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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级模拟44公共英语一级模拟44第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到10个句子,每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一幅图片。每句话读两遍。 下面请听这些句子。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A听力原文Could I have some more sugar in my coffee?名师解析 录音原句意为“我能在咖啡里再加点糖吗”。图片A中的字显示为糖 (sug

2、ar),图片B显示为盐(salt),图片C为糖果(candy)。从原句可清晰听到“sugar”一词,所以选项A符合题意。2.答案:C听力原文The doctor said there is nothing wrong with my teeth.名师解析 录音原句意为“我的牙齿没有问题”。图片A为嘴巴(mouth),图片B为鼻子(nose),图片C显示牙齿(teeth)。从原句可清晰听到“teeth”一词,故选C。3.答案:A听力原文The small town lies in the north of the river.名师解析 录音原句意为“那个小镇坐落在河的北边”。图片A房子在河的北边

3、 (north),图片B房子在河的南边(south),图片C则在西边(west)。从原句中可清晰听到“north”一词,所以答案为A。4.答案:C听力原文Vegetable is very good for your health.名师解析 录音原句意为“蔬菜对你的健康很有利”。图片A为水果(fruit),图片B为肉(meat),图片C为蔬菜(vegetable)。从原句中可清晰听到“vegetable”一词,故选C。5.答案:C听力原文Its 5 below zero today.名师解析 录音原句意为“今天零下5度”。由图片中的刻度可知,图片A为零上5度,图片B为0度,图片C为零下5度。从

4、原句中可清晰听到“five below zero”,即零下五度,所以正确答案为C。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:B听力原文There is a lot of rain in August here.名师解析 录音原句意为“这里的八月雨量较大”。图片A为二月(February),图片B为八月(August),图片C为十月(October)。从原句中可清晰听到“August”一词,所以正确选项为B。7.答案:C听力原文Mr. Wang rang me up this morning.名师解析 录音原句意为“王先生早上打电话给我了”。图片A为戒指(ring),图片 B为信(l

5、etter),图片C为电话(phone)。原句中“rang up”(ring up的过去式),是一个动词词组表示“打电话”,所以选项C符合题意。故选C。8.答案:A听力原文The Great Wall was built thousands of years ago.名师解析 录音原句意为“长城是几千年前造的”。图片A为长城(the Great Wall)图片B为塔(tower),图片C为北京天安门广场(square)。从原句可清晰听到“the Great Wall”,所以正确选项为A。9.答案:B听力原文Here is the stop. Lets get off!.名师解析 录音原句意为“

6、到站了,我们下车吧”。图片A中的人要上公车,图片B中的人下公车,图片C中的人下了汽车。由原句中“stop”即“车站”可知为公共汽车,又由句中“get off”可知是下车而不是上车,只有选项B符合题意,故选B。10.答案:A听力原文The sky has the most beautiful color of blue.名师解析 录音原句意为“天空有非常美丽的蓝色”。图片A由太阳和白云可知是天空(sky),图片B为地球(the earth),图片C为湖(lake)。从原句可清晰听到“sky”一词,所以正确选项为A。第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到15个对话,每段对话后有一个问题。请从A、B、

7、C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 下面请听这些对话。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What can we learn from the conversation?A.The meeting will probably finish at 4.B.Mr Wilson is meeting someone at 4.C.The woman will ring the man at 4.答案:A听力原文M: Hello. Its Mr Chen. Is Mr Wilson in?F: Im

8、 sorry, hes in a meeting at the moment. Would you mind calling again around 4?2. What will the woman do?A.Go to a movie with some friends.B.Go out for a dinner with the man.C.Have dinner with some friends.答案:C听力原文M: Im thinking of going to the pictures tonight. Would you like to come, Sally?F: Id li

9、ke to, but Ill have some friends over for dinner tonight.3. What does the man mean?A.He wants the woman to buy some coffee.B.Hes hoping to have a break for a coffee.C.Hes just making some coffee for the woman.答案:B听力原文F: How about stopping here for a coffee?M: Well, thats just what I was thinking.4.

10、Is ABC Company far away?A.Yes, you must take a bus to get there.B.No, you can just walk there.C.No, but youd better not walk.答案:B听力原文F: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to ABC Company from here?M: You can go by bus, of course. But its not too far, just down the road. Maybe youd like to walk.5.

