[语言类考试复习资料大全]The Balance of power(1).docx

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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全The Balance of power(1)The Balance of power(1)Part OneWords and ExpressionsComplete the following summary of Text 1, using the words in the text.In a speech 1 to the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johan-nesburg, Kofi Annan calls on a(n) 2 for

2、 responsible prosperity, 3 all the countries to help the poor escape from the 4 circle of multiple hardships they are 5 to: poverty, hunger, disease, oppression, conflict, pollution, and 6 of natural resources. To achieve the targets of 7 extreme poverty in the world by 2015, three tasks are to be 8

3、 : competition on fair terms between men and women in the global market 9 the resources desperately needed for development, and a life style not at the 10 of generations to come. First, developed countries must remove their unfair 11 in trade and use policies like tax 12 Markets must be fully open t

4、o labour- 13 exports from poor countries. Besides, interest groups in rich countries should rise above special 14 and stop blocking meaningful 15 . Lastly, sustainable development should be the new 16 wisdom; the 17 who consume much more than their 18 of the earths resources should put a 19 on respo

5、nsible prosperity. 1.答案: prior2.答案: coalition3.答案: urging4.答案: vicious5.答案: subjected6.答案: depletion7.答案: halving8.答案: tackled9.答案: mobilizing10.答案: expense11.答案: subsidies12.答案: incentives13.答案: intensive14.答案: pleading15.答案: concessions16.答案: conventional17.答案: privileged18.答案: share19.答案: premium

6、Translate the following sentences with the words and expressions provided.问题:1. 持续遭受欺辱的学生会在学习上落后、更经常缺课、更容易辍学,最糟糕的是会自杀。(fall behind, be subjected to)答案: Students who are subjected to relentless bullying fall behind in their studies, miss school more frequently, are more likely to drop outand in the w

7、orst cases, commit suicide.问题:2. 按照迪尔凯姆(Durkheim)的理论,个人主义只有在损害共同的价值观、信仰和社会规范性法规的情况下才能得到发展,所以人类的欲望和私利只能用产生于个人之外的力量来限制。(at the expense of, hold in check)答案: According to Durkheim, individualism can develop only at the expense of the common values, belief and normative rules of society, so the desires

8、and self-interests of human beings can only be held in check by forces that originate outside of the individual.问题:3. 大家一致认为五年内将医疗失误减少一半的目标尚未实现。要改善医疗服务的安全性,医院应该重视护士人手是否充足,护士队伍是否接受过良好的教育。(consensus, put a premium on, halve)答案: There is consensus that the goal to halve the rate of medical errors withi

9、n 5 years has not yet been achieved. Hospitals seeking to improve safety outcomes should put a premium on adequate nurse staffing and a well educated nurse workforce.问题:4. 他们沾染了对资产阶级道德的热情,追名逐利,投机钻营,渴望出人头地,只顾个人幸福等等。(be infected with, aspire to)答案: They are infected with enthusiasm for all bourgeois v

10、irtues; they are inspired with esteem for wealth, renown, titles and order; they aspire to get on in the world; they long for personal comfort, and so on.问题:5. 若干年来的艰难经济时代充满了大规模裁员,使我们的失业问题在失业的恶性循环中变得更加前景暗淡,不幸的是,许多投资人墨守华尔街的习惯思维:裁员有助于扩大利润。(conventional wisdom, vicious circle)答案: The last several years

11、 tough economic times have been full of mass layoffs, making our unemployment problem become even more bleak in a vicious circle of joblessness. Unfortunately, many investors adhere to Wall Streets conventional wisdom: Layoffs boost profits.Usage and StructureMultiple Choice问题:1. The way to make gov

12、ernment accountable is to make it_, so the American people can know exactly what decisions are being made.A.transparentB.invisibleC.clearD.opaque答案:A问题:2. He was as _ as a mule on that point.A.firmB.obstinateC.tameD.unruly答案:B问题:3. As natural resources continue to_. competition will continue to incr

13、ease between the worlds nations for the energy and raw materials.A.shrinkB.flickerC.depleteD.vie答案:C问题:4. Use this cold and flu online health and _ checker to get advice and reassurance.A.signalB.symptomC.indicatorD.evidence答案:B问题:5. The present is a time-based referent, a point in the _ from past t

