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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级模拟160公共英语一级模拟160第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断在本节中,你将听到10个句子。每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A解析F:Dog is Jims favorite animal.本题为动物对应题,比较简单,因为句子主语就是关键词dog(狗)。2.答案:A解析M:We ordered a big birt

2、hday cake for Mrs Green,our English teacher.本题属于物品名词辨听题。句中提到了a big birthday cake(大生日蛋糕),与图片A相符。3.答案:C解析F:My father bought me a beautiful bicycle for my birthday.本题的关键词是bicycle(自行车)。听懂了这个词即能选出答案。4.答案:B解析M:Jenny is watching news on TV now.本题的关键词是TV,即television(电视)。5.答案:C解析F:This afternoon the Shenzhou

3、 was sent into space successfully.本题不但需要考生听清Shenzhou 及sent into space(送入太空)两处关键词,还要求考生结合时事常识判断它指的是火箭。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:C解析M:A book is on the desk. Do you know whose it is?本题为物品对应题。句子主语a book(一本书)即是关键词。7.答案:B解析F:The sign says you should not jump over theremaybe its dangerous.三张图片都是禁止性标志,分别对应

4、禁止步行、禁止跳跃和禁止骑三轮车。而本题句中出现的功词是jump(over),与B对应。8.答案:A解析M:Its a good idea to stay at home and have a rest after a long days hard work,isnt it?本题图片为三种形式的建筑并标明了地点,因此应当是地点信息辨听题,考生主要注意句中的地点状语。本题句中出现的是(stay)at home,因此选A。此外,句中其他一些信息如have a rest对答案也有提示作用。9.答案:B解析F:Marys going to join the school table tennis te

5、am this term.图片表示三种不同的球类运动。而句中出现的是table tennis team(乒乓球队),因此选B。10.答案:A解析M:I like summer, because in summer I can wear shorts.由图片可知,本题属于季节对应题。关键词summer出现了两次,信息交代很明显,考生一般都能抓住。第二节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到15段对话。每段对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C_三个选项中选出答案,每段对话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. How many En

6、glish words has the man learned?A.Two thousand.B.Three thousand.C.Two hundred.答案:A解析F:How many English words have you learned?M:We have learned 2000 English words by the end of last month.对话中女士用How many提问,男士直接回答2000 English words。2. Why wont Mary have more bread?A.Because there is not much bread.B.B

7、ecause she has had too much.C.Because the bread is not good.答案:B解析M:Help yourself to some more bread, Mary.F:Thank you, John. I have too much.对话中女士回答说:I have too much,指出她是因为已经吃太多才谢绝男士的提议。3. What can we learn from the dialogue?A.It will be cloudy today.B.It will rain today.C.It will be sunny today.答案

8、:B解析F:Its a cloudy day, isnt it?M:Yes, it is. The radio says there will be a heavy rain today.对话中女士首先用反意问句指出天气多云,而男士则肯定回答,并进一步指出:The radio says there will be a heavy rain today(广播说今天会下大雨)。由此可知,只有B是对的。注意,谈论天气是英美陌生人之间最常用的搭讪方法。4. How much money does the man want to change?A.$100.B.$200.C.$300.答案:B解析M:P

9、lease change this note into two 50-dollar and ten 10-dollar bills.F:Sure. Here you are, sir.本题属于数字计算题,男士的话语是听音重点。考生关键是听清two 50-dollar和ten 10-dollar (bills)这两处,经过简单计算即可知,男士要兑换的钱是200美元。5. What are they doing?A.They are talking about Jack.B.They are having a meeting.C.They are introducing each other.答案

10、:C解析M:How do you do? Im Jack Smith.F:How do you do? Im Mary Brown.对话中两人以How do you do这一初次见面时的用语相互问候,并告知对方自己的名字,因此他们当然是在相互介绍自己,选C。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. When did the man get up this morning?A.At 6:00.B.At 5:40.C.At 6:20.答案:C解析F:Do you usually get up at six?M:Yes, but this morning I got up twenty mi

