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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟49剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟49LISTENINGPART ONE You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. You will hear each recording twice. Conversation One Look at the

2、 notes below. You will hear a woman telephoning a conference centre office. NOTES ABOUT SEMINAR Date: 21st February Title: 1 Time: 10 a.m-4 p.m. Venue: 2 Topic of extra workshop: 3 Amount payable in advance: 4 per person (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: SUCCESSFUL SELLING听力原文 M: Apex Business Centre. How

3、may I help you? F: Hello. Im calling about the seminar next week. M: Erm, which one? We have at least three on next week. Do you remember the name? F: No, I, er. wait a minute, I know its on the twenty first of February. M: Oh, yes, madam, that would be Successful Selling. Its a very popular seminar

4、. F: Thats the one! Now, can you tell me when and where it is, please? M: Certainly. Its being run from 10 till 4, and its being held at the Central Hotel. Its next to the University. F: Oh, yes, I know where that is. M: Now, could I also mention an additional session were offering on that day? Ther

5、es a workshop on profit margins starting at four-thirty after the main seminar. F: Oh, that might be useful., but I have a meeting to go to. anyway, how much is it? M: Theres no charge for the additional session. The day costs a hundred and twelve pounds for each participant. I can reserve a place f

6、or you now, if you like. We do need to have forty pounds as a deposit, and the balance on the day. F: Yes, please. My names . 解析 本题问的是2月21日讲座的题目,因此,在原文中不难找出正确答案是Successful Selling,由其上一句可知文中所询问的讲座是在2月21日,日期与题目要求相符,注意不要受到上文three的干扰。2.答案: (THE) CENTRAL HOTEL解析 本题问的是讲座地点,因此,在原文中不难找出正确答案是Central Hotel,但是

7、要注意其后补充说明的next to the University是一个干扰项,并不是最终答案。3.答案: PROFIT MARGIN(S)解析 题目中的extra在原文中用的是additional,如果能识别这个同义词转换,再抓住关键词workshop就很容易找到答案。4.答案: ()40/FORTY解析 本题中的payable in advance与原文中的deposit(即订金)对应,如果能识别这个同义转述就很容易知道答案为forty pounds,但要注意的是文中出现的第一个钱数112 pounds是干扰项,不符合题干的要求。Conversation Two Look at the fo

8、rm below. You will hear a man calling a computer supplier. HILLS PC SUPPLIES Customer Services Telephone Message Callers name: James Firth Client: Allen and Brown Ltd. Item(s) ordered: 1 Order no./date: HPC02345 / 12-03-02 Notes: order was delivered late by the 2 and was supplied without 3 Action: c

9、all to apologise and discuss 4 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: (LASER/LAZER) PRINTER听力原文 F: Good morning. Hills PC Supplies. M: Yes, hello. I want to speak to David Hills. F: Im afraid hes away today. Can I take a message? M: Well, OK. Tell him its James Firth, from Allen and Brown. F: Certainly. M: Im r

10、eally not happy at all. We ordered a laser printer from you last month and. F: Let me just find the reference on that.ah yes, HPC02345.on the twelfth of March. M: Yes. Now, the first problem was the delivery. It came several days after you promised. I dont see why you use a dispatch company if thats

11、 what happens. F: Oh dear. No. M: And then, when we took it out of the box, we found youd sent the thing without any cables, so we couldnt even connect it up. If you think were going to pay this invoice in full. F: Well, I am sorry, Mr. Firth. Ill check what went wrong and Ill ask David to ring you.

12、 Im sure hell want to talk about a discount. Will you be in this afternoon? M: Yes. Well, good bye. 解析 本题中的关键词是ordered,以其作为信息的定位,很容易找到ordered的宾语为laser printer,即为本题的正确答案。2.答案: DISPATCH/DESPATCH COMPANY解析 本题可以用delivery作为定位词,这样就很容易找到答案,考题中的late和原文中的several days after you promised为同义转述,逻辑上紧密相关,随后在原文中出现d

13、ispatch company,就是本题的答案。3.答案: (ANY) CABLES解析 本题可以用without作为定位词,考题中的supplied和原文中的sent是同义词转换,因此缺失的东西即为cables,电线。4.答案: (A) DISCOUNT解析 本题可以用call作为定位词,但要注意的是,考题中的call和原文中的ring是同义词转换,定位后很容易找到答案为discount,折扣。Conversation Three Look at the notes below. You will hear a recorded message about a job vacancy. Po

14、sition: Manufacturing Administrator Responsible to: 1 Candidates should preferably be qualified in 2 The person appointed will need to be 3 in their relations with other people. Salary: 4 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: (THE) PLANT MANAGER听力原文 F: Hello. Thank you for calling the Jefferson recruitment lin

