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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟125专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟125专业八级分类模拟125英汉连线(1)subside (a)重击,猛打 (2)subvert (b)愠怒,怄气 (3)succour (c)篡改,干涉 (4)sulk (d)招徕,兜售 (5)supersede (e)步履蹒跚,左摇右摆 (6)swipe (f)减弱,减轻,平息 (7)tamper (g)代替,接替 (8)teeter (h)救济,援助 (9)tout (i)践踏,蹂躏 (10)trample (j)颠覆,破坏 1.答案:f2.答案:j3.答案:h4.答案:b5.答案:g6.答案:a7.答案:c8

2、.答案:e9.答案:d10.答案:i释义连线(1)strew (a)delay leaving a place (2)substantiate (b)damage the purity of; defile (3)succumb (c)reproach sb. contemptuously (4)sully (d)provide evidence to prove the truth of (5)supplant (e)contaminate or pollute (6)swap (f)be or go beyond the range or limits of (7)taint (g)rep

3、lace, take the place of (8)tarry (h)scatter or spread (9)taunt (i)fail to resist (10)transcend (j)take part in an exchange of 1.答案:h2.答案:d3.答案:i4.答案:b5.答案:g6.答案:j7.答案:e8.答案:a9.答案:c10.答案:f填空用下列单词的正确形式完成句子stratify subvert suffice superintend supplant surcharge teeter tinge tout transcend 1. We are mov

4、ing towards the American position: general acceptance of all regional accents and absence of a class accent that _ all regions.答案:transcends2. School _ Dale McKay said he did not know how many students were absent from class either on Monday or today.答案:Superintendent3. Still others believe it will

5、_ relations within the family: cynics dubbed it the Sue Your Son law.答案:subvert4. Its report stated with a _ of complacency that 95% of those who did not have their own income were receiving cash contributions from relations.答案:tinge5. But if language habits do not represent classes, a social _ into

6、 something as bygone as aristocracy and commons, they do still of course serve to identify social groups.答案:stratification6. Critics of alliances say the much-_ benefits to the consumer are mostly pie in the sky, that alliances are all about reducing costs for the airlines, rationalizing services an

7、d running joint marketing programmes.答案:touted7. Most places automatically add a 10% service charge to the bill, but the _ often ends up in the pocket of the owner, not the staff kitty.答案:surcharge8. In other words, life in a technology- and information-based global society may lead to a new social

8、_, in which linguistic assimilation will lead to cultural assimilation and social injustice will abound.答案:stratification9. The other two were in recovery, still _ on the brink of sobriety.答案:teetering10. But others in Kolkata believe that rickshaws will simply be confined more strictly to certain n

9、eighborhoods out of the view of World Bank traffic consultants and California investment delegationsor that they will be allowed to die out naturally as theyre _ by more modern conveyances.答案:supplanted11. _ to say, Ive been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water Ive saved w

10、ith these big-ticket projects.答案:Suffice动词+名词搭配练习substantiate (1)the suspects alibi (a)证实药品的功效 (2)his involvement in espionage (b)证明被告无罪 (3)the deals sanctification (c)证实疑犯不在犯罪现场 (4)the function of the medicine (d)证实他参与间谍活动 (5)the defendants innocence (e)证明交易的正当性 1.答案:c2.答案:d3.答案:e4.答案:a5.答案:bsuccum

11、b (1)to wartime blackout (a)死于白血病 (2)to imperialist hegemony (b)禁不住感官诱惑 (3)to leukemia (c)屈服于帝国主义霸权 (4)to sensual temptation (d)屈服于敌人的威胁 (5)to the enemys threat (e)服从战时灯火管制 6.答案:e7.答案:c8.答案:a9.答案:b10.答案:dsulk (1)over parental apathy (a)惨败之后大为恼火 (2)after a fiasco (b)因班长的言论而生气 (3)over the childs misco

12、nduct (c)因丈夫喝醉而生气 (4)over the monitors speech (d)愠怒于父母的冷漠 (5)over the husbands drunkenness (e)因孩子行为不检而生气 11.答案:d12.答案:a13.答案:e14.答案:b15.答案:csuperintend (1)the construction of airstrips (a)主管重要的营销项目 (2)the deputations schedule (b)监督临时跑道的建设 (3)provision of players outfit (c)管理办公室的机要文件 (4)a crucial mar

13、keting project (d)主管代表团的日程安排 (5)confidential files in the office (e)负责球员设备的提供 16.答案:b17.答案:d18.答案:e19.答案:a20.答案:ctaunt (1)the boy about his bravado (a)嘲讽玛丽的体重 (2)the soldier with cowardice (b)讥讽士兵怯懦 (3)the merchant with gentility (c)用绰号讥讽汤姆 (4)Mary about her weight (d)奚落商人的附庸风雅 (5)Tom with nicknames

14、 (e)讥讽男孩的虚张声势 21.答案:e22.答案:b23.答案:d24.答案:a25.答案:c副词+动词搭配练习subside (1)fortuitously (a)显著地减弱 (2)miraculously (b)偶然地下降 (3)noticeably (c)连续地下降 (4)serenely (d)奇迹般地减弱 (5)successively (e)静静地平息 1.答案:b2.答案:d3.答案:a4.答案:e5.答案:csubvert (1)irrevocably (a)亵渎神圣地破坏 (2)mightily (b)邪恶地颠覆 (3)predatorily (c)强有力地破坏 (4)s

15、acrilegiously (d)掠夺性地破坏 (5)wickedly (e)不可挽回地破坏 6.答案:e7.答案:c8.答案:d9.答案:a10.答案:bsuccour (1)incumbently (a)慷慨地救济 (2)philanthropically (b)自愿地援助 (3)prodigally (c)义不容辞地援助 (4)unswervingly (d)始终不渝地援助 (5)volitionally (e)慈善地救济 11.答案:c12.答案:e13.答案:a14.答案:d15.答案:bswap (1)lucidly (a)定期地交换 (2)multilaterally (b)头脑清醒地交换 (3)periodically (c)多边交换 (4)speculatively (d)不情愿地交换 (5)ungraciously (e)投机性地交换 16.答案:b17.答案:c18.答案:a19.答案:e20.答案:dtamper (1)crookedly (a)恶作剧般地篡改 (2)mischievously (b)专制地干涉 (3)sublimely (c)全面地干涉 (4)sweepingly (d)不正当地篡改 (5)tyrannically (e)不顾后果地干涉 21.答案:d22.答案:a23.答案:e24.答案:c25.答案:b 13 / 13


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