11、What happened to Tracy?A.She broke her arm.B.She hurt her back.C.She broke her leg.答案:C听力原文M: Tracy, whats the matter?F: I broke my leg when I fell. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. Where do you think the talk takes place?A.At tile seaside.B.At a hotel.C.At a restaurant.答案:B听力原文M: Hello, Id like to spend til

12、e weekend at the seaside. Can you make arrangements for me?W: Yes, certainly. Just tell me your name and room number.7. How much are the three books? A. 1.5. B. 1.75. C. 2.25. 答案:B听力原文M: Ill take these three books. Are they 50 cents each?W: These two books are, but this one is 75 cents.8. How many p

13、eople are working for Mr. Brown?A.Two.B.Three.C.Five.答案:C听力原文W: Hi, Mr. Brown, how many people are working for you?M: I have two here and three in the workshop.9. Whats the woman going to do on Sunday?A.Go to see a film.B.Go to see a play.C.Go to a concert.答案:C听力原文M: Lets go to see a film at the Gua

14、ngming Cinema on Sunday.W: Id like to, but Im going to a concert. Thank you all the same.10. What time is it now?A.7:30.B.8:00.C.8:30.答案:B听力原文M: When does the play start?W: At 8:30. There are 30 minutes to go. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. What does the man want the woman to do?A.To show the passport.B.T

15、o get her passport.C.To say it again.答案:C听力原文F: Now.would you please give me your passport?M: Er.I beg your pardon? 此对话是关于查验护照的。答对该题的关键是要听懂那位男士的应答。此题考查对具体信息的理解。答案为C。 12. What will the woman do?A.Make some hot tea.B.Bring a cup of coffee.C.Buy some orange juice.答案:B听力原文F: Er.what would you like to dr

16、ink, tea, coffee or orange juice?M: Er.maybe.some coffee, please. 此对话是询问愿喝何种饮料的。女士提供茶、咖啡、橘子汁供男士选择,男士最终选了咖啡。此题是考查对具体言息理解的典型题目。答案为B。 13. What do we know about the plan?A.It wont be finished.B.Its not finished.C.Itll be used.答案:B听力原文F: OK. Would you please tell me more about your plan?M: Oh, I will.whe

17、n its ready. 此对话是询问计划的。答对该题的关键是要正确理解那位男士的应答。此题考查对具体信息的理解和推断。答案为B。 14. What will the man probably do?A.Write Jack a letter.B.Go and see jack.C.Ring Jack up.答案:C听力原文M: Hi, Jane. Um.do you know how to get in touch with Jack?F: Oh, Tom. I havent seen Jack for a while. But you can try this phone number.

18、此对话是关于如何跟某人取得联系的。答对该题的关键是要听懂女士的应答。此题考查对具体信息的理解和推断。答案为C。 15. Who will probably move the table?A.The man.B.The woman.C.Neither of them.答案:A听力原文F: Give me a hand with this table, will you?M: Oh.certainly. Now, leave it to me. Ill do it. 此对话是关于请求帮忙的。答对该题的关键是要听懂男士的应答。此题考查对具体信息的理解和推断。答案为A。 第二部分 英语知识运用第一节

19、单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 问题:1. He was born_April 6, 1997.A.inB.onC.at答案:B句意 他是1997年4月6日出生的。本题考查介词。题中有具体的日子出现,介词要用on。知识拓展 如果没有具体的日子出现,则用介词in,例:in April,in 1997。问题:2. He _ into the classroom until the bell rang.A.doesnt comeB.cameC.didnt come答案:C详细解答 本题考查notuntil结构,由于从句中rang是过去式,所以主

20、句用过去式didnt表示这件事已经发生了。问题:3. I dont think this book can take _ that one.A.a place ofB.placeC.the place of答案:C解析 take the place of 意思是“代替,取代”,是固定搭配。问题:4. -Would you like a bottle of mineral water?A.Yes, I willB.No, pleaseC.No, thanks答案:C解析 本题考查对would you like do sth. 的回答。肯定回答是 Yes,please否定回答是No,thanks问

21、题:5. Do you mind if I use your English book?. Im not using it now.A.Yes, I doB.Of course I doC.Of course not答案:C解析 根据回答“我现在不用它”,可知对方是不介意的。问题:6. Ladies often _ themselves up at parties.A.wearB.makeC.dress答案:C详细解答 此题考查同义词辨析。此句中dress up是固定搭配,意为:打扮。问题:7. I had a cup of coffee in that restaurant_and I fo

22、und it quite different.A.the other dayB.another dayC.other days答案:A考查同定搭配。由句子所使用的一般过去时态可知,应填入一个表示过去的时间状语。the other day指“前几天,几天前,那天”,符合题目要求。another day指“改天改日”,表示的是将来的时间。other days则指不定范围内的“其他日子”。问题:8. Can you play _ piano?A.aB./C.the答案:C名师解析 此句要表达“弹钢琴”,钢琴为乐器,而乐器名称前要加定冠词。选项A为不定冠词,选项B为零冠词,均不正确。只有选项C符合题意

