听力原文 Im sorry Ive

5、 broken your pencil一般对于道歉要用表示客气的话回答:C It doesnt matter8.A.In the library.B.Three days ago.C.For three days.答案:9. B答案:解析When did you borrow the book?听力原文 When did you borrow the book?回答应该是具体的时间,选项B Three days ago符合语境。选项C表示持续一段时间。10.A.Quite well.B.Im so happy.C.They are so kind.答案:A解析How are you getti

6、ng on with your classmates?听力原文 How are you getting on with your classmates?这里选项AQuite well符合问答逻辑。11.A.Not at all.B.I will. Thank you.C.The same to you.答案:B解析Please give my best wishes to your family.听力原文 Please give my best wishes to your family选项B I willThank you符合语言交际习惯。第三节 对话理解 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标

7、题名) 1.A.Its cheap.B.Its too fast.C.Its not safe.答案:C解析W: How do you usually go to New York, Mr. Jackson?M: I go there by train.W: Why not go by plane?M: Its not safe, I think.Q: Why dont Mr. Jackson go by plane?2.A.Park.B.Market.C.School.答案:A解析M: Its a fine day today, isnt it?W: Yes. Lets go to the

8、park, OK?M: Thats great!Q: Where do they plan to go?3.A.Friday.B.Sunday.C.Saturday.答案:C解析M: Its half past seven. I must go to school, Mum.W: Today is a holiday. Dont you know?M: Oh yes! Its Saturday.Q: What day is it today?4.A.In the cinema.B.At home.C.In a market.答案:B解析M: May I help you, madam?W: I

9、 want some eggs.Q: Where are they talking?5.A.She is fine.B.She is ill.C.She is crying.答案:A解析M: How are you today?W: I am fine, thank you.Q: How is she? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.His bike is broken on his way to school.B.The traffic is too heavy.C.He gets up late in the morning.答案:B解析M: Excuse me, ma

10、y I come in?W: Oh, Jim. Come in, please. You are late again. Why?M: Because the traffic is too heavy.Q: Why is Jim late again?解析 从对话中男士的回答:Because the traffic is too heavy. 可知,吉姆之所以迟到是因为堵车,故选B。7.A.Dancing.B.Singing.C.Tennis.答案:C解析W: What do you do in your free time, Tom?M: I like to go dancing and s

11、inging, but my favorite activity is tennis.Q: Whats Toms favorite activity in his free time?解析 从对话中男士的回答:I like to go dancing and singing, but my favorite activity is tennis. 可知,汤姆最喜欢的运动是网球,故选C。8.A.On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.On Wednesday.答案:C解析M: What day is it today?W: Its Tuesday.M: Well, our class

12、will have a football match tomorrow. Would you like to watch it?W: Sure. Id love to.Q: When will the football match be held?解析 从对话中可知,今天是星期二。男士说:我们班明天将有场足球比赛。明天就是星期三,所以足球比赛将在星期三举行,故选C。9.A.10:35.B.10:20.C.10:05.答案:A解析W: Ladies and gentlemen! The flight to London will leave in 15 minutes.M: Lets hurry

13、. Its 10:20 now.Q: When will the plane to London take off?解析 飞往伦敦的飞机将于15分钟后起飞,而现在是10点20分,所以飞机将于10点35分起飞,故选A。10.A.Next Sunday.B.Next Friday.C.Next Saturday.答案:C解析M: Shall we go to the amusement park next Friday?W: Its closed on Friday.M: How about Next Saturday?W: OK.Q: When will they go to the amuse

14、ment park?解析 男士说:我们下周五去游乐园吧! 女士回答:星期五游乐园关门。男士又建议下周六去,女士同意了,所以他们下周六将去游乐园,故选C。第二部分 阅读第一节 短文理解1 This is a picture of our classroom. We can see some boys and girls in it. The boy in the white shirt is Tom. Hes an American boy. The girl behind Tom is Sun Hun. Shes a Chinese girl. Theyre good friends. We

15、can see two boys in the picture, too. Theyre Lin Ming and Lin Liang. They look the same. And theyre in the same clothes. 1. This is a picture of my family. A True B False 答案:B见第一句,“这是教室的图片”。2. We can see some boys and girls in the picture. A True B False 答案:A见第二句。3. Tom is an English boy. A True B F

16、alse 答案:B见“Tom is an American boy.”4. The girl behind Tom is Sun Hua. A True B False 答案:A见原文,Tom后面是Sun Hua。5. Lin Ming and Lin Liang are in the same clothes. A True B False 答案:A他们穿同样的衣服。 Water is very important to living things. Without water there can be no life on the earth. All animals and plants

17、 need water. Man also needs water. The water in seas, rivers and lakes is a liquid. But in the air it is not a liquid but a gas, and it is all around us. Snow and ice are made of water, too. They are frozen water. This kind of water is a solid. Water may be a solid, or a liquid, or a gas. When it is

18、 a solid, it may be as hard as stone. When it is a liquid, you can wash something in it. When it is a gas, you cant see or feel it. 6. Water has three states. A True B False 答案:A7. Without water there cant be any life on the earth. A True B False 答案:A8. The water in the air is usually a liquid. A Tr

