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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全金融英语中级银行业务模拟3金融英语中级银行业务模拟3SECTION ONE (Compulsory) Now listen to a short conversation and a passage on the tape. This will be played once on the recorder. You may make notes while you are listening but you should not answer any questions until the readin

2、g is over. Qustion 1 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Why does Joan Smith come to the bank?答案:Because his university want to give every teacher a credit card as a new-year gift.听力原文 1-10A Credit CardA: Excuse me. May I come in?B: Yes, of course. What can I do for you?A: I want to make clear something about t

3、he credit cards, because our university wants to give every teacher a credit card as a new-year gift. Is this a right place for that purpose?B: Yes indeed. Please take a seat. My name is Jane Lee. Im in charge of the Credit Card Department.A: Oh, nice to meet you, Mr. Lee. This is my name card. Im J

4、ane Smith from Capital University.B: Ok, Mrs. Smith. Tell me please what would you like to know?A: Well, we know nowadays credit cards are very popular. Many feel that it will only be a matter of time before credit cards completely replace cash and checks for both individuals and organizations. But

5、we are not very clear about what it is.B: Credit cards, or bank credit cards are instruments issued by banks to carefully selected applicants.A: I hear that with it you can do many things.B: Yes. It can be for use in obtaining, on credit, consumer goods, services and other things when necessary.A: O

6、ne of our teachers told me that we can draw cash by using it.B: Correct. They may also be used in obtaining cash. Under bank credit scheme, customers are provided, usually free of change, with a plastic card carrying a line of credit which varies according to the financial status of a card holder.A:

7、 Yeah. I remember some people calling it plastic money.B: Its because the cards are made of plastics. They are generally called plastic cards and bank credit cards are merely a kind of such plastic cards.A: What are the special features of this kind of card?B: With a credit card, you can pay for pur

8、chases a month later, without any extra charge.A: Sounds interesting. Another attractive point?B: You may choose to make your payments over several months and pay only part of the total amount each month.A: Well, Mr. Lee. This service seems too nice to be believed.B: Yes, Mrs. Smith. But its true. H

9、owever. In this case, the bank who sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill.A: Look. There is no such thing as a free lunch.B: Nevertheless, it is very convenient for the customer.A: I see. Its convenient indeed. What are its main characteristics?B: With the credi

10、t card, you dont have to carry much money. This is the main advantage of it.A: Please explain it to me, Mr. Lee. Im interested in it.B: This is not only saves your time otherwise taken to make your trips to the bank to cash checks or withdraw cash, but also will relieves you from worrying about losi

11、ng the money through carelessness or theft.A: Thats great for our teachers who sometimes travel with cash during their vacations. I think it will be a good gift for them. By the way, may I know how you, I mean banks, profit themselves from issuing the cards?B: Banks profit from the fees they charge

12、the stores that accept credit cards and also from the fees collected from customers who pay for their purchases in monthly installments.A: In our times, there exists a rule: profit and risk come together. So banks also encounter some risks in operation of the business. Then what are the probable ris

13、ks? Im just curious about that.B: A good question! Everything is two-sided. Banks sometimes have problems collecting overdue payments from bad customers. And banks are also responsible for the goads and services illegally charged to their customers accounts, for instance, the use of stolen, lost or

14、counterfeit cards by criminals.A: OK. Thank you Mr. Lee for the explanations. Now Ive had valuable knowledge. So we have almost decided to make a deal with your banks. But can you send a team to our university to handle all those procedures? Because as a university we have many teachers, and it will

15、 be convenient for both of us to go through the procedures on our campus.B: Yes. Of course. We have such services for group customers. When shall we do it?A: Tomorrow morning. We will expect to see you. Is that ok?B: OK. See you tomorrow.A: Goodbye!A Credit Card Today, more and more people in the US

16、 are using credit cards instead of money to buy the things they need. Almost anyone who has a steady income and a good work record can apply for a credit card. There are many credit cards available: American Express, VISA and Diners Club are the names of some of the most popular. If you have a credi

