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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级分类模拟题听力理解(八)公共英语五级分类模拟题听力理解(八)练习七Part A You will hear a conversation between a student, Mr. Wang, and his tutor, Dr. Wilson. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the conversation only once. You now have 1

2、 minute to read Questions 1 to 10. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Dr.Wilson and Mr.Wang have met before.答案:A解析 1-10Hearing a knock on the doorW: Come in please.M: Good morning Dr.Wilson.W: Good morning Wang. So nice to see you again.Take a seat.why dont you, please.When did you get to the university?M: I a

3、rrived yesterday.W: Well.Are you living in the college?M: No, I am with an English family.actually.because I want to improve my speaking.W: Oh, fine. Right, did you take a language proficiency test before you came?M: Yes. Uhh.my Overall Band is 6, but.unfortunately my speaking is only 5.W: OK, you k

4、now, here in this university, you have to take our own English test before you attend any lectures. So, first of all, what weve got to do is, we have to make an arrangement for the test date. Umm.will tomorrow be all right for you?M: Yeah, I have time tomorrow morning.W: Good, then.Tomorrow at ten.

5、I dont think the test will be any problem for you. Now, lets make sure you make full use of your time here. Lets put it like this. What exactly do you want to accomplish in the next 12 months?M: Im interested in computer language translation, I mean, from English to Chinese and Chinese to English. I

6、ll try, if possible, to produce a software or a device which can serve as an interpreter.W: Yes, could you be a bit more specific about.er.the device?M: For instance, when you talk to the device in English it will translate your words into Chinese and vice versa.W: Uhuh.do you mean itll be as compet

7、ent as.er., a human interpreter?M: Yes. well, Ill let it deal with general situations, at least.W: Fascinating. and how big will the device itself be, do you think?M: The size of a cigarette pack, I think. So people can put it in their pocket.W: Really.Well, that could be a Ph. D project.Tell me wha

8、t you have done so far.M: In my four years of undergraduate study, I studied electronics, advanced mathematics, hardware designing, some computer languages and program writing.W: Yes, but have you done any practical jobs? I mean, have you written any programs for practical use?M: I was involved in a

9、 project for CAD in a shipyardW: The computer aided design.That was probably a good experience, but, unfortunately, it may not help your present project much.Are you familiar with C-language?M: No.W: Uhuh. the phonetic processing system, do you know how such a system works?M: What do you mean byphon

10、etic processing system?W: Well, you know, English is spoken by different people with different accents.Your English accent is different from mine, and of course mine is not the same as my colleagues. So as I see it, your device would have to be able to recognise and understand different accents.M: O

11、h, I see. I think I can learn C-language and a phonetic processing system here.W: Well, thats probably true, but youve got only 12 months and you want a degree, dont you?M: Yes.W: OK, so therere two ways of studying for a degree here.You either take six courses, pass their exams and have your disser

12、tation accepted or the other way is you do some research work and submit your project report.M: I think Ill take the second way.W: Fine, but are you sure you can finish your project in twelve months?M: I dont know, but I can work twelve hours a day and seven days a week.W: Well, Id suggest you spend

13、 some time in our library, trying to find out what other students have done before and perhaps reconsider your own project, to some extent. You might narrow your research area, concentrating on solving one or two major problems. And, itd be a good idea to talk to your colleagues in the lab, first. A

14、nyway, Im sure we can work out something good. Shall I see you again in three days time?M: All right. Ill go away and do some thinking.Then rll talk to you about my new plan.W: Good. See you then.M: Thankyou. Bye-bye.2. Wang prefers to live with an English family.答案:A3. Wang intends to study how com

15、puter is used for language translation.答案:A4. Back in his own country Mr.Wang studied C-language and chemistry.答案:B5. Wang has some experience in CAD.答案:A6. Dr.Wilson is satisfied with Wangs past experience.答案:B7. Wang has little knowledge of the phonetic processing system.答案:A8. Wang decides to tak

