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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级分类模拟题51公共英语一级分类模拟题51第一部分 英语知识运用单项填空问题:1. It s a bird. But I don t know _ name.A.itB.hisC.its答案:C解析 本题考查代词用法。its是形容词性物主代词,后面要有一个名词。上文提到“鸟”,下文表示“它的”,要用its。its指“它的”,his指“他的”。问题:2. The poor boy has done everything badly, so he wont be able to _ the job

2、.A.keepB.workC.make答案:A问题:3. Do you know anything _ this film?A.forB.inC.about答案:C解析 本题考查介词。about意为“关于”。问题:4. We can keep the books _ a month.A.inB.ofC.for答案:C解析 keep sth for some time表示保存某物一段时间。介词for表示一段时间。问题:5. Mr. Young and Miss Liu _ from America.A.both areB.are bothC.are all答案:B解析 “A和B两者都是”应用 A

3、 and B are both. 或 Both A and B are.。故应选B。问题:6. May I leave before 4 oclock in the afternoon? No, Im afraid you _. A.mustntB.needntC.shouldnt答案:C问题:7. He _ asleep when he was reading.A.was fallingB.fellC.falls答案:B解析 本题考查动词时态。when引导的从句用过去进行时,主句的动词若是短暂性动词,那么时态应用一般过去时。问题:8. Now I have a room _ my own.

4、Its next to Marys.A.ofB.forC.on答案:A问题:9. The _ month of the year is December.A.thirdB.twelveC.twelfth答案:C解析 本题考查序数词。全句译为“12月是一年中的第十二个月。”问题:10. Do you know that woman _ black?A.withB.onC.in答案:C解析 本题考查介词。“in + 颜色”,表示“穿着颜色的衣服”。问题:11. Jim enjoys _stamps.A.to collectB.collectingC.collect答案:B解析 本题考查动词的用法。

5、enjoy后边只能加动名词,所以答案为B。问题:12. Which country has the second _ population in the world?A.largestB.mostC.great答案:A解析 此题考查形容词。人口多少用large或small。且表示为名列第几,形容词用最高级。可知答案为A。问题:13. Thahk you very much. _ .A.Thanks a lotB.Oh,yes, thank youC.Thats all right答案:C解析 对于thank you的正确回答有:Thats all rightYou are welcomeMy

6、pleasure问题:14. May I have _ with you, manager?A.wordsB.a wordC.word.答案:B解析 此题考查固定搭配。have a word with意为跟某人谈谈。问题:15. Listen! Someone _ in the next room.A.criesB.is cryingC.crying答案:B解析 本题考查句子时态。listen暗示后面的动词要用现在进行时。第二部分 写作第一节 改写句子问题:1. He asked me, Can you speak Japanese?He asked me_ _ _speak Japanese

7、.答案:whethe / if I could问题:2. She wished to get well and go back to school soon.She hoped that _ get well and go back to school soon.答案:she would解析 原句是简单句,第二句中有连词that,因此要变成宾语从句,因此用she would。问题:3. Blanc is the tallest boy in his class Blanc is_than_in his class 答案:taller;any other boy/student或other bo

8、ys/students。本题属于语义转换题。原句用的是最高级,而转换句中有比较级的标志词than,因此这里是要求考生将形容词最高级形式变为比较级形式。又由于范围限定(in his class)属于三者以上,因此后一个空格中应用any other进行限定,意为“比其他任何男孩/学生都要高”或者用“other+复数”的形式表达。第二节 书面表达问题:1. 情景:李红是你的妹妹,小冯是她的同班同学。小冯来电话要找李红,可是她不在。 任务:请你用英语给李红写一张50词左右的电话留言。告诉她: 明天,她们班要去绿色农场帮农民摘梨。 请穿上旧衣服。 早晨八点在学校门口集合。 请准时不要迟到。 答案:范文

9、Telephone Message From: Xiao Feng To: Li Hong Date: Nov. 10th Time: 9:00 Message: Tomorrow your class will go to Green Farm and help the farmers, with the pear picking. Youd better put on your old clothes. You will meet at the school gate at 8: 00a. m.Dont be late. Your Sister 问题:2. 情景: 你准备举行一场舞会,想要

10、邀请John参加。 任务: 请你用50字左右写一张邀请函,告诉他: 1你邀请他参加你的舞会,希望他能够光临。 2舞会的内容,及参加的朋友。 3舞会的时间和地点 请用下面的格式: Dear John: 答案:范文 Dear John: I am writing to invite you to my party. I hope you can join us. All our classmates will come. We will eat, ring and dance. The party will be held at my home from 6 to 9 this Friday evening Let me know if you will come. I am waiting for your reply. yours Wang 9 / 9


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