14、o future where we happen to be.A.continuumB.reservoirC.gradationD.continua答案:A问题:6. Colleges, once seen as beacons of egalitarian hope, are becoming fortress of wealth and privilege that _ inequality.A.continueB.prevailC.remainD.perpetuate答案:D问题:7. The Arab-Israeli conflict, particularly on the Pale

15、stinian front, is undoubtedly a _ social conflict.A.extensiveB.successiveC.intermittentD.protracted答案:D问题:8. Being a(n) _ investor, she always investigates a company thoroughly before purchasing shares of its stock for investment.A.attentiveB.prudentC.fussyD.indiscreet答案:B问题:9. The good old man addr

16、essed him with the paternal affection and patriarchal privilege which his _ age, his upright and holy character, and his station in the church, entitled him to use.A.imposingB.majesticC.venerableD.eminent答案:C问题:10. All tyranny needs to gain a(n) _ is for people of good conscience to remain silent.Th

17、omas JeffersonA.juggernautB.acquiesceC.footholdD.cornucopia答案:CPart TwoGrammar and VocabularyChoose one word or phrase that best completes each sentence.问题:1. A lifelong learning programs strategic plan should _ the way for the organiza-tions revitalization.A.layB.makeC.paveD.lead答案:C问题:2. An e-book

18、 discussing how personal the presidential race has become describes how much Obama _ Romeny.A.despisesB.condemnsC.disguisesD.sneers答案:A问题:3. Owing to his recent financial condition, his department is _ furnished with just a few articles in it.A.lightlyB.sparselyC.hardlyD.rarely答案:B问题:4. It is lookin

19、g as if there is some still-unexplained biochemical interplay between being e4-positive and inactive, Dr Head says, which _ the risk for the disease.A.heightensB.enhancesC.upliftsD.elevates答案:A问题:5. The hunt for signals from intelligent extraterrestrials has been in full _ for half a century.A.swing

20、B.actionC.spiritD.bloom答案:A问题:6. It is surprising that the efforts flagship facility recently came to a _ halt.A.grindB.grindinglyC.grindingD.grinder答案:C问题:7. Iran has further _ Western fears about the purpose of its nuclear activities by starting to enrich fissile material in a new site deep inside

21、 a virtually impregnable mountain bunker.A.provokedB.pacifiedC.strokedD.stoked答案:D问题:8. All these call _ question, from different perspectives, the subjective inference that family decision power equals womens status.A.atB.onC.inD.for答案:C问题:9. In the 1970s, in the racially segregated suburb of Los A

22、ngeles, poverty, racism, and riots doomed the area to generations of social and economic _.A.obliviousnessB.obliterationC.annihilationD.oblivion答案:D问题:10. As emerging economies including China are playing an increasingly important role in world trade and finance, the shift of power balance sometimes

23、 led to _ and readjustments.A.frictionsB.fractionsC.fragmentsD.fractures答案:AReading ComprehensionIn this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. The ghost

24、towns of China, Ireland and Spainfull of large empty house estates may be a phenomenon that is on its way to Africa. Built for people who never move in, they leave those who did with a worthless property they cannot sell. Perched in an isolated spot some 30 km (18 miles) outside Angolas capital, Lua

25、nda, Nova Cidade de Kilamba is a brand-new mixed residential development of 750 eight-storey apartment buildings, a dozen schools and more than 100 retail units. Designed to house up to half a million people when complete, Kilamba has been built by the state-owned China International Trust and Inves

26、tment Corporation (CITIC) in under three years at a reported cost of $3.5 bn (2.2 bn). Spanning 5,000 hectares (12,355 acres), the development is the largest of several new satellite cities being constructed by Chinese firms around Angola, and it is believed to be one of the largest new-built projec

27、ts on the continent. The jewel in Angolas post-war reconstruction crown, Kilamba is the star of glossy government promotional videos which show smiling families enjoying a new style of living away from the dust and contusion of central Luanda where millions live in sprawling slums. But the people in

