人教版九年级英语下册《nit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section B》教案_0.doc

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1、学科English年级9班级3班课型fresh课时4 / 6媒体a tape recorder, CAI课题Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section B 1a 1e话题 Protecting the environment功能Talk about pollution and environmental protection教学目标知识技能1. Target language: Ive just read a book which gives ideas about how we can save the environment.You sho

2、uld turn off the shower when youre washing your hair.2. Grammar: Present perfect, modal verb3. Words and expressions;(1) Curriculum words: recycle, napkin (2) Useful expressions: turn off, in a hurry, have short hair, from now on, no way 过程方法 According to listening, to train students speaking and li

3、stening ability and to train students ability to use the target language情感态度 We should be aware of the importance of protecting the environment学习策略Listen for specific information. 重点Target Language难点 1 How to train students speaking and listening ability2 How to use the target language教学内容及问题情境学生活动设

4、计意图1a. To prompt Ss give more thought to what can be done to save the environment.Giving reasons call on a few Ss to ask them to share their rankings with the class.1b. To give Ss the opportunity to talk about the actions they can talk to help save the environment.Using but It is usually not used at

5、 the beginning of a sentence in formal writing. However, it can be used at the beginning of a sentence in speech or informal writing.1c. To give Ss listening practice in the target language used in natural speech.Culture Focus Saving the environmentThe conversation is about the little things that in

6、dividuals can do to help save the environment. As shown in the conversation, these actions may not require much effort, but for some people , they may cause a change in the lifestyle that they are used to.1d. To give Ss practice in listening for specific information.Can you remember what Julia said?

7、Have Ss try to recall what they heard and attempt the activity, then play the recording again for Ss to complete the activity.1c. To give Ss further practice in using the target language in conversations.What else can people do to help?Encourage Ss to suggest other things people can to do make their

8、 conversations. Explain your reasons for your rankings.In pairs.Instead of using the information from the chart in 1c. 运用已学重点句型,进行口语训练。提高学生的听力能力,练习目标语言。提高学生的口语交际能力。板书设计Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section B 1a 1cIve just read a book which gives ideas about how we can save the environment.You should turn off the shower when youre washing your hair. 反思


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