16、e courses and pass exams.答案:B9. Dr. Wilson suggests that Wang should extend his stay at the university.答案:B10. Dr.Wilson asksWang to do a little more research before deciding on his project.答案:APart BYou will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. Y

17、ou will hear the recording only once. Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following talk. You have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 to 13. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What does the speaker suggest that the students should do during the term? A. Consult with her frequently.B. Use the computer regularly. C

18、. Occupy the computer early.D. Wait for ones turn patiently. 答案:B解析 11-13 Right, everybody. Welcome to Central College library services. My names Kathy Jenkins. Ill give you a brief introduction to the library. We have a wellstocked bank of resources which are in three main locations: the library it

19、self, with books and periodicals; the self-access language centre, with audio and video material; and the micro-computer lab. Ill start with the micro-computer lab, or micro-lab as we call it. It is fitted with 24 personal computers. If you are a member of the library, you may borrow CALL discs in F

20、rench, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian as well as English. By the way, CALL stands for computer aided language learning: CA double L,CALL, for short.You may also borrow a range of word processing and desl (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. Who is the man?A.Student advison.B.Course teacher.C.Admissions off

21、icer.D.Department secretary.答案:A解析 14-16M: Have you settled in?W: Yes, I feel quite at home now. I havent got used to the food yet but Im enjoying the life on campus.M: Good. Now wed better make sure you enjoy your studies. We offer a very wide range of options on the foundation course, as you know;

22、 but you can only take six courses. Do you know what you want to do yet?W: Yes, more or less; but Im not sure whether to do biological sciences or German.M: Well, thats quite a difference. Lets see., youve selected to do: physical sciences, basic electronics, art and design, CAD. thats computer-aide

23、d design and English.W: Yes, five courses.M: Thats quite a range. Dont you want to do maths or computer programming, for example?W: Well, Im interested in electronics -in computers -especially in writing computer games, rd like to produce educational software, educational games, eventually. Ive taug

24、ht myself a lot of programming and I was good at maths. I dont think I need either of them.M: Then, why do you choose to do art and design?W: That will be good for my graphics. I need that to produce games. CAD, too. Ive never done computer aided design before.M: Now. right., theyve got some powerfu

25、l packages in the computer graphics and CAD offices., youll enjoy that, So .,. that leaves English. Its mostly English literature. I know your English is all right. But as a first year student, youll have to take Cambridge proficiency.W: All right.5. Which subject does the student say she was good a

26、t?A.Computer programming.B.Art and design.C.Electronics.D.Mathematics.答案:D6. What will she most likely do eventually? A. Do basic electronics. B. Teach English literature. C. Produce educational games.D. Write computer programs. 答案:C Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following talk. You have 20 se

27、conds to read Questions 17 to 20. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. What is George Orwell mainly known as?A.A literary critic.B.A war correspondent.C.A volunteer in the Spanish Civil War.D.A novelist.答案:D解析 17-20 Today its my turn to give the presentation. As we agreed last week, Im going to introduce George

28、Orwell, a famous English writer: George Orwell was born in India on 25 June, 1903 but his family returned to England four years later. He went to school in Sussex where he was very unhappy and then in 1917 he entered the famous English public school, Eton. Unlike most of his contemporaries he did no

29、t go to university after this but joined the Indian Imperial Police in 1922 and went to Burma. He disliked his job as a policeman and in 1927, after five years, he returned to England. He spent much of the following three years getting to know the poor and exploited in both London and Paris, and he

30、also wrote articles for the newspapers, and poems. All his life he hated political and social injustice and much of his writing was concerned with this, trying to enlighten and change society through his books. In 1933 his first book, DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS AND LONDON was published, about his time am

31、ongst the poor in these two places. In 1936 he married Eileen OShaughnessy and later that year, in July, he travelled to Spain as a war correspondent. While there, he joined the republican side and fought for them against Franco in the Spanish Civil War.The following year he was seriously wounded in