28、 these films are only actors, and despite all the hype, nearly a year since the first batch of 2,800 apartments went on sale, only 220 have been sold. When you visit Kilamba, you cannot help but wonder if even a third of those buyers have moved in yet. The place is eerily quiet, voices bouncing off

29、all the fresh concrete and wide-open tarred roads. There are hardly any cars and even fewer people, just dozens of repetitive rows of multi-coloured apartment buildings, their shutters sealed and their balconies empty. Only a handful of the commercial units are occupied, mostly by utility companies,

30、 but there are no actual shops on site, and sowith the exception of a new hypermarket located at one entrancethere is nowhere to buy food. After driving around for nearly 15 minutes and seeing no-one apart from Chinese laborers, many of whom appear to live in containers next to the site, I came acro

31、ss a tiny pocket of life at a school. It opened six months ago, bussing in its pupils from outlying areas because there are no children living on site to attend. One student, a 17-year-old called Sebastiao Antoniowho spends nearly three hours a day in traffic getting to and from classes from his hom

32、e 15 km awaytold me how much he liked the city. I really like this placeits got car parking, places for us to have games like football, basketball and handball, he said. Its very quiet, much calmer than the other city, theres no criminality. But when I asked if he and his family would move there, he

33、 just laughed. No way, we cant afford this. Its impossible. And there is no work for my parents here, he said. His sentiments were echoed by Jack Franciso, 32, who started work at Kilamba as a street sweeper four months ago. Yes, its a nice place for sure, he said. But then he sighed: To live here,

34、you need a lot of money. People like us dont have money like that to be able to live here. And therein lies the problem. Apartments at Kilamba are being advertised online costing between $120,000 and $200,000well out of reach of the estimated two-thirds of Angolans who live on less than $2 a day. Ho

35、wever, Paulo Cascao, general Manager at Delta Imobiliaria, the real estate agency handling the sales, told the BBC that the problem was not the price, but difficulty in accessing bank credit. The prices are correct for the quality of the apartments and for all the conditions that the city can offer,

36、 he said. The sales are going slowly due to the difficulty in obtaining mortgages. A new legal flame work has recently been introduced to allow local banks to give mortgages, but for the majority of Angolans, even the few with well-paid office jobs, just finding enough cash for a deposit would be a

37、struggle. The government needs to start giving priority to building low-cost housing because great majority of the population live in shacks with no water, electricity or sanitation, Elias Isaac, country director at the Angolan Office of the Open Society Initiative for South African (OSISA), told th

38、e BBC. There is no middle class in Angola, just the very poor and the very rich, and so there is no one to buy these sorts of houses. 1. The phrase ghost town in Paragraph 1 means a town _.A.which abounds with ghost storiesB.which suffered disastersC.full of large empty house estatesD.which is dense

39、ly populated答案:C2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Kilamba?A.Kilamba is the jewel in Angolas post-war reconstruction crown.B.Kilamba is a new mixed residential development with a dozen schools and 100 retail units.C.Kilamba has been built by CITIC at a reported cost of $3.5 bn.D.

40、Of the 750 eight-storey apartment buildings only 220 apartments have been sold.答案:B3. Kilamba became a ghost town because _.A.few people want to buy the houses thereB.the prices for the houses are too highC.it is difficult to get mortgagesD.it is difficult to find a shop there答案:C4. Whats the author

41、s attitude in writing the article?A.Ironic.B.Neutral.C.Prejudiced.D.Critical.答案:B5. Which of the following would be the title of the passage?A.Angolas Chinese-built Ghost TownB.KilambaJewel in Angolas Post-war Reconstruction CrownC.Obtaining House Mortgages in KilambaD.Low Cost Buildings for the Ver

42、y Poor in Luanda答案:AWriting问题:1. Note-writing You received complaints about some faulty calculators, but upon investigation, you find the calculators had not been delivered by you. Write a letter to explain your discovery and propose to send some quality ones. (6080 words) 答案:略问题:2. Essay You are asked to introduce your hometown to some British friends, especially about the traditions in the Spring Festival (or any traditional festival there). Write a letter to describe your hometown in about 150 words. At the end of the description, invite them to visit it. 答案:略 19 / 19


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