17、t card, you can buy a car, eat dinner, take a trip, and even get haircut by charging the cost to your account. In this way you can pay for the purchases a month later, without any extra charge. Or you may choose to make your payments over several months and pay only part of the total amount each mon

18、th. If you do this, the bank will add a small service charge to your total bill. With the credit card in your wallet or purse, you dont have to carry much cash. This saves you trips to the hank to cash checks or withdraw cash. Also, if you carry credit cards, you dont have to worry about losing mone

19、y. The card user only has to worry about paying the final bill. This, of course, can be a problem, if you can be charged more than you can pay for. Every time the card holder uses his card to make purchases, he signs the sales slip in the presence of the seller. A dispensing machine records the sale

20、s, the amount, the date of transaction and file cards reference number. The vendor will then claim reimbursement from the banks with respect to the sales made and pay a service commission, ranging from 1% to 5 % of the sales. The card holder will receive from the bank a monthly statement describing

21、the purchase record over the previous month, the amount paid last month and the amount owed up-to-date. The card holder has the option of paying the total amount due within a period prescribed by the bank, or paying a minimum amount. If the card holder opted for the latter, he would have to pay a co

22、mpound interest of up to 2.4% per month on the amount outstanding. Credit cards are big business. Americans spend $ 16 billion a year on cards, and there are already 590 million of them in circulation. Many banks have their own credit card companies and issue cards free to their customers. The store

23、s that accept credit cards must pay a small fee to the banksa percentage of the purchase price of the merchandise or service. In return, the banks promptly pay the store for the merchandise or service. Some banks offer up to five different types of cards. Most cards have a credit limit revocable on

24、a monthly basis. The credit limit offered by the banks will depend on the income, the profession, and spending habits of the card holder. Some cards have no credit limit although the card holder or the vendor should notify the banks prior to sale if the transaction involves a large sum. High tech de

25、velopments in banking have led to smart card being introduced. This card, with a chip embedded in the plastic, works like an instant cheque account which allows purchases to be paid for up to the money value stored in it. Ideally, the smart card can be used almost everywhereunlike credit cards, whic

26、h some shops refuse to accept, for cheap items in particular. 2. Whats the name of the bank officer in charge of Credit Card Depamnent?答案:Jane Lee.3. According to the conversation, what is the credit card?答案:Credit cards, or bank credit cards are instruments issued by banks to carefully selected app

27、licants.4. According to the conversation, what is the main characteristic of a credit card?答案:With the credit card, you dont have to carry much money.5. How do banks profit themselves from issuing the cards?答案:Banks profit from the fees they charge the stores that accept credit cards and also from t

28、he fees collected from customers who pay for their purchases in monthly installments.6. When do Smith and James meet again?答案:The following, day.7. According to the passage, how often does the card holder receive from the bank a statement describing the purchase record?答案:Every month.8. On what will

29、 the credit limit offered by the banks depend?答案:On the income, the profession, and spending habits of the card holder.9. According to the passage, what is a smart card?答案:This card, with a chip embedded in the plastic, works like an instant cheque account which allows purchases to be paid for up to

30、 the money value stored in it.10. According to the passage, what does a card holder have to worry about?答案:The card user only has to worry about paying the final bill.SECTION TWO (Compulsory)Question 2 Answer all questions below. Read the following statements and decide whether they are Tine (T) or

31、False (F). If it is a false statement, try to rewrite a correct version. 问题:1. The Merchantile Bank also issued coins until the late 1970s.答案:BCorrection: The Merchantile Bank also issued banknotes until the late 1970s.问题:2. In Hongkong, money supply is a market-determined phenomenon rather than a M

32、onetary Authority regulated one.答案:A问题:3. A commercial paper is essentially a promissory note, secured and with a maturity date.答案:BCorrection: A commercial paper is essentially a promissory note, unsecured and with a maturity date.问题:4. A certificate of deposits differs from the general type of tim