11、nutes later than usual.对话中女士首先用反意问句指出男士通常6点钟起床,男士肯定了这一事实,然后用but句型转折,指出他今天起床是twenty minutes later than usual(比平时晚了20分钟),所以他今天起床的时间应是6点20分,选C。7. What will the girl do this weekend?A.Shell go to Beihai Park to see a flower show with her aunt.B.Shell visit the man with her aunt in Beihai Park.C.Shell go

12、 to Beihai Park to plant flowers with the man.答案:A解析M:Lets go and see the flower show in Beihai Park this weekend.F:It sounds good, but Ill go there with my aunt,not with you.对话中男士首先提议周末去北海公园看花展,女士先肯定他的提议不错,然后用but句型转折,指出自己要和aunt去而不是和男士去,因此答案是A。8. What can we learn about the man according to the dial

13、ogue?A.Hed better leave now because there is a little work to do.B.He cant leave now because he has no work to do before nine.C.He wont leave until nine oclock because he has much work to do.答案:C解析F:What time shall we leave?M:WelI, I cant leave before nine. I have a lot of work to do.对话中女士提问他们什么时候离开

14、,男士回答说:I cant leave before nine,说明他要到9点才能离开,然后补充说明了这样的原因:I hava lot of work to do,即有许多工作要做。因此本题答案是C。9. Who didnt go to Anns birthday party?A.The man.B.All friends of Ann.C.Peter and other friends.答案:A解析M:Ann, who went to your birthday party last week?F:Oh, all my friends except you, Peter.本题考查的是对细节信

15、息的捕捉,关键是理解女士all my friends except you,Peter这一句的听音和理解。except排除了男士,故只有男士(即Peter)没去。10. What do we learn about Mr White?A.He still lives in the village.B.He left the village.C.He used to live in the village.答案:C解析F:Does Mr White still live in your village?M:No, he died three years ago.本题属于推断题。女士询问Mr Wh

16、ite是不是还住在男士的村庄里,男士先否定回答,然后指出Mr White三年前就死了。对照选项,只有C项(Mr white曾经住在男士的村庄里)是符合实际情况、能由对话内容所推知的,因此它就是正确答案。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. Why did tom look worried according to the conversation?A.Because he had an accident this morning in which a girl was badly hurt.B.Beeause he couldnt ride his bike to school

17、this morning.C.Because the girl he loved was badly hurt by him this morning.答案:A解析F:What happened to you,tom? You look so worried.M:I was too careless this morning. When I rode my bike at the school gate,a girl hit me suddenly. Her left leg was badly hurt.本题考生关键是听清和听完整男士的回答。男士首先用careless一词表明了自己的自责,然

18、后叙述了事情的经过(也就是女士所说的他看起来很着急的原因)。由其中的hit、soldierly、badly hurt等词即可知,这属于一种accident(事故),因此答案是A。12. When did the boy go to bed?A.After the TV play was over.B.Berore the TV play was over.C.Before the TV news was over.答案:A解析F:You didnt go to bed until the TV play was over, did you?M:No, I didnt.本题考查的是对反意问句回答

19、的理解。对话中You didntdid you?这类反意疑问句属于“否定陈述+肯定反意部分”,对它的回答如果是肯定的即Yes,I did,表示的是否定前面陈述部分的内容;如果是否定的即No,I didnt,则表示对前面陈述部分的内容是肯定的。对话中用的是否定回答,意思则是“是的,我是直到电视剧结束才睡觉的”,因此答案是A。13. Where does the dialogue most probably take place?A.At the railway station.B.At the airport.C.At a bus stop.答案:A解析F:Im sorry,sir17he tr

20、ain has Just leltM:What a pity!Could yoU please tell me when the next is?本题属于地点判断题。女士指出The train has just left(列车刚刚开走),然后男士询问下一班火车是什么时候(出发或到达),显然对话地点是在火车站。14. What will Mary do tomorrow?A.Have a picnic with the man.B.She doesnt say.C.Go shopping with her mother.答案:C解析M:Mary,would you like to have a

