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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级分类模拟题听力题(五)公共英语一级分类模拟题听力题(五)对话理解 在本节中,每个对话后有一个问题。请从A、B、C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段话后有10秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题。每段对话读两遍。 下面,请听这些对话。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Why wont the man take a holiday this year?A.He hasnt got enough money for it.B.He doesnt want to hav

2、e a holiday.C.He isnt sure if he should take a holiday.答案:A解析F: Are you going to take a holiday this year?M: Not unless I can save some money.2. What does the woman say?A.She does morning exercise.B.She needs to do exercise.C.She doesnt like any sport.答案:B解析M: Have you been getting enough exercise?F

3、: No, I really should take up a sport.3. What does the man mean?A.The woman should have enough time to sleep.B.The woman should change her job.C.The woman has worked too hard.答案:C解析F: I havent been getting much sleep lately.M: If I were you, Id take some time off from work.4. When does the man say h

4、ell come to the hotel?A.Now.B.Tonight.C.The next day.答案:C解析F: Gateway Hotel. May I help you?M: Yes, Id like to know if you have a double room for tomorrow night.5. What does the woman mean?A.Take a weekend holiday somewhere.B.Do some work over the weekend.C.Go home and sleep.答案:A解析F: I feel like get

5、ting away for the weekend.M: So do I. I just feel so tired after a weeks work. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. How was the womans holiday?A.She didnt have time to go anywhere.B.She enjoyed it very much.C.She didnt enjoy it.答案:B解析M: How was your holiday, Janet?F: Oh, we couldnt have had a better time.7. What

6、 will the man do?A.Turn off the heat.B.Close the window.C.Turn on the heat.答案:C解析M: its rather cold in here. Do you mind if I turn on the heat?F: Oh, no, not at all.8. Whats the woman going to do?A.Go to the flower show.B.Study for her exam.C.Take part in a game.答案:B解析M: John and I are going to the

7、flower show tomorrow morning. Would you like to join us? F: Id love to, but have to prepare for my exam.9. What does the man mean?A.The woman should buy both dresses.B.The woman should buy the red dress.C.The woman should buy the blue dress.答案:A解析F: Sam, do you think I should buy the red dress or th

8、e blue one?M: Well, if I were you, Id take both.10. What is the man going to do?A.Go on smoking.B.Buy the woman a drinkC.Stop smoking.答案:C解析F: Would you mind not smoking here? This is a no-smoking area.M: Oh, Im sorry I didnt realise it. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. What kind of help does the woman need

9、?A.Showing the way.B.Carrying her things.C.Getting the time right.答案:A解析M: Hurry! Youll be late!F: But I dont know where to go!12. What does the man mean?A.He will help the woman.B.Hes also new here.C.He teaches the classes.答案:B解析F: Excuse me. Can you help me, please? Im a new student and want Engli

10、sh classes.M: So do I.13. How will the woman get to Garden Road?A.By taxi.B.On foot.C.By bus.答案:C解析F: Officer, could you please tell me how to get to Garden Road?M: Yes, maam. Take the No. 10 bus to South Street. Then change to 22.14. What will the woman do?A.Ask the man to buy a shirt.B.Tell Glen a

11、bout his shirt.C.Give the shirt to the man.答案:B解析M: Whose shirt is this?F: Thats Glens. He probably left it there by mistake.15. What was the man looking for?A.His shirt.B.His shoes.C.His basket.答案:A解析M: Have you seen my shirt? The one I was wearing yesterday when I went to the film?F: Oh, here it i

12、s. I put it in my basket by mistake. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 16. What may be the problem?A.The man did not see clearly.B.There is one person missing.C.The ticket office made a mistake.答案:C解析M: Wait. Youve given me four tickets, and there are only three of you.F: Oh, really? But I only paid for three.17

13、. Where are they talking?A.In a library.B.In a classroom.C.In a museum.答案:A解析M: Do you have any other books on this subject? I need to look at a few more.F: Yes. Some of them are over there by the window.18. What are they talking about?A.What the/watched on TVB.What they did in their spare time.C.Th

14、e beginning of television.答案:A解析M: Have you watched anything good on television this week?F: Yes, I have. I saw a good one last night. Its about the beginning of television.19. What do we know about Charles?A.He will be fined today.B.He is often late.C.He is late just for today.答案:B解析F: Did Charles

15、get to work on time this morning?M: He was late again.20. Where are they talking?A.On the phone.B.At work.C.In an office.答案:A解析F: Good morning, Macy Company. Can I help you?M: Yes, please. Can you get me through to Sue Brown, please? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 21. What is the woman doing?A.Cooking.B.Playi

16、ng.C.Teaching.答案:A解析M: Can I help you with anything, Mum?F: No, thanks, Jimmy, You go out and play, I can do the cooking myself.22. What time is it now?A.7:40.B.7:30.C.7:20.答案:A解析M: Hurry up, Helen. The film starts at eight. We only have twenty minutes to get to the cinema.F: OK. Im coming.23. Where

17、 are they talking?A.In a bank.B.In a restaurant.C.In a library.答案:B解析F: Here is your dinner, Sir. Can I get you anything else?M: Thank you. Er.can I have an orange juice please?24. How do they feel?A.Tired.B.Surprised.C.Angry.答案:C解析M: Its nearly one in the morning. The man next door is still making

18、so much noise.F: Isnt it annoying Shall we call the police?25. What are they talking about?A.Plans for the evening.B.A new film.C.Homework for tomorrow.答案:A解析M: What would you like to do tonight? We could go to a film.F: Id rather not go out. Why dont we stay at home and watch TV? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题

