人教版七年级英语下册《nit 7 What does he look like.Section B》课件_6.pptx

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《人教版七年级英语下册《nit 7 What does he look like.Section B》课件_6.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七年级英语下册《nit 7 What does he look like.Section B》课件_6.pptx(36页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Write the words in the correct box,heavy,thin,of medium build,tall,short,of medium height,short hair,curly hair,straight hair,long hair,is,has,A: So what do / does your friend Clark look like? B: Well, he is / has thin, and he have / has black hair. A: Really? Is / Does he tall or short? B: He is /

2、isnt tall or short. He is / has of medium build. A: Does he has / have curly or straight hair? B: He is / has straight hair. And he is / has really handsome.,1.What does your favorite actor or actress look like? _ 2. What does your favorite teacher look like? _,My favorite actor has.,My favorite tea

3、cher is.,Guessing Game,Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 1a-1e,Jack Bush,George Bush,David Bush,is short.,is of medium height.,is tall.,What does he look like?,height,George Bush,Jack Bush,David Bush,is of medium build.,is heavy.,is thin.,build,He has short straight black hair.,hair,He has sh

4、ort straight gray hair.,He has short straight blonde hair.,He has long straight brown hair.,He has long curly blonde hair.,is bald,What does he look like?,He wears glasses.,a pair of glasses,He has a beard.,beard,What does he look like?,sunglasses a long face,glasses a round face,a pair of,small eye

5、s,big eyes,a small nose,a big nose,a big mouth,a small mouth,A: Look at picture. What does he look like? B: He has He wears,a round face,a square face,a high nose,a flat nose,He isnt handsome. He wears a cap.,Shes good-looking. She wears a white hat.,Use the words to describe your group members.,TV station,Guessing,a famous person,Who is he?,has a beard,has a black mustache,wears glasses,has black hair,Wang Han,What does he look like?,short black hair small eyes a big nose a big mouth,Tell us more about him/her.,Homework,1. 常规:P52-1a短语+补充单词、短语+风+听读签字 2. 作业本:从各个方面(含今天课堂内容)写一段话介绍自己喜爱的明星外貌,


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