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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级模拟29剑桥商务英语中级模拟29READINGPART ONERead the following passage consisting of four paragraphs (A-D).Which paragraph (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to?For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.You will need t

2、o use some of these letters marc than once.Conversations Can Be the Key to a Managers Success A. Retaining top talent is one of the greatest challenges in todays corporate world. And managers play a critical role in influencing an employees decision to stay with, or leave, a company. So what can man

3、agers do to help? They should listen. Smart managers realize they have to make listening a priority. If they dont, team members may become disgruntled and Use other channels to communicate their messages which can send ripples throughout an organization. Managers who lack opportunities to listen, re

4、ally listen, to the issues expressed by team members, can create opportunities through regular conversations. B. How often should you have conversations? Depending on the size of your team, have at least one or two uninterrupted conversations a month with each team member. Having regular conversatio

5、ns will go a tong way to establish trust and build healthy relationships between you and your team members. These informal meetings typically last half an hour or so. They allow you to stay on top of important issues, to be more attuned to the individuals needs and goals and to offer ongoing support

6、. Frequent one-on-one meetings can also help to eliminate any surprises to you or the other person. C. With so much going on in the workplace, it may be challenging, to concentrate on the issue that needs the most attention. Avoid tangential issues. As a manager, your time is limited, so make the mo

7、st of it. Being clear about the objective of the conversation will help to keep the discussion on track. Remember what may be an important issue to a team member may be less so to you: however, the individual may need your support working through that issue to focus on more important goals. D. Keep

8、the discussion focused on the future what needs to happen and what is likely to happen. This is not the time to get bogged down in what has happened in the past or to review performance history. Instead the conversation should be designed to help the ream member move forward and take action on speci

9、fic issues that are most relevant. Take a collaborative approach to exploring possibilities.1. A manager should have a clear goal before talking to employees.答案: C2. People in management positions can listen to employees through regular conversations.答案: A3. Regular conversations enable managers to

10、understand employees needs and goals.答案: B4. The conversation should be specific and relevant to employees issues.答案: D5. Intelligent managers are aware of the great importance of listening to employees.答案: A6. Conversations should not dwell on the past.答案: D7. Trust can be built through frequent co

11、nversations, but it may take a long time.答案: BPART TWOead the article below about a psychologists advice to managers.hoose the best sentence from below the passage to fill each of the gaps.or each gap (8-12) , mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.o not use any letter more than once.Insight int

12、o Management PsychologyIf overflowing in-trays frighten you or solving problems makes you sweat, theres a new range of business books called The Management Guides that you can turn to with confidence. Theyre short, pocket-sized, and very reasonably priced at 2.99 each. In addition, theyre written in

13、 accessible language by Kathy Harman, a chartered occupational psychologist who heads her own London consultancy business. She says that the guides are intended for professionals working in small British companies, where thinking about management can be a low priority because of endless lists of oth

14、er responsibilities. 1 After this initial message to the reader, the following pages contain sections on every aspect of business, from managing your own time and selecting employees to planning ahead for the future. One of the reasons Harman wrote these guides was that she knows not every business

15、is able to invest in training. The difficulty, especially for small businesses, is that, People are professionals first and foremost and somehow they are just expected to pick up management skills as they go along. 2 And becoming one. she recognizes, is especially difficult if youre not used lo comm

16、unicating effectively or delegating work. She adds. Its all very well managing areas that you have control over and you can do all the planning you feel is necessary, but there are always going to be other people out there who do the most unexpected things. 3 Such a choice of approaches is essential

17、 to any business: this can only be achieved by managers having good, friendly relationships with all their staff and business contacts. The important thing in management, says Harman. is the human element. Her advice to managers everywhere is to maintain professionalism at all times. If youve ever m

18、anaged anyone. she says, youll know that youre not allowed to be fed up because when the staff come to you, they dont want to know about your problems, they want their problems solved. Harman feels confident about making such an analysis because of her years of training as an occupational psychologi

19、st. 4 What you find there is that most senior managers have had stone kind of psychological training, while in this country mom managers get their management psychology second-hand by listening to other managers. The overall message from Harman is a simple one. and its got nothing m do with technolo

20、gy or databases. 5 More and more managers, site says, are realizing this and beginning to appreciate that without the right staff at all levels, you really havent got a business. People are your principal resource. A. And when they do, managers need a variety of strategies to fall back on.B. This, o

21、f course, is unlikely to be easy, because being an expert in your field doesnt necessarily make you a good manager.C. This question that most of them ask is, Can we actually afford a management training course?D. Although this area of study is becoming more acceptable in the business world, Britain

22、is a long way behind the rest of Europe.E. Its about creating a working environment that promotes the well-being of everyone, from the post room to the board room.F. This is illustrated at the beginning of each guide with the quotes, This book is for those who would like to manage better but arc too

23、 busy to begin.G. Theyre short, pocket-sized, and very reasonably priced at 2.99 each.1.答案: E2.答案: B3.答案: A4.答案: D5.答案: EPART THREERead the following article about investing in shares and the questions below the passage.For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet f

24、or the answer you choose. Tips for Buying Shares Investing in the stock market has always been more profitable than putting money info a traditional savings account. However, it is only in the last few years that private share ownership has become accepted as a reliable form of investment. There are

