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1、Unit 1 Shes my auntThis is my cousin.(这是我的表妹。)Shes cute.(她很可爱。)Is this your uncle?(这是你的叔叔吗?)Yes. Hes tall.(是的。他很高。)Is this your mum?(这是你的妈妈吗?)No. Shes my aunt.(不。她是我的阿姨。)This is my mum.(这是我的妈妈。)Hello,Mrs Wang.(你好,王太太。)Hi.(你好。)Unit 2 I have a rabbitI have a rabbit. Its white. Its small.(我有一只兔子。它是白色的。

2、它很小。)I have a dog. Its brown. Its big.(我有一只狗。它是棕色的。它很大。)I have a hamster. Its white. Its big too.(我有一只仓鼠。它是白色的。它也很大。)A big hamster?(一只大仓鼠?)Look! Wow!(看!哇!)Unit 3 It has a short tailWelcome to Happy Zoo. You are here.(欢迎来到快乐动物园。你在这儿。)Look at the bear.(看这只熊。)Oh, it has a short tail.(哦,它有一个短尾巴。)Look at

3、 the giraffe. (看这只长颈鹿。)Wow! It has a long neck!(哇!它有一个长脖子。)Look at the monkey!(看着只猴子!)Oh no! Ha! Ha!(哦不!哈哈!)Unit 4 AutumnIts cool. Yes, its autumn.(它很凉爽。它是秋天。)These are apples. Theyre red.(这些是苹果。它们是红色的。)Those are pears. Theyre yellow.(那些是梨子。它们是黄色的。)Look! What are those?(看!那些是什么?)They are pumpkins.(它

4、们是南瓜。)Look! Its so big!(看!它这么大!)Unit 5 Have some juice, please!Have some juice, please!(请喝一些果汁吧!)Thank you, Yang Ling. I like juice.(谢谢你,杨玲。我喜欢果汁。)How about you? Juice? Yogurt?(你呢?果汁?酸奶?)Yogurt, please.(请来一些酸奶。)Have some snacks, please!(请吃一些甜点吧!)Thank you, Mrs Yang.(谢谢你,杨太太。)Thank you, Mum.(谢谢你,妈妈。)

5、Mmm.This sandwich is yummy!(嗯.这个三明治很美味!)I like tarts. Me too.(我喜欢蛋挞。我也是。)Unit 6 We like our schoolWe go to school every day.(我们每天都去学校。)We read and write. We sing and dance.(我们读书和写字。我们唱歌和跳舞。)We play games too.(我们也玩游戏。)We have fun at school. We like our school.(我们在学校玩得很开心。我们喜欢我们的学校。)Unit 7 Lets clean

6、up!Lets clean up! OK!(让我们一起来打扫吧!好的!)Clean the table, please. Clean the chairs please.(请打扫一下桌子。请打扫一下椅子。)Clean the desk, please. Clean the door and window, please.(请打扫一下书桌。请打扫一下门和窗户。)Well done! Phew!(干得好!唷!)Unit 8 My dad is a doctorMy dad is a cook.(我爸爸是一位厨师。)My dad is a doctor.(我爸爸是一位医生。)This is my m

7、um. Shes a teacher.(这是我的妈妈。她是一位老师。)My mum is a nurse.(我妈妈是一位护士。)单词:uncle(叔叔) cousin(表妹) aunt(阿姨) tall(高的) short(矮的) (a)rabbit(一只)兔子 dog(狗) hamster(仓鼠)cat(猫) big(大的) small(小的) bear(熊) giraffe(长颈鹿) monkey(猴子) tiger(老虎) long(长的) short(短的) apples(苹果) pears(梨子) oranges(橘子) pumpkins(南瓜) potatoes(土豆) juice(果汁) yogurt(酸奶) sandwich(三明治) tart(蛋挞) cupcake(纸杯蛋糕) go to school(去学校) read(读) write(写) play games(玩游戏) table(桌子) chair(椅子) desk(书桌) door(门) window(窗户) cook(厨师) doctor(医生) teacher(老师) nurse(护士) farmer(农场主) worker(工人)26个英文字母表:5随堂c


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