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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟26剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟26SPEAKING客户服务满意度调查A: Our boss has decided to conduct a customers satisfaction survey about our service to better grasp the reaction of the market, and it is our responsibility to make a good questionnaire for the survey. Have y

2、ou got any ideas? B: Well, we must make sure what kinds of questions will appear on the survey at first. As a company providing consulting service, our staffs attitude will directly influence customers impression about our company, so we should ask how customers feel about our consultants. A: What i

3、s of equal importance is the value of our professional suggestions; we should also ask our customers whether they are satisfied with the service we provided or not. B: And what about the charges? We should also know whether customers think our service deserves the money they paid. A: Then we should

4、consider how to conduct this survey; I suggest we apply different methods for customers of different levels. B: That sounds quite reasonable. In my opinion, we will just send SMS for the general customers, that is, who use our service less than 5 times. Then for the special clients who use our servi

5、ce more than 10 times but less than 20, we will send e-mails. Finally for our VIPs who have used our consulting service more than 20 times, it would be better if we pay personal visits. A: OK, Lets get started as soon as possible. 1. How many kinds of surveys do you know? Can you name some of them?答

6、案:There are many kinds of surveys which can be classified according to their aims, methods or scale. For example, customers satisfaction survey, employees satisfaction survey, market feasibility survey, etc.2. What can you do to make sure the survey reflects as much reality as possible?答案:I think we

7、 should find a group of people for our survey, and they should well represent the whole consumption group.3. Have you ever joined in any survey? For what?答案: Yes, Ive been asked questions from my club to express my feelings about their service. Yes, I have answered many questionnaires on the Interne

8、t concerning a large range of social topics. 4. Do you think it is helpful to receive more responses from customers if we send them some little gifts when they finish a survey?答案: Yes, I think so. Nobody will refuse to cooperate when given a cute toy. No, it will cost us too much money. When is it n

9、ecessary to conduct surveys? When we want to produce a new product, wed better make a market survey before we proceed. And when we want to see the response of the market or the preferences of customers, we may also do a survey. 5. How to increase customers satisfaction level of a product or service?

10、答案:Quality and price are the most important factors which affect customers decision-making. Good thing at reasonable price is popular without exceptions.客户服务投诉事件A: It seems that we have received too many complaints about our service recently, which is unacceptable for a customer- oriented company li

11、ke us, so we must do something for it before we lose our customers trust. B: OK. We may begin with clarifying all these complaints, I think it will help us to solve these problems. Have you ever seen the records of these complaints? A: Yes, Ive seen the records of the last three months. And I found

12、that they can be generally divided into three types. The first is late delivery, it accounts for more than half of the complaints. Then it comes to unprofessional installation, some customers even complained that our installers broke their walls. The last is some customers are not willing to accept

13、sample products. B: Youve made a very good classification, and now lets find solutions to these problems. As for the late delivery, I think the delivery cars are not a problem, but we should make a more scientific schedule for the transportation to better use our existing resources. A: Right. And we

14、 may provide some on-job training for our installers, especially those newcomers. B: That would be very useful, so they wont break our customers walls or floors. A: And we may negotiate with the customers to accept the sample products by giving them some discounts. B: I guess that will work, the sam

15、ple product doesnt have any problems, anyway. 6. Have you made any complaints about the products you bought or services you received? Why?答案: Yes, Ive made complaints to my telephone company, because they always provide some services I never ordered. Yes, Ive been treated very rudely in a hotel beca

16、use of my nationality, so I complained to the manager. 7. How do you make complaints, sending e-mails, making calls or talking directly to the person concerned?答案:Id prefer to use e-mail, because it is more direct and can draw more attention than telephone calls.8. Which companys after-sale service

17、impresses you most? Why?答案:Haler, I guess. The mechanics there are very polite and considerate, and they provide very professional services.9. Do you have any experience in contacting with customers? Is it in a direct way?答案:Yes, I once worked as a technician in the after-sale department of a comput

18、er company. I have helped many customers solve their hardware problems.10. Which ways can you offer to improve the relationship with customers?答案:You can send them short messages or e-mails regularly to tell them recent development of your company and ask about their advices to improve your performa

19、nces.11. How do you understand the famous saying The customer is king?答案: Well, I think its just a slogan showing the producers emphasis on treating customers well. I think it is very insightful to say that, everyone doing business should remember this slogan and make sure that they really understan