21、picnic with US tomorrow?F:Id like to,but my mum asked me to go shopping with her本题考查的是对婉转表达的理解。男士询问女士愿不愿意明天和他们去野餐,女士的回答是一个典型的but句型,实际上是拒绝了男士的邀请,然后她指出:my mum asked me to go shopplrlg with her(我妈妈叫我跟她去买东西)。由此可知,她明天会跟她妈妈去买东西。15. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A.Daughter and father.B.St

22、udent and teacher.C.Patient and doctor.答案:C解析F:I dont feel well these daysM:Let me seeYouve got a bad cold本题属于人物身份关系判断题。对话中出现了dont feel well(感觉不舒服)和bad cold(重感冒)两个关键性的提示词,表明对话双方是医患关系。第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。问题:1. Im sorry to say that neither Bill_Mary knows Bobs tele

23、phone number.A.andB.orC.nor答案:C考查连词搭配。与neither连刚的连词是nor,它们构成固定搭配表示否定两者:neithernor即“既不也不”或者“和两者都不”。其余两项都不与neither连用。注意,与or连用的是either,它们也构成一个固定搭配eitheror指“或者或者”;而与and连用的是both,它们构成肯定义的bothand指“和两者都”,但其后的谓语动词要用复数形式。问题:2. Please lend me_money.A.a bit ofB.a fewC.a little of答案:A考查名词限定词。money为不可数名词,而a few用于

24、修饰可数名词,a little在修饰名词时(它修饰不可数名词)不能再用of,因此本题只能选A。问题:3. My aunt has two children. But_of them lives with her.A.eachB.eitherC.neither答案:C考查代词与上下文理解。由but表达的转折义可知,应选含否定义的neither(两者都不)。each(每一个)和either(两者中的一个)都含肯定义,不符合句意逻辑。问题:4. I think the dance by Group A is better_that by Group B.A.thanB.asC.and答案:A考查连词

25、和比较级。由空格前的better(即good的比较级形式)以及句意即可知,本题是将两者进行比较,而与比较级连用的连词是than(比)。其余两项中,as只用于同级比较,且它只与as/so连用,即“(not)so/as+形容词原形+as”,而and不含比较意义。问题:5. Trucks carry all kinds of goods here and_.A.thenB.thereC.where答案:B考查固定搭配。here and there是个副词性固定搭配,指“到处,各处”。其余两项都不用在这一搭配中。问题:6. The dentist said there wasnt_wrong with

26、 her teeth.A.anythingB.no thingC.something答案:A考查不定代词用法。something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句和疑问句,nothing与否定词连用变成了双重否定,表达的是肯定含意。因此本题只能选A。not anything相当于nothing。问题:7. This is not my shirt._is much larger than this one.A.MyB.MineC.This答案:B考查代词用法。由于填入的代词作主语,指代前文的my shirt,故要用名词性物主代词mime。A项my是形容词性物主代词,不能做主语,而C项thi

27、s是指示代词,填入题中不符合语境。问题:8. He was strong enough to _the heavy box.A.carryB.receiveC.rise答案:A考查动词辨义。由句意不难看出,此处指他身体强壮、搬得动那个重箱子,故选及物动同carry(搬运,携带)。其余两项中,receive指“收到”,这与他身体强不强壮没有逻辑关系;rise是个不及物动词,指“升起,上升”,其后不能跟宾语。问题:9. My mother asked me_her with the cooking.A.helpsB.to helpC.helping答案:B考查动词用法。ask(要求)后跟动同不定式

28、作宾语补语,其中不定式符号to不能省略。问题:10. I dont know_he will come tomorrow._he comes, Ill tell you.A.if; IfB.if; WhetherC.whether; Whether答案:A考查连词与上下文理解。由句意可以看出,第一个空格后是一个宾语从句,含有疑问意味,而后一空格后是条件状语从句,只能用if引出。注意,whether在引出宾语从句时可与if互换,但在引出条件状语从句且用于句首、后面又没有or(not)时,则只能用if。故答案是A,但第一个if可换成whether。问题:11. Lets go out for a

