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1、 牛津7A上 单词,词组Lesson 11) have been to 去过了2) decide to do sth. 决定做某事3) take part in 参加(活动) =join in4) competition 竞赛 n.5) design 设计 v.6) guide指南 n.7) suggestion建议 n.suggest 建议 v.= make a suggestionsuggest sb. do sth. 建议某人做某事我建议我们去看戏。I suggest we go to the theatre. 8) tour旅游 n.= travelling9) tourist旅游者

2、n.visitor参观者 v.10)fountain喷泉 n. mountain山脉 n.11)pigeon鸽子 n.12) local当地的 adj.13) snack小吃 n. snack bar 快餐柜台,小吃铺14) department store百货公司shopping centre 购物中心plaza购物中心15) Peoples Square人民广场16) Yu Garden豫园17) Nanjing Road南京路18)the Bund外滩19) Huangpu River 黄浦江20) Suzhou Creek苏州河 creek 小河,小溪n.Lesson 21) belo

3、w以下的 above以上的2) make a list做一个清单3) places of interest 旅游胜地 interesting places resort度假胜地 n.4) Shanghai Grand Theatre 上海大剧院5) Longhua Temple 龙华寺6) Shanghai Botanical Gardens 上海植物园 botanical植物的7) Yangpu Bridge杨浦大桥8) Oriental Pearl TV Tower东方明珠电视塔 oriental 东方的 pearl 珍珠9) Century Park世纪公园 century世纪10) S

4、hanghai Science and Technology Museum上海科技馆 science 科学 scientist科学家 technology 技术11) Shanghai Wild Animal Park上海野生动物园12) Dongping National Forest Park 东平国家森林公园13) Chongming Island崇明岛14) go for sightseeing 去观光15) 东, 西, 南, 北, 东北,西南east west south northsouth-east north-westLesson 31) get on with 进展,相处融洽

5、2) be famous for以而著名3) be known as以而出名,被誉为4) night view夜景 n. view景色 n.5) Shopping Paradise购物天堂 paradise天堂 n.6) therefore因此 adv.7) surprising令人惊讶的 adj. surprised感到惊讶的 adj. surprise使惊讶 v. 惊讶 n. to my surprise 令我惊讶的是8) Pudong New District浦东新区 district地区,区域 n.9) in the east of Shanghai 上海东部10) tunnel隧道

6、n.11) it is convenient (for sb.)to do sth. 做某事(对某人)而言很便利12) betweenand 在和之间13) maglev磁悬浮列车 n.14) take sb. to spl. 带某人去某地15) international airport 国际机场16) in 8 minutes a) 8分钟之内 b) 8分钟以后(a多用于一般现在时,一般过去时) (b 多用于一般将来时)He can draw a horse in 5 minutes.他可以在5分钟之内画一匹马.He will come back in 5 minutes.他将在十分钟内回

7、来.17) Sheshan State Resort 佘山国家度假胜地 state / national 国家的 adj.18) observatory 天文台 n.19) go there for fun 为玩乐去那儿Lesson 41) content内容,目录 n. content page目录页2) Grand Gateway Plaza 港汇广场 gateway入口,关口 n.3) Huangpu River Cruise 浦江游览 cruise乘船游览 n.4) floating restaurant 水上酒家 float漂浮 v. floating漂浮的 adj.5) think

8、 of (a)想出 (b)考虑 (a) I couldnt think of his name.(b) What do you think of the film?本单元重要词组运用1) be famous for 以而著名 中国以它的悠久历史而著名. China is famous for its long history.2) be known as以而出名,被誉为 纽约被誉为时装之都.New York is known as Fashion City.3) take sb. to spl. 带某人去某地这父亲几乎每周带他儿子去公园.The father takes his son to

9、the park nearly every week.4)it is 形 to do sth. 做某事是怎样 在这个饭店吃饭很糟.It is terrible to have dinner in the restaurant.5) 主将从(if)现 如果将如果明天下雨,我们将不去公园.We will not go to school if it rains tomorrow. M1U2 单词,词组Lesson 1 (p10)1) film guide电影指南travel guide旅游指南2) love story爱情故事police story警匪故事3)funny film滑稽片actio

10、n film动作片= film with a lot of action4) act行动 v.action动作 n.activity活动 n.5) a film about cowboys一部有关牛仔的电影6) a film about adventures 一部有关冒险的电影 adventure冒险 n.7) the greatest cartoon 最伟大的卡通片8) City Cinema城市电影院9) prince王子 n.10) princess公主 n.11)stupid愚蠢的 adj.12) clown小丑 n.13)circus马戏团 n.14) full of充满了= be

11、filled with 15) laughter笑声 n.laugh笑 v.16)astronaut *宇航员 n. 17)in space在太空中18) duration持续时间 n.during 在期间 prep.Lesson 2 (p9)1) want to see a film想要看场电影= would like to see a film2) take a look at sth.看一看某物=have a look at sth.3) discuss讨论 v.=have a discussion4)choose选择 v.choose chose - chosenchoice选择 n.