23、,故选C。问题:9. Things will turn bad if we _ there on time.A.not getB.dont getC.wont get答案:B详细解答 此题考查动词时态。由if,as soon as,until等引导的时间状语从句,主句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时代替一般将来时。问题:10. My mother asked me_her with the cooking.A.helpsB.to helpC.helping答案:B考查动词用法。ask(要求)后要跟动词不定式作宾补,即ask sbto do sth。其余两项中,A项明显不对,因为此处不能用动词原

24、形,且me是第一人称,不能用第三人称单数形式的动词;C项是动词的-ing形式不用于ask后。问题:11. It will be _ tomorrow.A.coldB.rainC.snow答案:A解析 cold是形容词,在句中作表语。rain和snow在此不能作表语。问题:12. Must I stay here now? No, you _ . You go home now. A.mustnt, mayB.cant, canC.neednt, may答案:C解析 由情态动词Must开头的一般疑问句,其否定回答形式为neednt或dont have to,肯定回答形式还是must。问题:13.

25、 The manager doesnt think it a good idea and I dont _.A.tooB.eitherC.neither答案:B精析 句意 经理认为那不是个好主意,我也这样认为。本题考查 的是副词的用法。too用于肯定句中表示“也”;either用于否定句中表示 “也”,常常用在句尾,故B正确。问题:14. The books on the desk are _, and _ book is on the desk by the window.A.my.yourB.mine.yourC.mine.yours答案:B解析 mine是名词性物主代词,起名词作用,等于

26、my books,在句中作表语。your是形容词性物主代词,起形容词作用,在句中作定语,限定book。问题:15. Can you come and play basketball with us? _ . A.Sorry, I cant. I have to finish my homework firstB.No, I am not. Im very busy nowC.Yes, I do. I like it very much答案:A解析 Can you.?是表示许可或请求的日常交际用语。如果表示拒绝,应先表示道歉,然后说明理由,不要直接说No,那是不礼貌的,不符合英语表达习惯。第二节

27、 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所组的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Summer holidy camps(夏令营) for children began in the USA over sixteen years ago.Today there are 1 than 8000 summer camps in the United States and every year 2 four million children pass through their gates 3 June and August. Some 4 By bus every clay from

28、the nearest town. 5 stay as campers for one or two weeks. Quite a lot of children go off to camp 6 the whole of the summer holiday. The people there are young and 7 .There is good food and lots of interesting things 8 In many camps children learn things 9 cooking and drawing pictures. Every evening

29、there are camp fires and games. Everyone goes to bed 10 but happy. 1.A.moreB.manyC.much答案:A考查同定搭配。more than是个固定搭配指“超过,多于”,其中more的形式是固定的,并不受其所修饰的名词的数影响。事实上,由than也可知,此处表达的是比较义,应选含有比较义的more。2.A.nearB.aboutC.below答案:B考查副词用法。由上下文不难看出,填入的词应修饰数词,并且指的是“大约”。near一般用于指位置、时间等的“接近”,不用于数字。因此选B。注意,below虽然语法上正确,但文中

30、并没有体现出人数“低于,少于”4百万的意思,填入该项属于语出无据,不符合上下文逻辑。3.A.byB.fromC.between答案:C考查固定搭配。由空格后的June and August可知,此处强调两个月“之间”,故用between.and这一固定搭配。by后不能跟两个时间,而from后要用介词to构成fromto.这一搭配。4.A.comeB.takeC.ride答案:A考查动词用法。空格后的方式状语by bus已含“搭,乘”义,不能再用含有此义的take,否则就重复了。而ride指“骑(马),驾(车)”,用于孩子肯定不合适。本题选come,即指孩子们来夏令营。5.A.AnotherB.

31、OthersC.The other答案:B考查代词辨义和用法。another指三者或三者以上同类事物中的“另一个”,属于单数代词,不能与前面的some形成对应关系;the other则指两者之间的“另一个”,也属于单数代词。能与前面some构成对应关系的是others,它泛指三者或者三者以上同类事物中的“其他(一些)”。故本题选B。6.A.onB.inC.for答案:C考查介词用法。由空格后的whole和上下文可以看出,此处强调的是一些孩子整个暑假都待在夏令营里,空格后是一个时间段,因此应选能引出时间段的介词for。其余两项中,on不与具体的时间段连用,而in虽然可与时间段连用,但不与whol

32、e连用(whole是空格后时间段的中心词)。7.A.friendsB.friendlyC.friendship答案:B考查同根易混词。由空格前表并列的and可知,此处应填入一个与young并列的形容词。选项中只有friendly是形容词,指“友好的”,故答案是B。friend和friendship都是名词。8.A.doingB.doneC.to do答案:C考查非谓语动词。本题属于不定式作后置定语这一用法,强调的是一般性动作或者将来(即动作尚未发生)。事实上,题句相当于.interesting things for children tm do,属于一种省略用法。而动词的-ing形式(现在分词