19、名) 26. What does the woman mean?A.She didnt go to the party.B.She was late to the party.C.She enjoyed herself very much.答案:A解析M: Did you have a good time at the party last night?F: Our car broke down. We didnt even get there.27. What are they talking about?A.Homework for next week.B.Plans for the ho

20、lidays.C.School sports.答案:B解析F: School finishes next week. Im really looking forward to visiting Beijing. What about you, Jack?M: Im going to go swimming every day.28. How does the woman feel?A.Excited.B.Surprised.C.Disappointed.答案:C解析M: Jane failed her driving test again.F: Oh, what a shame.29. Wha

21、ts the woman going to do?A.Go to the party with Mark.B.Meet her sister at the airport.C.Say good-bye to her sister at the station.答案:C解析M: Will you be able to come to the party this evening, Joan?F: Sorry, Mark. I have to see my sister off at the station.30. Why is John travelling by plane?A.Because

22、 it is more comfortable.B.Because it saves time.C.Because it is safer.答案:B解析F: John, how are you planning to go to Shanghai? By train again?M: Well, I think Im going by air this time. I have to be back by next Monday. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 31. What will the two speakers do?A.Go to a movie.B.Listen to

23、 music.C.Get new glasses.答案:B解析F: My glasses are broken. I cant go to the movies with you today.M: Never mind. Lets listen to some music at home instead.32. Why does the man want to borrow the notebook from the woman?A.He wants to copy the womans notes.B.He wants to look at the womans homework.C.He

24、doesnt remember his lessons very well.答案:A解析M: Can I borrow your notebook?F: Why?M: I write too slowly and have written down very little in my notebook.33. How is the woman traveling?A.By ship.B.By train.C.By plane.答案:C解析M: Why are you leaving the hotel so early?F: I dont want to be late for my plan

25、e.34. Where are the two speakers?A.In a gift shop.B.In a clothes shop.C.In a coffee shop.答案:B解析F: Bill, do you think the size of this dress is right for me?M: Let me see. Size 5 is better, I think.35. What does the man think of the flowers?A.They are real.B.They are beautiful.C.They are expensive.答案

26、:B解析M: Look! These flowers in your room are as beautiful as real ones.F: They are real flowers. They are expensive, too. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 36. Where are they talking?A.On a street.B.In a shop.C.On a bus.答案:A解析M: Oh, heres my bus.F: No, thats mine.37. Where is the talk happening?A.In a hospital.B.

27、At home.C.In a park.答案:A解析M: There you are. Where were you? I was worried.F: I was at the doctors office. Sorry keep you waiting here.38. What are they going to do?A.Theyre going shopping.B.Theyre going for a walk.C.Theyre going to eat at a restaurant.答案:C解析M: Im hungry,F: Me too, Lets go out to din

28、ner.39. What does the man mean?A.He allows the woman to close the door.B.He doesnt let the woman close the door.C.He feels rather cold too.答案:A解析F: I feel rather cold. Would you mind if I close the door?M: Oh.no.not at all.40. How would the man go to Shanghai?A.By plane.B.By train.C.Either by plane

29、or by train.答案:B解析F: How do you think we should go to Shanghai?M: Well, Id rather go by train than by plane. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 41. When are they talking to each other?A.Before dinner.B.At dinner.C.After dinner.答案:B解析F: Would you like some more rice, Peter?M: Yes, thank you. Its really nice.42. Wh

30、at does the woman mean?A.Shed like to eat at the Chinese restaurant.B.She has been to a Chinese restaurant.C.She doesnt like to eat at restaurant.答案:A解析M: Have you been to the Chinese restaurant?F: No, never, but Im willing to try it.43. What does the man mean?A.He has been too busy to visit the wom

31、an.B.He has been too busy to call the woman.C.He is going to call the woman later.答案:B解析M: Mary! Its good to see you! Ive been meaning to call, but Ive been so busy lately.F: Oh, John, glad to see you, too.44. What does the man say?A.His wife thinks the news is true.B.His wife thinks the news was gr

32、eatC.His wife is not very interested in the news.答案:C解析F: What did your wife think of your news?M: Well, to tell you the truth, she didnt think it that great.45. What should the woman do?A.Call her sister back.B.Wait for her sisters call.C.Go home to meet her sister答案:B解析M: Rita, your sister just ca

33、lled.F: Should I call her back?M: No, shell call you later when she gets home. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 46. What do we know about the meeting?A.It will be held at three tomorrow.B.It will be held at two this afternoon.C.It will be held at three this afternoon.答案:A解析M: The meeting will start at two ocloc

34、k this afternoon, right?F: Well, the plan has changed. Its going to be held at three tomorrow afternoon.47. What does Mary mean?A.She agrees to lend the man her dictionary.B.She doesnt want to lend the man her dictionary.C.She wants the man to go away.答案:A解析M: Mary, can I use your dictionary for a w

35、hile?F: Sure, go ahead.48. What will the woman do?A.Go for a walkB.Stay at home.C.Find a parking place.答案:B解析M: Lets go for a walk in the park.F: Its so cold outside. Id rather stay in.49. What does Helen mean?A.She thinks the doctor will arrive soon.B.She doesnt like doctors.C.She thinks her illnes

36、s is not serious.答案:C解析M: How are you feeling now, Helen? Shall I send for the doctor?F: Dont bother, Tom. Ill be fine soon.50. Where are they talking?A.In a restaurant.B.In a post office.C.In a bank.答案:B解析M: Id like to send this letter to Britain. Surface mail, please.F: OK, thatll be three dollars, Sir. 19 / 19


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