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1、期末复习讲义1时态1 一般过去时1.一般过去时概念:一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。2.一般过去时的时间状语(时态提示语、关键词)_3.一般过去时关键点- 动词的过去式 动词过去式的变化规律(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_不规则变化am/is_are_do/does_have/has_sit_give_sing_drink_buy_catch_carry_go_make_take_ write_get_draw_see_come_spend_meet_ run_ fly_ eat_say_ read_swim_study_4.一般过去时的三种句式(1)称述句与否定句含有be动词:

2、 was/were 构成例如 I was there last week. 我上周在那里。 否定直接was+not=_ were +not=_例如 I was not there last week. 我上周不在那里。行为动词: 行为动词过去式构成例如Jenny bought a skirt yesterday. 詹妮昨天买了一件短裙。 否定需要借助助动词过去式did 形成did+not=_ 后面动词需要接动词_例如Jenny didnt buy a skirt yesterday. 詹妮昨天没有买短裙。(2)一般疑问句含有be动词: 将be动词过去式放置句首 Was/Were?例如 Were

3、 you there last week? 你上周在那里吗?行为动词: 借助于助动词过去式did构成,将did 放置句首 Did(句中原行为动词用动词_)+V_?例如Did Jenny buy a skirt yesterday? 詹妮昨天买短裙了吗?(3)特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+did+ V_+?例如What did Jenny buy yesterday? 詹妮昨天买了什么?时态2 一般现在时1. 一般现在时概念:表示通畅性、规律性、习惯性的状态或动作。不是描述具体的一次事件,而是有规律的事件,存在的动作或状态,也可以是永恒的真理。2. 一般现在时的时间状语(时态提示词,关键词)_3. 句式

4、(1) 称述句及否定句肯定时:主语+_/_+否定时:主语+_/_+_+例如: I like drinking tea. 我喜欢喝茶。 I dont like drinking tea. 我不喜欢喝茶。注意点:当主语为第三人称单数时,动词用第三人称单数。第三人称单数构成u _read _ write_ say_u _teach_ wash_ do_ go_u _try_ carry_ study_(2) 一般疑问句 _/_ +主语+_+ 答句:Yes, _/_. No, _/_.例如: Do you like drinking tea? 你喜欢喝茶吗?(3) 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+_/_+_+例

5、如:What do you like? 你喜欢什么?时态3 现在进行时1. 现在进行时概念:表示现在或现在这一阶段正在进行的动作。2. 时态提示语_3. 现在进行时结构(1) 肯定句及否定句肯定句:主语+_+doing(_)+否定句:主语+_+doing(_)+例如:I am doing my homework. 我正在做我的家庭作业。 I am not doing my homework. 我没在做我的家庭作业。(2)一般疑问句_ +主语 +doing+例如: Are you doing your homework? 你在做的家庭作业吗?(3)特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+_+主语+doing+例如

6、: What are you doing? 你在做什么?4. 现在分词的构成(1)_go_ work_ sing_(2)_leave_ make_ write_(3)_sit_ run_ swim_shop_ stop_ 时态复习作业一 单选填空 ( ) 1. Does Peter like to watch TV?_. A. Yes, he like B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, hed like D. No, he likes ( ) 2. _ he _ a good rest? No, he didnt. A. Have, had B. Did, have C. Di

7、d, had D. Had, had ( ) 3. They _ on a farm. A. working B. is work C. work D. is worked ( ) 4. When _ Lee _ school this morning? A. had, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got to ( ) 5.What are you_ for ? A.find B. look C. finding D. looking( ) 6.He went into the room and _ the door. A. lock B

8、. locking C. locks D. locked ( ) 7. Who _ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing ( ) 8. _ he _ his lunch? Yes, he did. A. Have ,had B. Had, has C. Did, have D. Did, had ( ) 9. Listen! The baby _ in the next room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries ( ) 10. She doesnt _ her

9、 homework in the afternoon. A. doing B. to do C. does D. do 二 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month. 2.Mike _(not go) to bed at 12 oclock last night. So he _ (get ) up late. 3.Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning. 4.He (like)_ to _(go) to school.5. Mr Zheng_(read) a book now6._

10、 your father _ ( go ) to work every day last year? 7. Listen! Someone is_(come).8. What time _ you _ (get) to Beijing yesterday? We _ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening. 9.What _ (make) him cry (哭) just now? 10. The doctors_ (get ) off the bus.11. When _ you _ (come) to China? - Last year. 12.D

11、id she _ (have) supper at home? 13.There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _ (have) no time to watch it. 14.He _(eat) some bread and _ (drink) some milk this morning.15. Last week I _ (buy) a new bike.三 句型转换 1. The children had a good time in the park. 否定句_ 2. There were about n

12、ine hundred people at the concert. 对划线部分提问_ 3. Ann is doing her homework now. 一般疑问句_ 4. Last week I read an English book. 对划线部分提问_ 5. My brother was in the park just now. 一般疑问句_ 四 翻译句子1. 你上周末做什么了?_ 我和家人一起参观农场了。_2. 你的英语书在哪里?_ 它刚才在电脑附近。_3. 你上周三参加聚会了吗?_ 没有,我在家做家务了。_4. 迈克的雨伞在哪里?_ 它片刻之前在门后面。_五 阅读理解Mrs Jo

13、nes is an American doctor . She is now in China . She works in a childrens hospital in Shanghai . She likes the children and she likes to work for children . She works hard in the day time and learns Chinese in the evening school . She also learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese fri

14、ends . Now she can speak some Chinese . She can read and write some Chinese , too . She says its not easy to learn Chinese well . Mr Jones , her husband is a teacher . He teaches English in the No.5 Middle School . He works from Monday to Friday . He teaches 3 classes every day . 根据短文内容,选择正确答案 。 ( )

15、 1.Mrs Jones is _ . A. an English teacher B. an American teacher C. an American doctor( ) 2.Mrs and Mr Jones are _ . A. in a hospital B. in a middle school C. in China ( ) 3. Mrs Jones leans _ in an evening school . A. math B. Chinese C. English ( ) 4.Mr Jones works _ every week . A. five days B. six days C. three days ( ) 5.Which is wrong ? _ A. Mrs Jones works in a childrens hospital in Shanhai . B. Mrs Jones says its easy to learn Chinese . C. Mrs Jones learns Chinese from Chinese doctors and Chinese friends .6随堂b


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