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1、新视野大学英语5课后答案15单元unit11prevalent 2, permeated 3, decisive 4,inherent 5, literally 6,blessing 7, literacy 8,mingled 9, distorted 10, formidable11, precedent 12, certified1,hunt down 2,absorbed into 3,have access to 4,with the excepion 5,for that matter 6, in the absence of 7,with respect to8,is tailor

2、ed to 9,be restricted to 10,calls for 11,in large measure 12, ranged fromV01,understanding 2,system 3,muscels 4,technique 5,skills 6, ability 7,film 8,insightsVI01,in a world full of misinformation it is a formidable chanlenge for the students to learn to identify the true,thebeautiful,and the good.

3、02,any form. of mountaineering has its inherent danger ,afterall, it is an adventure sport.3,the university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the studdents may receive acurriculum tailored totheir needs,learning style. and pace.4,it is said that the understanding of the genetic basi

4、s of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely toadvance quickly and which qnes seems doomed to difficult school experiences.5,it has been reported that in canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants.06,in countries with relatively high literac

5、y rates,books play an important part in enriching peoples lives.07,the essence of government intervention has been to limit and distot competition rather than to encourage it.8,the great cause of reform. being carried out by chinese people is without precedent inhistory.9,practisein simulated examin

6、atioon conditions must not be delayed until close to the examination time.10,people have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts.IX1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11. D 12-20.BCDAACBDAUNIT2comprehension01,because they couldnt live lo

7、nger without growing older.02,he was more famouse for his search for the Fountian of Youth.03,they take a bath in tubs of warm mud and receive injections of monkey glands.04,many people can reach the age they are designed for because of their being well off.05,the emphais is on finding ways to ensur

8、e that more people achieve the maximum lifespan in heathy conditions.06,he hated exercise and never took any.07,because they reproduce less or dont reproduce at all.8,it can help slow down ageing.09,old people would soon end up as a huge majority and the planet would have trouble supporting so many

9、people.10,the author thinks that old age is one of the natural phenomena ,and it is the last part of ones life.1,terminating 2,originates 3,tempted 4,afflicted 5,optimum 6,rupture 7,adhered 8,persistent 9,diminishing 10,despised11,patented 12,manipulate1,serching for 2,ended up 3.in the hope of 4,lo

10、oked forward to 5,hold on to 6,in time 7,well off 8.conditions9,involved in 10, to such an extent 11,originated in 12,adhered toCOLLECATIONV1,abilitise 2,quality 3,condition 4,standard 5,systerm 6,chances 7,utilization 8,skillstranslation1,during that battle a large number of men perished from hunge

11、rand thirst due to the severe shortage of food.2,this research project has further proved that fireworks have originated in china.3,he is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened.4,at present,people have not found an effective way to cure this disease, which is still aff

12、licting old people.5,the contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time.6,with persistent efforts,they finally settled the dispute between the two regions.7,if party B fails in delivering goods at a given time ,party Ais entitled to terminate the contract and claim

13、 for any loss.8,it usually takes a week to patent ones invention.9,a clever politician knowns well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters.10,the amount of water in the rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continuesIX1-10DACDBABACB 11-20DBCDADCBADUNIT3CO

14、MPREHENSIVE OF TEXT1,sale promotion,advertising,personal selling and publicity.2,business people use techniques of sales promotion mainly in two ways;they often use a combination of these techniques;they use these techniques as supplementary to the other three promotional activities.3,sales promotio

15、n is to stimulate demand.4,they are applicale to both consumers and business.also, they can be used with industrial selling as consumer products.5,because it brings promotion to the point of purchase,which has been found more effective than media advertising.forexample,a US study shows that a majori

16、ty of purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store decisions.6,it helps consumers become acquainted with a new product and it also helps provide extra competitive advantage to exitingproducts.7,the effectiveness of sales-promoting techniques may be reduced or even nullified if they encounter

17、psychologicalbarriers on the part of shop owners and/or consumers.sales promotion techniques that are not consistent with the localpreferences will also be ineffective.8,from the last two paragraphs we may learn that,to make the techniques of sales promotion effective,one must take intoaccount the p

18、sychological barriers on the part of both shop owners and consumers.at same time,the techniques must beconsisitent with the local preferences.9.positive.10,the author wrote this passaage in order to discuss various aspects of sales-promotion techniques,recommend them adviseusing them carefully.III1,

19、acquainted 2, magnified 3,quota 4,slump 5,accommodating 6,collided 7,repay 8,amended 9,whereby 10,launch11,filmed 12,expenditureIV1,as such 2,fall under 3,enlightened about 4,applicable to 5,in conjunction with 6,become acquainted with7,is supplementary to 8,bring in 9,in search of 10,given away 11,

20、in nature 12,put onCOLLOCATIONV1,education 2, capacity 3,knoledge 4,discussion 5 population 6,awareness 7,empire 8,operationsTRANSLATIONVI1,as such,the event evoked curiosity and awe inmost of us.2,the techniques of sales promotion,to work well,must gain the trust of middlemen in business as well as

21、 consumers,at thesame time,they should be consistent with the local preferences and customs.3,to launch this new product into the European market,the company gave away 10000free samples for the local consumers to try.4,as their life has been bettered,going on tours/trips out in the holidays has beco

22、me a fashionable/stylish pastime forquite a few people.5,thye purpose of waging the war is ,in natrue,to control the oil resouces in the area.6,sales promotion is effective in helping consumers become acquainted with a new product when it is first introduced toa market.7,the new administration has r