29、picnic this Sunday. _. A.Thats a good ideaB.Thats all rightC.Thats OK答案:A考查表达。由于第一句用lets引出,表示的是一种提议,因此表达赞同这种提议时用(Thats)a good idea或者直接用OK,选A。Thats all right用于回答别人的感谢。问题:12. Mr Smith usually has a cup of tea and some fruit after a meal, _he?A.hasntB.didntC.doesnt答案:C考查反意问句。反意问句中的反意疑问部分所用的助动词、情态动词等要根据

30、前面陈述部分的动词形式来确定。本题中前面陈述部分用的是实义动词have(吃)的第三人称单数形式,其对应的助动词是does,且陈述部分是肯定,故反意疑问部分用否定形式doesnt。问题:13. Im not sure_Mr Wang goes to see his parents. Twice a week. A.how longB.how oftenC.how soon答案:B考查疑问副词的用法。由答句可知,前一句提问的是频率,因此选how often。A用于提问时间、长度;C用于提问时间,指“多快,多久”。问题:14. Can you go shopping with us this aft

31、ernoon? Sorry, I cant. I_take care of my little sister because she is ill. A.have toB.mayC.would答案:A考查情态动词。have to指“必须”,may表示“可以,可能”,would表示意愿和(过去)将来、或者表示委婉语气。由空格前的cant可知应选A。问题:15. Its time for class. Please keep _.A.quiteB.quitC.quiet答案:C考查形近易混词辨义和句意理解。由句意与常识不难看出,因为到上课时间了,所以当然是要求别人保持“安静”。此外,keep是个系

32、动词,其后要跟形容词作表语。选项中,quite是副词,指“很”,quit是个动词,指“放弃,退出”,所以它们都不能填入题中。第二节 完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Most adults once studied at school,had classes and did their homework every day. The same 1 is going on at school now. But it seems that 2 weekend homework 3 one problem for the modern stud

33、ents. All the students should agree that weekend homework should be abolished(取消). Its enough for them studying at school five days a week. They have 4 interests. With homework to do on Saturdays and Sundays,when can they find 5 to help around the house,go and see a football or basketball game or a

34、good film,join in family recreations(,), 46 just have a rest at home? Because of these other activities,the homework cant 6 until Sunday night. So their weekend homework is usually done in such a 7 that on Monday teachers are 49 and often threaten to fail the whole class of students because they kno

35、w nothing about the lessons. If there were no weekend homework for the students to do, they would be happy to go to school on Monday 50 having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach. 1.A.thingB.schoolC.homework答案:A考查名词辨义与上下文理解。thing事情,东西;school学校;homework家庭作业。由于谓语是go on(继续),且空格前有the same修饰

36、,指的是前一句中所说的情况,因此只能用thing来概括。2.A.doB.doingC.done答案:B考查动词的非谓语形式。由句子结构可知,填入的词在句中作主语,而homework又是填入动词的宾语,因此填入表主动的现在分词形式doing。3.A.isB.wasC.are答案:A考查主谓一致性和时态。由于短文的基本时态是现在时,而句中说明的又是the modern students(现代的学生)的情况,因此此处也应用一般现在时态。而句子主语是分词形式,看作单数,因此谓语动词也要用单数形式。4.A.a littleB.a lot ofC.much答案:B考查限定词。被修饰同interests在此

37、用的是复数形式,表示的是“兴趣”,因此要用能修饰可数名词的a lot of。而a little和much都只用于修饰不可数名词。5.A.friendsB.timeC.money答案:B考查名词辨义与上下文理解。friend朋友;time:时间;moneyr钱。由上下文可以看出,这里指他们没有时间帮助做家务、看球赛或电影等,因此选B。其余两项填入都不符合逻辑与常识。6.A.orB.andC.but答案:A考查连词与上下文理解。由于这里表示的是一种可选择的情况,且这一句前面出现了两个or,因此本题也应承前选or。7.A.be finishingB.finishedC.be finished答案:C