12、5) rob抢劫 v.robber强盗 n.robbery抢劫案 n.thief小偷 n.bake烤 v.baker面包师 n.bakery面包房 n.6) hate恨 v.=dislike7) So do I.我也So did I.So will I.So am I.So can I.8) Neither do I.我也不Neither did I.Neither will I.Neither am I.Neither can I.Lesson 31) keep a diary写日记 diary工作日程,记事簿n.2) 周日周六SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThur

13、sdayFridaySaturday3)ticket票子 n.a ticket for the flower show一张花展的票子4)price价格 n.5)altogether总共 adv.= in all6) pay支付 v. pay paid paid7) pay for为付钱他花了20元买这本书He paid 20 yuan for the book.He spent 20 yuan on the book.The book cost him 20 yuan.It cost him 20 yuan to buy the book.他花了五分钟去那儿.It took him 5 min

14、utes to go there.He spent 5 minutes going there.Lesson 41) avenue大街 n. Fifth Avenue第五大街2) street街道 n. road路 n. lane小巷n. way(通往某一处的)路n.3) bookshop书店 n. = bookstore4) McDonalds*麦当劳5) arrive at / in 到达(小/大 地方) = get to get there 到达那儿 get home到家6) walk along沿着走7) turn left into左转进入8) turn right into右转进入

15、9) on your left在你左边10) on your right 在你右边11) route路线 n.12) help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事 help the blind cross the road帮助盲人过马路 help mother clean the room帮妈妈打扫房间M1U3 单词,词组,重要句子Lesson 11) relative*亲戚2)cousin*表亲3)她做老师多久了?How long has she been a teacher?3) for + 一段时间since + 行动开始的那一刻她做老师13年了.She has been a teac

16、her for 13 years.自从1997年她就做老师了.She has been a teacher since 1997.4) quite a few 相当多,不少 (用于可数名词)quite a little相当多,不少 (用于不可数名词)quite相当,十分 adv.quiet安静的 adj.5) catch thieves抓小偷6)help keep the city safe帮助维护城市安全 = help make the city a safe place8) work in a company在公司工作9) work as an architect以建筑师为职业10) wo

17、rk for a constructioncompany为一家建筑公司工作11) draw plans of buildings画楼房图纸12) design machines设计机器machine机器 n.13) engineer工程师 n.engine发动机,引擎 n.fire engine消防车 14)several几个,一些 pron., adj.for several years有几年了Lesson 21) waiter男服务员 n. waitress女服务员 n. wait等待v. wait for sb.等待某人2) secretary*秘书n.3) coach (体育运动的)教

18、练n.4) train火车n. 训练v. trainer训练员,教练 n. trainee受训者 n.5) headmaster校长 n.6) in charge of负责,掌管 charge主管 n.7) in the field在田地里 field田地 n. =on the farm8) deliver letters送信 =send letters9)send a card to Tom 给汤姆寄卡片 =send Tom a cardLesson 31) 被用来做某事be used to do sth.= be used for doing sth.钢笔是用来写字的.A pen is u

19、sed to write.= A pen is used for writing.2) 过去常常做某事used to do sth.我爸爸过去常常抽烟.他不再抽烟.My father used to smoke. He doesnt smoke any longer.3) tell the time报时 tell a story讲故事 tell the truth说真相 tell the difference说不同处4) key钥匙,关键,答案 n. the key to the door门的钥匙 the key to the whole thing 整件事的关键 the key to the

20、 problem 问题的答案5) ring小环, 小圈 key ring钥匙环 wedding ring结婚戒指 ear ring耳环6) cable car缆车 cable缆绳7) carry people up the hill载着人们上山8) the top of the hill山顶9) fantastic极好的10) have a good time过得愉快= enjoy oneselfM1U4 单词,词组,重要句子Lesson 11) need sth.需要某物(实义动词)need to do sth 需要做某事我需要买部车. I need to buy a car. 不需要 I

21、dont need to buy.他需要 He needs to buy a car. 不需要.He doesnt need to buy.2) neednt do sth. 不必做某事 (情态动词)今天你不必去学校You neednt go to school today.3) something 某事,某物 pron.(多用于肯定句) anything 某事,某物 (多用于否定,疑问,条件句) nothing 没有事,没有物一些重要的事 something important anything important没什么重要的事 nothing important4) 我需要在那儿买些东西.

22、I need to buy something there.我不需要在那儿买些东西.I dont need to buy anything there.5) buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物= buy sb. sth.6) buy something for dinner tonight为今天的晚餐买些东西7) let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事8) myself 我自己ourself 我们自己 yourself你自己yourselves你们自己9) a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤a pair of trousers 一条裤子a pair of shorts

23、一条短裤a pair of socks 一双袜子a pair of shoes 一双鞋a pair of gloves 一副手套a pair of glasses 一副眼镜10) a clothes shop 一家服装店 clothes服装(集合名词) 11) a furniture shop 一家家具店furniture家具(集合名词)Lesson 21) kid 小孩n. = child2) fashion流行n. Girls Fashion 少女服饰(店名)3) super超级的 adj.4) carpet地毯 n. blanket毛毯 n.5) Tommys Books 汤姆书店(店名

24、)6) Charles Watches 查尔斯钟表店 7) a dress with blue spots 一条有蓝斑点的裙子 spot 斑点 n.8) a sweater with round neck 一件圆领套衫 sweater 套衫 neck 领子9) the trousers with checks 这条格子裤 check 方格子, 支票n. 核对v. 10) the trousers with stripes这条带条纹的裤子 stripe 条纹n.12) the jeans with the yellow belt这条带黄皮带的牛仔裤13) 不定代词,代替单数名词 one 代替复数

25、名词 onesLesson 31) excuse me 劳驾, 请谅解 excuse 原谅 v.2) try on 试穿3) certainly 当然,行 adv. = surely4) changing room试衣间 change 改变 v. changeable可变的, 常变的 adj. 5) over there 在那边6) these jeans 这条牛仔裤(多用于口语) = this pair of jeans这条牛仔裤太长了.These jeans are too long.The pair of jeans is too long.7) loose 宽松的 adj.8) tight 紧身的 adj.9) wear 穿, 戴 v.wear wore worn10) in my size 我的尺码11) S small 小号 M medium 中号 Llarge大号 XL extra-large特大号8教资c类


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