23、ealized that ecnomic reforms must be deepened in conjunction with effective measures takento ensure the basic conditions of employment and daily life for those poor people.8,towards its sales objective this year, the company offered a training course to enlighten consumers about its latestproducts.9

24、,to effectively raise our productivity,we should bring in advanced management experience from oher contries.10,professor WUlecture helped the students become acquainted with the use of this software product.it also gave them anidea of software developmentIX1-5CBDAB 6-10,BCCAD 11-15,ABDCB 16-20,CADBD

25、unit 41,because they suffered from low wages and oppressive working conditions2,to the first generation of immigrants,work had great virtues.first of all, it ensures their own survial.secondly, it madeit possible for them to provide a better life and education for their chilrdren, which meant an imp

26、rovement in their socilstatus.last but not least,it aws the very hard work that gave their labors a fierce dignity,which served as a driving forcein their qwn life.3,4,to explain the attitude to work of those who suffered the extreme poverty during the depression,and to contrast this withthe attitud

27、es of todays younger works.5,according to Maslow,work meets human needs in the following hierarchy;first,it provides such basic means as food andshelter;second,it can provide security;third,it satisfies the need for friendship and connection with others;fourth,it canhelp gain respect;and finally,it

28、can satisfy the desire for self-fulfillment.6.Maslow;scheme is quoted to explain workers; expectations change with social and ecnomic development.because of thesechanges,work has different meaning to different group in society as they are positioned at different stages in the workhierarchy.9,the aut

29、hor is cautioning that it is important to have a proper sense of perspective about work,before making judgmentson particular situations.10,work is the most through and profound organing principle in American life in that it helps people connect with others ina work community and,therefore,satisfy th

30、eir need for friendship and social relations.III1,esteemed 2,stunned 3,notorious 4,conferred 5,aspiration 6,dilutde 7,hierarchy 8,foremost 9,asserted 10,arrogant11,dreadful 12,recyclingIV1,wind up 2,merge with 3,dying off 4,laid off 5,closed down 6,degenerated into 7,in effect 8,apart from9irrespect

31、ive of 10,prone to 11,takes a certain amount of people;s interest out of 12,kicked arroundCOLLOCATIONV1,STORIS 2,MESSAGES 3,WEIGHT 4,MEANINGS 5,honor 6,disease 7,electricity 8,traditionTRANSLATIONVI1,those who lead a miserable life often fail to recognize the in herent virtue of work in earing and s

32、uataining theirdignity.2,with the life better and levels of education higher,the work ethnic is diluted now.3,the young generation has much difficulty understanding why their ancestors had too focus their minds upon work as thecentral concern of existence.4,according to Maslow,different classes and

33、ethnic groups are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy.5,in developmenting countries ,many talented young intellectuals flock in droves to America,which forms the so-calledbraindrain.6.if a country is prone to high inflation,then its currency will have to be devalued to maintain the

34、price competitivenessof its exports.7,one expert in socilogy believes that work is a means for people to build relationships.in that sense,the workplaceperforms the function of a community.8,the desire tofulfill themselves,a harmless and even worthy enterprise,may sometimes degenerations into a self

35、ishdiscoutent.9,to most Americans today,the blow of being laid off seldom carries the life-and-death implications it once had.10,modern workers may have a lot of complaints .but they will feel better when they know that their predecessors did workunder a far more brutal candition during the early of

36、 the Industrial Revolution.IX1-5,CBDCA 6-10,BDCAD 11-15,CBBCA 16-20,DCABAunit5II1,Almost all America had been occupied,except for its northwesst coast.2,He noticed an inlet,but not realizing it was the mouth of the Columbia River ,he didt sail inland to explore it.3,One so-called major stretwas mere

37、ly an opening slashed in the foest with a solid wall of sreet on both sides.4,Vancouvers wanderful surrounding.5,it is a stree-covered peninsula across the bay,with a thousand-acre sea of green.6,it was nothing but barren sand.7,because the factories and mills moved away.8,Preservation of the origin

38、al features,including the original structures of buildings and pedestrian paths.9,first,the whole operation coast the city government no one cent ,and second ,it attracts many visitors.10.the unique balance refers to the balance of the elements of urban life.VOCABULARYIII1,Slashed 2,destined 3.poked

39、 4.erupt 5.inhabited 6.lured 7.dodged 8.revive 9.shabby 10.undermine 11. pedestrians12.brewingIV1.except for 2.passed by 3.be attached to 4.alive with 5.filled in 6.are destined to 7.is always a reminder of8.st foot on 9.takes efforts to 10.conributes toward 11.nothing but 12.ripe forCOLLECTIONV1,tr

40、ust 2.standsrds 3.authority 4.respect 5.strength 6.democracy 7.hopes 8 lifeTRANSLATIONVI1.The firm will slash its employees from 5,000to 3,000because its business is slack.2,we should treasure and maintain the cordial relationship established with them in 1990.3.the patient died after he was infecte

41、d as a result of a hospital blunder.4.to do simultaneous interpretation of speeches needs special training and skills.5.if you dont follow the objective law,you will be destined to fail.6.it was clear that the government failed to evive the economy or reform. the social institutions last year.7.the

42、miners strike in July showed how quickly workers; anger erupted.8.whenever you visit the city,on a sunny one,it gives a scene of an industrial flavor as cheerful and busy as ever.9.he realized that it was difficult to inhabit this barren island any longer.10.overweight people are often lured by modern food products which claim to be able to help them lose weight.IX1-5DBCAD 6-10.ACBDC 11-15.ACBDC 16-20.ADACC


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