15、e. Here are details of our current job vacancies. First of all, we are looking for a manufacturing administrator to join a team led by the plant manager. This role involves monitoring all aspects of the production process, and will include some project work. For this position you should have some re

16、levant experience and a recognized qualification in business administration would be an advantage. You need to be a good organizer, with excellent administrative skills. A high level of computer skills is essential. You must be able to work without supervision, and must be flexible when working with

17、 others, as the position supports other managers. You should be able to work to tight deadlines. The hours are 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. The salary will be negotiable. In addition, we offer a benefits package including subsidized lunches, 23 days holiday and health insurance. 解析 本题问题比较明确,对manufactur

18、ing administrator职位的领导负责人提问,要注意First of all的出现,这是一个信息提示的连接词,其后出现了关键词manufacturing administrator,由led by plant manager可知其为负责人,即本考题的答案。2.答案: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION解析 本题可以用qualification作为定位词,考题中的preferably和原文中的advantage为同义转述,由此可知business administration为正确答案,注意下文的excellent administrative skills和compute

19、r skills为干扰项,这些都是必须具备的技能,与考题要求不符,应排除。3.答案: FLEXIBLE解析 本题中空格后方的in their relations with other people为本考题的具体限定条件,以other people作为定位词,可找到答案为flexible。4.答案: NEGOTIABLE解析 本题中只给出一个限定词salary,所以只能以此作为定位词,不难找到正确答案为negotiable。PART TWOSection One You will hear five short recordings. Five people are talking about

20、a problem that occurred. For each recording, decide what each speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. You will hear the five recordings twice. A. losing a business card B. taking the wrong equipment C. arriving late

21、for a meeting D. forgetting an address E. misunderstanding a message F. missing a presentation G. forgetting to make a phone call H. taking the wrong documents (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: F听力原文 M: It was just so embarrassing, the whole thing. I mean, being lates one thing, and I had already got my se

22、cretary to phone through and leave a message to say I was running behind schedule. But in the end I didnt get there at all. and all the other managers were there to see the team showing the project and its results. Oh well, thats how it goes, I guess. F: Well, Im certainly not going to forget that i

23、n a hurry! What a terrible mistake! It made the whole meeting pointless, really. I cant imagine what they thought of me, sitting there with the paperwork for another client, very unprofessional. I mean, I could still tell them the relevant facts, but I couldnt show them the actual contract. I didnt

24、put it in my briefcase last night. M: What a lost opportunity! I shouldve made a proper note in my diary where I would have seen it instead of just on the back of an old envelope. Anyway, its too late now. I just didnt remember and thats that. Theyll have given the work to someone else by now. Id pr

25、omised to ring before midday if I was available. I really need to be better organized. F: I was so busy preparing all the equipment for the presentation that I didnt notice the time passing. So then I asked reception to call me a taxi. I was still checking the papers when they rang to say it had arr

26、ived. but I couldnt believe it when he didnt know where the street was and drove all over the place. Theyd already started without me by the time I finally got there. M: Well, I thought it was a bit strange at the time, but I just took down what I thought and heard on the machine, and then made out

27、the order form accordingly. It wasnt till they called back to query the quantity that we realized just what Id done. Still, we sorted it out before it was too late so it wasnt a disaster, after all. 解析 本题内容并不难懂,原文开头的late表述迟到,而后末尾的in the end引出对事情结果的描述,原文中的show和presentation为同义转换,因此本题正确答案为F,错过了一场项目展示(m

28、issing a presentation)。2.答案: H解析 本题不难听出,中心话题一直围绕着mistake而来,尤其是在划线句中,with引导的伴随状语从句表明所拿文件为其他客户的资料。大家不要被最后一句话干扰,那是一个附加信息,是对mistake的后果进行表述,不应考虑在内。因此本题正确答案为H,拿错了文件(taking the wrong documents)。3.答案: G解析 本题为推断题,中心话题一直围绕着lost opportunity的原因而来,而且原文中多处表述采用了虚拟语气,表示本该做的事情却未做,尤其是划线句子,表述如果可以则一定会在中午之前挂个电话。大家可以从虚拟句

29、中表达的意思反推。因此本题正确答案为G,忘记挂电话(forgetting to make a phone call)。4.答案: C解析 本题内容并不难懂,抓住原文的关键词为time passing,末尾总结表述在到达目的地时会议已经开始,因此本题正确答案为C,开会迟到(arriving late for a meeting)。5.答案: E解析 本题中原文提出,订货单根据记下的信息填好后,接到了查询数量(query the quantity)的电话,发现订单有误,而且划线句子为强调句式,其强调部分即为本题答案。因此,本题正确答案为E,弄错了一个信息(misunderstanding a me

30、ssage)。Section Two You will hear another five recordings. For each recording, decide what the speaker is doing. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. You will hear the five recordings twice. A. making a complaint B. confirming information C