38、考查动词语态。句子主语the homework是应填入动词的宾语,因此要用被动语态,选C。8.A.hourB.hurryC.word答案:B考查固定搭配与上下文理解。由句子结构分析,填入的词与in such a作句子的状语,而且在意思上应指“匆忙”,故选hurry,构成固定搭配in a hurry(匆忙地)。注意,不要被such迷惑(such与后面的that构成固定搭配suchthat)。hour前不能用a,而in a word指“总之”。9.A.pleasedB.sorryC.unhappy答案:C考查形容同辨义与上下文理解。pleased高兴的,满意的;sorry抱歉的,内疚的;unhap

39、py不高兴的,不快乐的。学生作业做得很潦草,老师当然会不高兴,因此答案是C。10.A.afterB.beforeC.when答案:A考查介词用法。由文意可知,having a good rest是在周末,时间上处于Monday之前,因此填入表示“之后”的after。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍从所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项。 A. dog B. water C. cat D. earth E. air F. horse G. pig 1. You call its meat pork.答案:G本题的关键词是meat(肉)和pork(猪肉)。事实上,后者即直接提示了答案。人们将它的肉

40、称作猪肉猪。2. You grow plants in it.答案:D本题的关键词是grow plants(栽种植物)和介词in(在里)。人们在其中栽种植物土壤,泥土。3. You ride it or use it to pull things.答案:F本题的关键词是ride(骑,驾驶)和pull things(拉拽东西)。人们骑着它或者用它来拉东西马。4. You wash your hands with it.答案:B本题的关键词无疑是wash(洗)。选项中与此有关的只有water(水)。人们用它来洗手水。5. You keep it to watch your house.答案:A本题

41、中的关键词是watch your house(看家)。考生需要掌握watch在此不是指平常意义上的“看”,而是指“看守,看护”。人们养它来看家护院狗。第二节 短文理解 1阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt say.)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。 If you go to Hong Kong by air,you will arrive at Kai Tak Airport. Because there was no suitable land,this was built out into the sea. it is in the part of Hong

42、Kong called Kowloon. Kowloon is one of the two big cities in Hong Kong. It is only a few miles from Guang Dong Province. The other city is Hong Kong itself.This is on an island and to get there from the mainland,you have to go by a ferry(渡船) through a tunnel(隧道) under the sea. Much of Hong Kong is f

43、armland and mountains; the cities occupy only about 10% of the area. The population of Hong Kong is over 4.5 million. 98% of these are Chinese. Its official languages are Chinese and English. The currency is called the Hong Kong dollar. Because most of the people are Chinese, Hong Kong is also a goo

44、d place for Chinese cooking. Hong Kong has returned to China in 1997. 1. If you fly to Hong Kong, you will first arrive in Kowloon.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A题句意为“如果你坐飞机前往香港,将首先到达九龙”。文章第一句即指出,如果坐飞机前往香港,将会到达Kai Tak Airport(启德机场),然后在第三句指出该机场位于九龙(半岛),因此题句是正确的。2. If you want to get to the city of

45、Hong Kong from the mainland, you may go by car.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B题句意为“如果你想从大陆前往香港市区,可以坐汽车去”。文章第七句后一分句指出:to get there from the mainlandunder the sea,即从大陆去香港岛得从海底隧道坐摆渡车过去,故题句错误。3. Hong Kong returned to China in 1997.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A题句意为“香港1997年回归中国”。与文章最后一句的意思相符,也可由常识直接得出正确的结论。4. Hong Kong dollar can be exchanged(兑换) freely in the international(国际) money market.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C题句意为“港元在国际货币市场上可以自由兑换”。短文中提到港元的地方是第一段最后一句,但该句并未涉及港元与其他货币进行兑换的内容,因此题句应归入“未提及”。5. 2% of the Hong Kong popu


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