33、e deposits in that it is negotiable and can be sold to another party before the maturity date.答案:A问题:5. Under true lease, the company or the bank will hold the title to the facilities, receive tax credit if there is any, sell facilities to the user at a bargain price when the lease expires.答案:BCorre

34、ction: Under conditional lease, the company or the bank will hold the title to the facilities, receive tax credit if there is any, sell facilities to the user at a bargain price when the lease expires.问题:6. An irrevocable credit may be cancelled at any time up to the moment the advising bank pays.答案

35、:BCorrection: A revocable credit may be cancelled at any time up to the moment the advising bank pays.问题:7. Because futures contracts are standardized, they are very useful for quotation and trading.答案:A问题:8. Unsimilar to the Hongkong dollar savings deposit, the customer with foreign currency saving

36、s deposit can withdraw funds at any time without giving prior notice to the bank.答案:BCorrection: Similar to the Hongkong dollar savings deposit, the customer with foreign currency savings deposit can withdraw funds at any time without giving prior notice to the bank.问题:9. A bridging loan is a loan w

37、hich is granted to purchase a car.答案:BCorrection: A chattel mortgage is a loan which is granted to purchase a car.问题:10. Gross-working-capital refers to all of the following current assets: cash, account receivable, inventory and any other liquid assets.答案:A问题:11. A put option is an option which giv

38、es the buyer the right to buy the currency at the stated strike price on or before the expiry date.答案:BCorrection: A call option is an option which gives the buyer the right to buy the currency at the stated strike price on or before the expiry date.问题:12. In August 1996, 2 trial credit cards named

39、as Visa Cash and Mondex were introduced in Hongkong.答案:BCorrection: In August 1996, 2 trial smart cards named as Visa Cash and Mondex were introduced in Hong Kong.SECTION THREE (Compulsory)Question 3 Write short notes on all questions below. Note form answers are acceptable. 问题:1. What are the agent

40、s required in the process of money creation through the open-market operations?答案:a. central bank b. banks or depository institutions c. brokers/citizens 问题:2. List any 4 most general types of bank loans and advances that banks provide to all economic sectors.答案:a. working capital loans b. start-up

41、loans c. syndicated loans d. project financing e. foreign trade financing 问题:3. What global electronic banking services can business customers obtain from banks?答案:a. cash management services b. trade services c. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services 问题:4. List any 3 reasons for having funds mo

42、ved from one country to another.答案:a. the settlement of debts as a result of international trade b. The transfer of funds paid out by foreign firms in file forms of dividends, profits and capital gain incomes. c. remittances to friends and relatives d. governments aid to foreign countries e. capital

43、 flight 问题:5. Name any 3 conditions that a company, a person or group of persons need to meet in order to get a bank license in HK.答案:a. Minimum paid-up share capital of not less than a legally specified amount (HK 150 million for Licensed Banks, HK 100 million for Restricted Licence Banks and HK 25

44、 million for Deposit-taking Companies). b. For overseas applicant, the incorporation must be in countries where the supervisory authorities have the capabilities to meet the minimum supervision standards as recommended by the Basle Committee. c. For local applicant, it has been an authorized institu

45、tion for at least 10 years. d. There is also an asset requirement for Licensed Banks( US 16 billion for overseas and HK 4 billion for local applicants as at end 1997), which is revised annually. e. For local applicant, there is an additional minimum requirement for public deposit of HK3 million as a

46、t end 1997. 问题:6. What does the Federal Reserve Payment Services include?答案:a. the processing and collection of checks through Federal Reserve Banks. b. the wire transfer of funds and securities against payment. c. automated clearing house services in which Federal Reserve Banks process electronical

47、ly originated credit and debit transfer. d. the large-dollar payments system called Fedwire. SECTION ROUR Answer one question only. Question 4问题:1. Banks provide many services to business sectors. Describe syndicated loans and project financing.答案:Syndicated loans Concept: It is one in which two or

48、more banks participate, each funding a certain proportion of the loan, using common documentation and the loan is administered by a common agent. Features: the loan is made to one borrower. the repayments are made through the agent bank. the bank would normally treat the syndicate as a single unit when conside


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