19、ue B False 答案:B One day, a sheep is drinking water in a river. A wolf comes to her. He wants to eat the sheep very much. He says to her, You make my water dirty, I cant drink it now. The sheep says, Im far away from you. How can I make your water dirty? The wolf has nothing to say. Then he has anoth

20、er idea. He says to the sheep, Last year, you said something bad behind me. The sheep says, No, I didnt. I was not born last year. Then it must be your dad, the wolf says. He runs to the sheep and wants to eat her. 9. One day a sheep drinks in a river. A True B False 答案:A解析 羊在河里喝水:One day, a sheep i

21、s drinking water in a river. 与题意一致。10. The wolf wants to eat the grass. A True B False 答案:B解析 细节题解析 狼不是想吃草而是想吃羊:He wants to eat the sheep very much。第二节 短文理解2 A woman was at the cinema, and she was enjoying the film very much, but there was a man in the next seat, and he began looking on the floor un

22、der him. The woman was angry and whispered (低声说),What are you doing there? What are you looking for? A piece of hard chocolate, the man said to her, Ive dropped it on the floor. A piece of chocolate? the woman said angrily, Its dirty now! Take this and be quiet, please. Im listening to the film! she

23、 gave the man a big piece of chocolate. But, the man said, my teeth are in the piece of chocolate on the floor ! 1. What was the man doing? He was _.A.watching TVB.watching a matchC.looking for something答案:C从第一、二段,妇女在看电影,而邻座的男人看着地上。所以这个妇女说:“找什么?”他回答“找一块巧克力”。2. The man sat _ the woman.A.behindB.in fr

24、ont ofC.next to答案:C见第一段。3. The woman was angry because _.A.the man spoke loudlyB.she couldnt enjoy the filmC.the man asked her some questions答案:B见第二、三段,表明这位男士影响了她欣赏电影。4. The word whisper means speak in a _ voice.A.lowB.loudC.big答案:Awhisper“低语”,low“低”,loud“高”5. In fact the man was busy looking for hi

25、s _.A.glassesB.teethC.ticket答案:B实际上,粘着巧克力的牙齿也掉在了地上。 A bird was very thirsty (渴). He was looking for water. He saw a bottle and flew down happily. He saw some water in the bottle. But he could not get the water. What can I do? thought the bird. He looked around and saw some pebbles (鹅卵石). Then he had

26、 a good idea. He dropped the pebbles into the bottle one by one. Now he could drink the water happily. 6. The bird was _.A.thirstyB.hungryC.tired答案:A根据短文内容,正确答案应为A,它感到渴。7. When the bird saw a bottle, he _ in the bottle.A.could not get the waterB.drank all the waterC.was happy答案:A根据短文内容及顺序,正确答案为A,它看到

27、瓶子及里面的水,但却喝不到。8. The bird put some _ into the bottle.A.ideaB.waterC.pebbles答案:C根据短文,它为了喝到水,将鹅卵石一块一块地方了进去。因此答案为C。9. At the end, the bird _ the water.A.didnt getB.saw but didnt getC.got答案:C根据短文,它最终喝到了水。因此答案为C。 The Greens live in a small village. They have one child, John. He is twenty. He works in the

28、 village, but he doesnt like to work in the village. Then he gets a job in a town. It is quite far from the village. John likes his new work very much, but his parents are not happy about this. John, youd better come back to work in the village and live with us, Mrs. Green says one day. There isnt a

29、ny good work for me here, mother, says John. John goes to work in the town and lives there. Today Mrs. Green is very angry. She gets on the bus and goes to Johns house in town. John, Mrs. Green says to him, why do you never call me? John says, But, Mum. You dont have a telephone. No, she says, I don

30、t. But you have. 10. There are _ people in Johns family.A.twoB.threeC.four答案:B解析 文中提到格林家的成员有格林夫妇和一个孩子,一家三口人。11. John gets a _ in the town.A.jobB.workC.dog答案:A解析 第一段提到:Then he gets a job in a town. 可知。Get a job或者find a job为固定搭配,不能说get a work, work为不可数名词,不能与a连用。12. According to the passage, which of t

31、he following is true?A.John finds a good job in the village.B.John works in a town near the village.C.John likes his new work very much.答案:C解析 从文中:John likes his new work very much. 可知约翰很喜欢他的新工作,所以答案C正确。第三节 词语配伍A. Its May 5th.B. Today is Sunday.C. No, I often go to school by bus.D. He is a teacher.E

32、. No, I dont like boating, I like skating.F. Here you are.G. Dont mention it.1. May I borrow your pen?答案:F解析 May I borrow your pen?对于借东西的回答应该是借或者不借,要借就说FHere you are要不借就要婉言推辞。2. Do you like boating?答案:E解析 Do you like boating?对于这句话的回答,选项ENo, I dont like boating, I like skating符合语境。3. What does your f

33、ather do?答案:D解析 What does your father do?你父亲的职业是什么,与选项DHe is a teacher. 语境相呼应。4. Do you often go to school on foot?答案:C解析 Do you often go to school on foot?对于一般疑问句的回答要说“是”与“否”。选项CNo, I often go to school by bus符合语境。5. What day is today?答案:B解析 What day is today?对于星期几的回答应该用选项BToday is Sunday符合语境。 21 / 21


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