人教版八年级英语下册《1、Section B 1a—1e》公开课教案_6.docx

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1、Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks.The Third period Section B (1a-1e)教学设计 一、Teaching Goals:1. finish the listening parts.2. Target language(五个句型,十二个单词或词组)(1) I take after my motherI fix it up. Im similar to her.I gave it away. I didnt keep it. (2) new words and phrases:put up, hand out , call

2、 up, cheer up, give out, put off, come up with, used up, fix up, be similar to, take after, give away二、Teaching key points:Listen to the tape and find the answers. 三、Teaching difficult points:1. Listen to the material and find the answers.2. The use of the phrases.四、Teaching Aids: 1. a tape recorder

3、 2. the blackboard 3. a computer with Powerpoint五、Teaching procedures:Step1:Lead-inT:We have learned the “to do” structure in last class. Now we are going to do some exercise about what we have learned. Please look at the blackboard and answer the questions.一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He decided (buy) a new pa

4、ir of shoes.2. I want (listen to) some music after class.3 . I hope(travel) all over the world one day. 二、写出下列短语的意思。 put up_ hand out _ call up _ cheer up _ give out _ put off _ come up with _Step2: turn to page 13 and look at 1a._1. Ive run out of money. a. I repaired it._2.I take after my mother.

5、b. I dont have any more of it._3. I fix it up. c. Im similar to her._4. I gave it away. d. I didnt keep it. Step3: page 13, 1bT: We have learned some phrases. Now please try to make sentences with this new phrases. You can discuss with your desk mate. Here is an example: I gave away my bike to a chi

6、ldrens home.Step4: Listening.1.Listen to the tape and finish 1c.2.Listen again. Circle T for true and F for false.1. Jimmy fixed up broken bicycle parts, like wheels. T F2. Jimmy sells bikes. T F3. Jimmy takes after his mother. T F4.Jimmy has run out of money. T FStep 5: PairworkT: Now according to

7、what you have heard to make conversations. One student should be the reporter, and one should be Jimmy.A:What do you do, Jimmy?B:I fix up Step 6.Exercise He has a lot of work to do, so he has to _ going to the doctor. Dont worry. Ill help _your desk. Lets _the sick kids in the hospital. In the end,

8、the students _ a good idea. Would you please not _signs here? Were going to _a food bank to help hungry people. Ill _you_ as soon as I come back. 翻译下列词组。 1. 用完_ 2.长得像_ 3. 修理;安装_ 4.捐款 _ 5.与.相似_ 试用以上短语来造句。 1 我已用完我的钱了。 _ 2她长得像母亲。 _3.我的书包与你的相似。_Step 7.SummaryIn this class we have listened to the tape an

9、d answered the listening questions. And we also learned some phrases and the way to use them.Phrases are:put up, hand out , call up, cheer up, give out, put off, come up with, used up, fix up, be similar to, take after, give awayStep 8. Homework.1. Listen to the tape twice after class.2. Review the

10、phrases. Step 9: Board DesignUnit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.The third period Section B(1a-1e)1. The vocabulary and phrases: notice, clean up, lonely, used to, give out, volunteer, help sb. to do sth, make a plan, come up with, care for2. Target language:I take after my motherI fix it up. Im similar to her.


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