冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky》课件_3.pptx

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《冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky》课件_3.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky》课件_3.pptx(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Three Kites in the Sky,Lesson 18,Teddy bear,teddy bear,touch your head,Teddy bear,teddy bear,clap your hands,Teddy bear,teddy bear,stomp your foot,Teddy bear,teddy bear,bend down knees,Teddy bear,teddy bear,sit down please.,Learning goals,学生能够利用上下文、插图以及已有的知识理解故事内容和细节信息; 学生能就故事进行提问和回答; 激发学生表演故事的热情,培养

2、学生综合运用语言的能力。 培养学生乐于助人的品质,懂得美好的品德更受大家的喜爱和尊重。,Think and say,Which kite do you like best? Why?,Listen and answer,How is the weather today? How many kites are there? What are their names?,Kylie,Karla,Krista,Look and say,What does Kylie look like? What does she have?,Hello, Im I have Everyone,Everyone wi

3、ll look up at me. Everyone will like me.,Look and say,Hi, Im Look at me. I have. I can Everyone .,Look at me. I can fly high and fast. Everyone will like me.,Look and guess,What is she thinking?,Im ,I have,I can,Look and say,How fast I am!,How beautiful I am!,.,1. What does Kylie think about? 2. Wha

4、t does Karla do? 3. What does Karla want to do?,Guess,What happened to Krista?,Read and order,( ) She flies very low. ( ) He swims to the boy. ( ) Krista sees a boy need some help. ( ) He jumps into the water. ( ) She calls the other two kites,but they cant hear. ( ) A man hears Krista. ( ) He bring

5、s the boy to the beach.,3,1,2,4,5,6,7,Read and answer,Krista sees a boy swimming in the lake. But he cant swim well, and he needs some help. Krista calls the other two kites, but they cant hear.,Krista is afraid of water, but she wants to help the boy. She flies very low. A man hears Krista. He jump

6、s into the water. He swims to the boy. He brings the boy to the beach.,What is the boy doing? Can the boy swim well? What does Krista do? What does Krista say? Can Kylie and Karla hear Krista? Why? How does Krista help the boy? Who hears Krista? How does the man help the boy?,The boy is swimming in

7、the lake.,No. He cant swim well.,Krista calls the other two kites.,She says the boy needs help.,No, they cant hear. Because they.,She flies very low and shouts.,A man hears Krista.,He jumps into the water ,swims to the boy and brings him to the beach.,The boy is. But, he cant Krista calls She says K

8、ylie and Karla cant , because they So, Krista and. A man He into the water, to the boy and to the beach.,Think and say,Among these three kites, which one do you like best now? Why?,To be kind!,To be helpful!,To be warmhearted!,Look and say,Do the people like Krista? What do they say?,You are so nice

9、!,You are a great kite!,You are !,Everyone looks at Krista.,Now, no one remembers beautiful Kylie.,No one remembers strong Karla.,But everyone remembers Krista.,Enjoy and imitate,Group work,Task : Act out the story! S1 Narrator S2 Kylie S3 Karla S4 Krista S5 the boy S6 other people,Think and talk,Do you have some good examples(榜样) around you? Who is he/she? What does he/she do? What do you want to say to him/her?,Homework,Act out the story.,


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