33、)强调的是动作正在发生或者强调动作的主动性,而-ed(过去分词)形式强调动作的完成或者表被动,显然都不符合本题要求。9.A.likeB.asC.such答案:A考查介词用法。由空格后是名词形式且是对空格前things的具体举例可知,此处应填入一个表“例如,像”义的介词,故选like。而as作介词时,表达的是“作为,当作”义;such则是一个代词,它要与as连用、构成such as这一固定搭配时才能用于举例。10.A.tiringB.tiredC.tires答案:B考查形容词辨义。tiring和tired都属于由动词tire的分词形式转义而来的形容词,其区别是tiring用于修饰事物,指“(物)

34、令人疲劳的”,而tired用于修饰人,指“(人)感到疲劳的”。本题主语是人,故应选后者。至于C项,它是动词tire的第三人称单数形式,不是形容词。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍 从上栏所给选项中选出与下栏各项意义相符的选项。 A train B post office C coat D hotel E zoo F blackboard G umbrella 1. You can see many kinds of animals there.答案:E2. You can write or draw things on it in school.答案:F3. You use it to ke

35、ep rain off your head.答案:G4. You travel in it.答案:A5. You mail letters or buy stamps there.答案:B第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给问题的A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选出一个正确选项。 Yesterday was my friend Toms birthday. He asked me to go to his birthday party. Another friend, John, would take me to the party by c

36、ar. However, John telephoned to say he was ill while I was getting dressed, so I decided to go by train. Unluckily(倒霉的是), while I was talking on the telephone, my cat walked over my clean shirt. I had to spend a few minutes finding another one and I was late leaving. As I was walking to the railway

37、station it started snowing and I got very cold. I missed a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour. When the train arrived I was almost frozen(冻僵)! I was so cold and tired that I fell asleep on the train. I missed my station. I got off at the next stop and decided to walk to Toms hom

38、e. I walked for half an hour and then I found I was lost(迷路). Luckily I found a telephone and called a taxi. When I arrived at Toms house it was nearly midnight(半夜)and people were going home. What a terrible(糟糕的)evening! 1. John didnt go to the party.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A句意 约翰没去参加聚会。是非题。

39、从文中第二段第一句“John telephoned to say he was ill,so I decided to go by train”可知因为约翰病了,我就要坐火车去,所以约翰肯定没去。题句与原文相符。2. There was no bus in my town.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C句意 在我住的城镇里没有公交车。是非题。文中没有提到能否坐汽车去,只提到“我”决定坐火车去。3. Toms birthday was in summer.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B句意 汤姆的生日在夏天。是非题。从文中第

40、三段第一句“it started snowing and I got very cold”可知那天下了雪,所以不会是夏天。题句与原文不符。4. I didnt get off the train because I didnt know where to get off.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B句意 我没下火车,因为我不知道在哪站下。是非题。从文中第三段最后一句“I fell asleep and I missed my station”可知“我”是因为睡着了才错过站。题句与原文不符。5. I enjoyed myself at the party.A

41、.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B句意 我在聚会上玩儿得很高兴。是非题。从文中最后一段倒数第二句“When I arrived at Toms house it was nearly midnight(半夜)and people were going home”可知“我”到汤姆家的时候都快半夜了,别人也都要回家了。题句与原文不符。第三节 短文理解 2 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给问题的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。 Summer has come, making us think of all kinds of nice things, such as ho

42、lidays in the country. The days are long and the nights are short, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny June. It is one of the best and brightest months in the year. Birds sing all the day. As night falls, the birds stop their song, one after another. However, they do not all slee

43、p. When other birds are silent, a soft (轻柔) cry comes, then, after a few moments, louder. It is the nightingale (夜莺) singing his beautiful song. The nightingale not only sings at night. On almost every warm day in early June, the little brown bird sings away on the roads and trees, but because all t

44、he other birds are also singing at the same time, we do not hear his voice so much. It is only at night, that we hear the nightingale at his best. 1. What does summer make us think?A.Every kind of things.B.Holidays.C.The hot weather.答案:B名师解析 本文是一篇有关夏天的散文。本题目问夏天使人想到什么。文章第一句说夏天使人想到各种美好的东西,如乡下的假日。因此选项B

45、是正确的。A说各种事情,而文中是说各种美好的东西。C项没有提到。2. Why are nights shorter in summer?A.Because the sun gets llp late.B.Because the sun goes to bed late.C.Because of the nightingale.答案:B名师解析 题目问为什么夏天夜短,这在文中第二段可找到解释。for这个词后面就是原因,因为太阳升得早,落得晚。选B。3. Why does the text say they do not all sleep?A.Because all the birds do not sleep at night.B.Because many of the birds do not sleep at n


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