31、. giving instructions D. changing an arrangement E. requesting information F. making a recommendation G. giving an invitation H. requesting advice (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: F听力原文 F: I guess the main weakness is with the image of some of the products. I complained about this last year. With our pres

32、ent strategy, we could find ourselves having problems in the future. We need to turn the situation around, and work the market to our advantage. What Id suggest is a complete review of the way were approaching the market. I think we should get everyone together and explore all the possibilities. M:

33、Im very glad that you can come. I was worried that the invitations were so late that many key people wouldnt be able to make it. We do need your inputyour information is important. I understand youre planning to come by train. The train service can be a bit of a problem, but if you go to Medford Cen

34、tral Station, its a direct line. Thatll take you to Tower Square, and if you give us a call when you arrive well send someone to collect you. F: When I first read the report, I was very disappointed, Our results are well below target, in spite of using the consultants, and all the new strategies wev

35、e been applying. I cant understand it at all. In order to try and get clear whats going on, Im going to need input from various sections. What Id like from you, as soon as you can, is price comparisons for the different regions. Ill also need a report on how useful the consultants advice is. M: No,

36、I mean theyve given me everything I asked for, so I cant really complain about that. They even invited me to come over and check the figures for myself. But Id rather try to go through them here with you, if you could spare the time. Perhaps you could tell me what you think would be the best thing t

37、o do. Id be really interested in your views. Your experience means you must have dealt with this type of problem before. F: I just thought I ought to let you know, that following the discussion we had last week about staffing levels, I took your recommendation to the board. Youve probably heard alre

38、ady that we agreed that we do need to create a new Area Managers position. I just wanted to let you know officially that it had been authorized. So now we can contact the recruitment agency and ask them to start looking around. They might have somebody on their books already. 解析 本题中,原文一直围绕着对解决问题和改变现

39、状的建议进行描述,且多次出现need、suggest、should等关键词汇,因此本题正确答案为F,提出建议(making a recommendation)。2.答案: C解析 本题中,原文主要围绕介绍火车服务信息,但开头的invitations容易和G选项进行混淆,其为干扰项应排除,因此本题正确答案为C,提供指示说明(giving instructions)。3.答案: E解析 本题中,原文主要围绕report进行评注,尤其划线句子是由in order to引导的目的状语从句,往往表达了说话者的意图观点,是提示答案的重要信息点,找到信息定位词语后不难得到答案。还要注意考题中informat

40、ion和原文中input的同义词转换,因此本题正确答案为E,提出得到信息(requesting information)。4.答案: H解析 本题中,原文逻辑线路清晰,首先提出受到邀请,而后but进行转折,提出自己的想法和请求,尤其是在划线句子中,以perhaps开头表示一种假想期望,引出提议的主旨目的内容,从而找到答案。考题中的advice和原文中的views为同义词转换,因此本题正确答案为H,请求得到建议(requesting advice)。5.答案: B解析 本题中,原文第一句的let you know点出主旨目的,而后围绕其展开,希望对方知道已将其关于人员编制提出的推荐信递交给董事会

41、,且已经授权允许新设一个区域经理的职位。在划线句子中再次出现let you know,且该句中的wanted很明确的引出目的内容,很容易找到答案,因此本题正确答案为B,信息确认(confirming information)。PART THREE You will hear a radio interview with Jos Martnez, the Director of Pizza Rapida, a pizza delivery chain in Spain. For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the co

42、rrect answer. You will hear the recording twice. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Jos Martinez became successful byA.taking over a well-known competitor.B.establishing an innovative retail business.C.gaining a reputation for high quality.答案:B听力原文 F: Good evening and welcome to Business People. We are fortuna

43、te to have our guest tonight Jos Martnez, the founder and director of Pizza Rapida. Jos was brought up in America and started his working life there. Now he is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Europe. How did he achieve this? Well, he began his rise to success in Europe when he launched h

44、is pizza delivery chain from a small shop in the Spanish capital, Madrid, 10 years ago. By the late-nineties he had succeeded in expanding the business to over 400 outlets and in doing so, he has almost transformed the eating habits of the nation. As a result of this success, he has recently been ab

45、le to buy out his main competitor and today, Pizza Rapida is wellknown for producing top-quality food at reasonable prices. Jos is now one of the wealthiest men in Spain. Jos, welcome to our studio. M: Thank you. F: Now, did you do lots of market research before you set up your pizza delivery servic

46、e? M: Well, not really. But I did do some basic research to get the product itself right by giving some away to teenagers in the neighborhood. I kept experimenting with the key ingredients until they all thought the pizzas were great. F: But surely Spain isnt traditionally a fast food market, so why did you think a pizza home delivery service would be successful?


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