20、d it. 企业运营企业战略A: Todays businesses have become more adept than ever at employing the essential strategies needed to succeed in light of intense competitive and financial pressures. Say something about corporate strategy. B: Well, managers and executives from all walks of life are called on to set co

21、rporate strategy. Corporate strategy is the way a company creates its value through configuration and coordination of its multimarket activities. A: In practice, we illustrate the concept with corporate strategic triangle. B: Youre right, for technical reasons, the three sides are resources, busines

22、ses and structures, systems, and processes. A: As far as I know, the three sides of the triangle are the foundation of corporate strategy. B: So when aligned in pursuit of a vision, and motivated by appropriate goals and objectives, the system can produce a corporate advantage, which justifies the f

23、irms existence as a multibusiness entity. A: Yeah. How does it work as a systematic way for corporate strategy analysis and formulation? B: To understand the whole system, we should examine its five elements. A: Well. That is vision, goals and objectives, resource, business, structures, systems and

24、processes. B: Youre right. Vision plays the central role for any corporate strategies as it defines and positions a firms destination in the world of business. Objectives refer to specific short and medium term quantitative targets; goals, on the other hand, refer to qualitative intentions in the sa

25、me time frame. Resource is the building block for any firm. Business portfolio management is traditional concern of corporate strategy. Every corporate performs a certain level of control over its individual businesses to achieve its corporate goals. This is the way to realise the goal of the whole

26、is greater than the sum. A: Well, Thats good! With all this, Im sure we can do better on setting corporate strategy l 12. How useful is the research of breakdown structure for project construction?答案:Its very useful for project manager who can manage and reuse those information through project durat

27、ion.13. Do you have a favourite management book? Why or why not?答案: Yes. I might be a bit self-serving here because as a consultant, many of the authors are my friends. No, I had a series of experience over the years with clients instead of management books. 14. How do you create that flat managemen

28、t structure?答案:By being aware of the cultural difference and managing them, in my opinion.15. Do you currently follow a standard project management methodology? Why or why not?答案: Yes, matching the right project management structure with your culture is critical for success. No, every institution ha

29、s a unique management structure. 16. Do you design the structure and jobs around your valued people, or design the structure and positions with a focus on performance and then assign the right people to those roles?答案:Well. The right answer is a combination of both.客户服务工作环境A: We need a steady workin

30、g site, not a place for office politics. As we all know, environment will affect ones mood of working. B: Yes, beside hard conditions like nice decoration, advanced office equipment, elegant meeting room and etc., some soft conditions may be more important for the person in it. A: Speaking of office

31、 politics, I believe that lots of people know the actual harmfulness of it. B: Well. The main point I want to say is that I wish HRD could solve the fluctuation of psychological emotion in office, or office ambience. A: You mean HRD should know what had happened through peoples expressions, movement

32、s and tones? B: Thats right. One role of HRD should be communication. It should notice what happened yesterday, what happens now, and predicts what will happen soon. A: The role of HRD is quite important, so it needs to have profound working experience related to human management. B: Absolutely. HRD

33、 should walk into almost every place of the whole company. It should observe everything, from the ornaments on the table, contents of the blackboard, place of files, neatness of the office, to the mood of staff when they enter into office, all should be evaluated and analysed. A: I cannot agree more

34、. B: If a company wants to develop, it must keep harmonious working environment and staff should be united. If any part appears problems, the whole system may be destroyed. A: We dont need a conflicting atmosphere, but a joyous one. 17. Is work an important determinant of health? Why or why not?答案:

35、Yes. It can influence health positively or negatively and a comfortable environment enables employees to be more productive. No. Work is just part of our life, not the whole. 18. Are you satisfied with your working environment? Why or why not?答案: Yes. Im quite happy with it. The company offers me a

36、good working environment, which enables me to display my talent. No, Im not happy with it. The workers demand more improvements for their working environment. 19. Do you think stress is becoming an increasingly common feature of the workplace? Why or why not?答案: Yes. It is difficult for some employe

37、es to avoid it. No. Everyone needs a certain level of stress to enable him to feel motivated and to perform effectively. 20. Do you work in a stressful environment?答案: Yes, we work in a stressful environment and have no time to relax. No, Everything works well because the harmonious environment is created and everyone does his job smoothly. 21. Are you interested in having a harmonious working environment and life? Why or why not?答案:Yes, thats for sure. Because everyone is very interested in having a harmonious job and life. 11 / 11


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