32、 the throat and he returned to England in July 1937. In 1938 his sixth book, HOMAGETO CATALONIA, about his time in Spain, was published. In 1940 he became a correspondent with the BBC. Immediately after the Second World War, in 1945, one of his most famous books, ANIMAL FARM, was published. He becam

33、e very ill with tuberculosis in 1948 but he managed to write the book 1984, a pessimistic novel about the future. It was published a year later in 1949. He died on 23 January 1950. Well, thats all about his life. Now shall we concentrate on his famous book ANIMAL FARM. 8. Where was George Orwell bor

34、n? A. Spain. B. France. C. Burma.D. India. 答案:D9. What is most important in Orwelrs life?A.Although English, he was actually not born in England.B.He was a student of the famous English public school, Eton.C.He tried to enlighten and change society through his works.D.He worked as a policeman in Bur

35、ma for five year.s.答案:C10. What are the listeners going to do after the presentation?A.To ask the speaker questions.B.To discussANIMAL FARM.C.To write essays on Orwells life.D.To read the book1984.答案:BPart CYou will hear a talk given by a university lecture. As you listen, you must answer Questions

36、21 to 30 by writing not more than three words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk twice. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21 to 30. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Whats the average annual increase of foreign student population in the period between 1985 and 1990 in terms of pe

37、rcentage?答案: 12.5%/12.5percent解析 21-30 For those of you who are either already studying in the United States or plan to one day, it might be interesting to know something about the foreign student population in the United States. For the academic year 1995/96 there was a total of approximately 344,0

38、00 foreign students studying in the United States.This figure of 344,000 may seem like a very large number until you compare it with the total population of 241,000,000.The foreign student population has been growing for a number of years and is still growing, but the rate of increase has dropped sh

39、arply during the 1990s. During the 1980s, the population grew quite rapidly. For example, between 1985 and 1990, the average yearly increase was 12.5%. However, the picture in the 1990s is quite different. The rate of increase has declined quite noticeably. In fact, the rate of increase between 1994

40、/95 and 1995/96 was only 0.5%, or one-half of one percent. Although the overall rate of increase has dropped to only 0.5%, the number of students from some parts of the world is increasing while the number of students from other areas is decreasing. For example, during this same time period, that is

41、 between the academic years 94/95 and 95/96, there was a decrease in the number of students from the Middle East, while the number of students from South and East Asia increased.These changes in the number of students coming from different parts of the world no doubt reflected changing economic and

42、political situations, im sure you are aware of many of these changes, and perhaps we can discuss them at our next meeting. For today lets confine our talk to first, a discussion of the origin of these students, or, in other words, where they come from; second, the kinds of studies they pursue; and,

43、finally, the academic levels they are found in. If we have a little time left, we might quickly discuss in which geographic areas most of them go to school. Lets discuss the origins of the foreign student population in the United States for the academic year 1995/96. Lets discuss it in order from th

44、ose areas sending the most students to those areas sending the fewest students. If we look at the figures provided by the annual census of foreign students in the United States for the year 1995/96, we see that most of the foreign students studying in the United States during this year were from Sou

45、th and East Asia. This is a rather large geographical area which includes such countries as China, Korea, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia.The total number of students from this area, South and East Asia was 156,830. In other words, roughly 2 out of every 5 foreign students come from South a

46、nd East Asia. Almost 24,000 of this total were from China. Malaysia was close behind with just a little over 23,000 students.The next largest number of students came from the Middle East.The number of students from the Middle East came to about one-third the number from South and East Asia.The fourt

47、h largest number came from South America. Next came Europe, Africa, North America, and Oceania. Lets recapitulate what weve said.The largest number of students studying in the United States during the academic year 1995/96 were from South and East Asia, followed by the Middle East, South America, Eu

48、rope, Africa, North America, and Oceania. What fields are these large numbers of foreign students studying in? It probably wont surprise you to learn that the largest number are in the field of engineering. In fact, 21.7% of the total number are studying engineering. Business and management is close behind, however, with a total of 18.9%.The third most popular fiel


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