25、 many reasons why more and more people are now buying shares. To begin with. the whole process is now far more flexible and user-friendly and public awareness of investment products and their tax implications is a lot higher. Even more importantly, this awareness means people now realise that the me

26、dium to long term shares are far more profitable than deposit accounts. Today, people are also more likely to invest m a company for ethical reasons or as a show of support for that company. When deciding to invest in shares, it is essential to think about your objectives. In order to avoid an expen

27、sive mistake, you need to consider your existing short and long-term financial commitments and how quickly you expect to see a return on your investment. Most importantly, you need to decide the extent to which you are prepared to speculate and then select the investment products which best reflect

28、your attitude towards the perils inherent in any stock market investment Recently, newspapers have been full of stories of investors realising massive profits. usually in connection with the flood of Internet companies that have issued shares in the last twelve months. Such companies, however, are a

29、nything but a safe investment. Although people have been attracted by phenomenal rate at which these companies are expanding, many investors have seen their shares fall well below the issue price within months of buying them. Private investors unwilling to tolerate high levels of risk can buy shares

30、 in blue chip companies, which are established organisations such as banks or large international corporations. Although such an investment may minimise risks, it also limits the potential profits. Some investors try to remove the element of risk by closely monitoring stock market movements on a dai

31、ly basis or by paying a regular sum into a managed fund over a long period of time. However. no matter how carefully people follow the markets or what expert advice they receive, statistics show that the safest option is to spread risk by investing in a wide range of different companies across diffe

32、rent sectors. As a first-time investor, it is vital to seek professional advice. Consultants can provide information on how to invest in the most attractive companies. They can explain how stocks. shares and bonds actually work. how much each type of investment costs and. most importantly, which pro

33、ducts best match their clients requirements. One reliable way of managing investments is through a broker. An alternative method is to deal in shares on the Internet. This incurs none of the regular brokers commission and investors can therefore easily afford to buy and sell shares more regularly. H

34、owever, although some potential investors may find on-line trading exciting, they should be aware that direct trading is perhaps the least secure way of approaching the stock market, with few investors having the necessary skills and knowledge to make any profit whatsoever, never mind the fortunes p

35、opularised by the media. 1. According to the text, more people are now buying shares becauseA.more ethical investments are available.B.investors get a better rate of return.C.investment periods arc more flexible.D.investors pay less tax on earnings.答案:B2. What is the main consideration when deciding

36、 to invest in shares?A.How much you pay for the shares.B.How quickly you can make a profit.C.How willing you are to take risks.D.How financially secure you arc.答案:C3. Investors are attracted to Internet companies because theyA.sell their shares at a low price.B.have a large number of shares.C.are of

37、ten a very safe investment.D.offer potential for rapid growth.答案:D4. Investors can reduce risks and still make good profits byA.investing only in blue chip companies.B.monitoring share prices very closely.C.buying shares gradually over time.D.choosing a variety of investment.答案:D5. What is the most

38、useful advice for new investors?A.The best time to invest in shares.B.The most suitable type of investment.C.The cheapest way to buy shares.D.The safest companies to invest in.答案:B6. Many investors buy and sell shares via the Internet because it isA.far cheaper.B.much easier.C.more exciting.D.a lot

39、safer.答案:APART FOURRead the text below about job prospects at the IBC Bank.Choose the correct word A, B, C or D from below the passage to fill each gap.For each question (19 - 33), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Tile IBC Bank is one of the biggest financial institutions in the

40、U.K. With its 900 branches and 68.000 employees, it has 1 a household name. Almost 4,000 of these employees 2 managerial or executive positions. The bank has an outstanding 3 of profitability, which has been achieved by introducing innovations at the same time as maintaining leadership of the 4 . Th

41、e banks comprehensive training programme concentrates on 5 the most important skills that graduates need in order to 6 early management responsibility. Trainees take responsibility for their own continuous self-development through visiting other branches and departments, and by 7 courses m managemen

42、t skills. They also receive training in order to increase their knowledge of the banks 8 . The bank supports 9 of staff who wish to take professional examinations, and its Graduate Training program is 10 to the nationally recognized degree in management. Obviously the quality of its managers is of 1

43、1 importance to the banks performance. It welcomes good graduates in any subject area, 12 they call demonstrate the ability to influence events, and have the potential to 13 both as leaders and as part of a team. Most graduate trainees join the retail banking division initially. Those starting on th

44、is program will soon have the 14 to work in other parts of the bank and can 15 a varied and flexible working life. 1.A.openedB.enteredC.turnedD.become答案:D2.A.holdB.doC.keepD.own答案:A3.A.careerB.catalogueC.regionD.experience答案:D4.A.areaB.tradeC.recordD.market答案:B5.A.makingB.reachingC.developingD.heigh


46、.only答案:C13.A.succeedB.realizeC.gainD.overcome答案:A14.A.choiceB.chanceC.likelihoodD.probability答案:B15.A.forecastB.believeC.supposeD.expect答案:DPART FIVERead the text below about online conferencing.In most of the lines 34-45, there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fi

47、t in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAI, LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. With online conferencing, you can meet face-to-face with the people that are important to your business and it keep those connections strong no matter 34 how far


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