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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟58剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟58Exercise 1Read the following statements and decide which are true (T) and which are false (F).问题:1. If a letter begins with the receivers name, e.g. Dear Mr Ross, it will close with Yours faithfully.答案:BYours sincerely问题:2. Th

2、e abbreviation c.c. stands for correct carbons.答案:Bcarbon copy问题:3. If you were writing a letter to Mr Peter Smith, you would open with Dear Mr Peter Smith.答案:BDear Mr Smith问题:4. The head of a company in the UK is known as The President.答案:BThe Chairman问题:5. In the USA, it is correct to open a lette

3、r with the salutation Gentlemen.答案:A问题:6. The abbreviations enc or encl means there are enclosures with the letter.答案:A问题:7. If you were writing to a Knight whose name was Sir Roger Dumont, you would open the letter Dear Sir Dumont.答案:BDear Sir Roger, or Dear Sir Roger Dumont问题:8. In the UK, the abb

4、reviated date 2.6.2006 on a letter means 6 February 2006.答案:BTrue in the USA, but in the UK, it means 2 June 2006问题:9. If a secretary signs her name on a letter and her signature is followed by p.p. (per pro) Daniel Harris, it means she is signing on behave of Daniel Harris.答案:A问题:10. A Managing Dir

5、ector in the UK is known as Chief Executive in the USA.答案:A问题:11. The term PLC after a companys name, e.g. Hathaway PLC, Stands for Public Limited Corporation.答案:BPublic Limited Company问题:12. The abbreviation for the term limited liability in the UK, is ltd.答案:BLtd问题:13. If you did not know whether

6、a female correspondent was married or not, it would be correct to use the term Ms, e.g. Ms Tessa Groves, instead of Miss or Mrs.答案:A问题:14. The following is an example of a blocked style. Peter Voss Oberlweifeldweg 33 5207 Therwil Switzerland 答案:Bindented style问题:15. The above address is an example o

7、f open punctuation.答案:A问题:16. The abbreviation in addressing a doctor, e.g. Dr. James Spock, would be Dt. Spock.答案:BDr. Spock问题:17. Rather than use the UK close of Yours sincerely/faithfully, American often choose Yours truly.答案:A问题:18. The abbreviation for company is CO.答案:AExercise 2Using either t

8、he present simple or present continuous tenses, complete the letter with the appropriate verb below. build look offer start write know note provide supply March 11, 2006 Dear Sir/Madam, We 1 that you have made a planning application and 2 an extension to your property soon, and I 3 to inform you of

9、the service which we, as your local Builders Merchant, 4 for our customers. Our range of products 5 at the foundations with sand, cement, and bricks, and we also 6 a full range of timber and plasterboard products. In addition to this, but only for the next two weeks, we 7 a free estimating service,

10、so that you 8 exactly how much the materials will cost. We 9 forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Mark Jwin Hall and Co. Ltd 1.答案: note2.答案: are building3.答案: am writing4.答案: provide5.答案: starts6.答案: supply7.答案: are offering8.答案: know9.答案: lookExercise 3True or False问题:1. An organization c

11、hart shows the interaction among employees responsibilities.答案:A问题:2. An organizational structure identifies the responsibilities of each job position and the relationships among those positions.答案:A问题:3. A companys board of directors normally takes an active role in managing the firms day-to-day ac

12、tivities.答案:B问题:4. Inside board members are more likely than outside members to support changes that will benefit the firms stockholders, especially if the firms top managers do not support the changes.答案:B问题:5. An organizational structure that is design to have each manager supervise just a few emp

13、loyees has a narrow span of control.答案:A问题:6. In recent years, most firms have attempted to centralize authority in the hands of a few key executives.答案:B问题:7. Firms will have either a formal organizational structure or an informal organizational structure, but can never have both types of organizat

14、ional structures at the same time.答案:B问题:8. An advantage of a firms informal organizational structure is that it encourages the formation of friendships, which can improve morale and job satisfaction.答案:A问题:9. Organizing a firm by both product and function is not effective for companies that operate

15、 in only one location.答案:B问题:10. When a firm is departmentalized by location, its expenses involved in each location can be more easily estimated.答案:A问题:11. Most firms departmentalize their foreign operations by function.答案:BExercise 4Where do the following positions fit in the organization chart be

16、low?问题:1. accountant bookkeeper records clerk procurement clerk mail clerk market analyst senior researcher payroll clerk plan foreman sales representative tax specialist executive secretary advertising manager PR manager account receivable clerk 答案:Accounts Manager: accountant 会计 account receivable

17、 clerk 收款员 Division Plant Director: payroll clerk 工薪发放员 Marketing manager: advertising manager 广告经理 market analyst 市场分析员 Sales Manager: sales representative 销售代表,推销员 Production Manager: procurement clerk 采购员 Personnel Manager: mail clerk 邮件收发员 executive secretary 行政秘书,执行干事 Planning Manager: plan for

18、eman 规划领班;策划师 R 答案: for问题:2. In her last job, she looked _ orders and phone enquiries.答案: after问题:3. Now she is looking _ something that is a bit more challenging.答案: for问题:4. She heard _ the vacancy from a friend in the department.答案: about/of问题:5. She is a reliable worker who can be depended _ to

19、be a good job.答案: on问题:6. Could you let me know what you think _ her?答案: of问题:7. I would like to talk _ you about her application.答案: to问题:8. I think we should write _ her soon and tell her what we have decided.答案: toExercise 6Replace the incorrect preposition in each of the following sentences with

20、 the correct one.问题:1. The Sales Manager was very disappointed from the poor sales figures. _ 答案: The Sales Manager was very disappointed with (by) the poor sales figures.问题:2. The workforce at the factory is/are very worried on the prospect of being made redundant. _ 答案: The workforce at the factor

21、y is/are very worried (at) by the prospect of being made redundant.问题:3. In our department it is the sub-manager who is responsible of checking the accounts. _ 答案: In our department it is the sub-manager who is responsible for checking the accounts.问题:4. The Directors Personal Assistant accompanied him to the Frankfurt Book Fair because she was good in German. _ 答案: The Directors Personal Assistant accompanied him to the Frankfurt Book Fair because she was good at German. 11 / 11


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