新冀教版五年级英语下册《Unit 1 Going to Beijing. Lesson 3 Who Is Singing.》教案_29.doc

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1、教学设计:冀教版五年级下 Unit 1 Lesson3 Who Is Singing?教材分析:本节课选自冀教版五年级下Unit 2In Beijing本堂课是一节听力教学课。课堂内容以LiMing和家人去度假在火车上的所见所闻。教学目标:知识目标:单词:woman ,man,baby,crying, singing, sleeping. 语法:现在进行时。能力目标:学生能够运用现在进行时描述不同的场景,运用英语做事情。情感目标:同学们学会观察周围事物,主动帮助他人。教学重难点: 运用现在进行时描述不同场景人们的活动。教学模式: 两两练,小组合作 评价方式:组际竞赛。教学过程:版块一:歌曲激趣

2、,创设情境。T: Would you like to sing a song with me? (活跃课堂气氛)The students sing the song and do the actions Walking,walkingSpring is coming. Lets enjoy. The teacher play PPT.Spring is fun because I can fly a kite. How about you?The students will show their ideas. (激活学生的旧知)T: Spring is colorful. Spring is

3、fun. Spring is warm. Where is the spring?Lets find,OK?(渲染主题生活情境)版块二,进入课文,重点操练。T: Listen! Whats coming?(播放小火车的声音,引起学生的兴趣)S: Train.T:lets get on the train.S:OKT:Whos on the train ?Lets listen.S1:LiMingS2:Jenny T:Lets check. Then show the people who is on the train. Lets the students say together.T:Yes

4、,the woman is on the Train.Training woman. The students follow the speaker and practice 2by 2and write on the BbT:Im a woman. Who is the woman?S1: Grandma S2: mother.T:Whats the woman doing?S1:Shes singsing.Training singing The students follow the speaker and practice 1 by 1 and write on the Bb.T: I

5、s this a woman?S:No, he is a baby.T:Whats the baby doing?S1:Hes crying.T: Why is he crying?S2: Hes tired.Training crying The students follow the speaker and practice 3 by 3 and write on the Bb.T:Whos on the train,too?S: A man.T:Whats he doing?S:Hes Talking.T:Lets listen again and find the answers.1.

6、Whos singing?2.Whos crying?3.Whos sleeping?4.Whos talking?Then the Ss Group work and peer check.Listen and follow the text.T: The baby is crying. He is sad. Why isnt he crying. Lets sing a song for him.版块三,场景拓展,丰富语言。T: Beihai Park arrives. What are you doing in the park. 以游戏的方式复习动词,最后呈现动词思维导图。The st

7、udents PK who can say more.Jenny and Danny are in the park ,too.T:Whos crying?S:The boy is crying. T:who can ask me?(用书上的图片进行口语交际)Pair Work版块四,综合输出,异彩纷呈。There are 2 tasks Task1: T:Whos playing the piano?S:Xinxin is playing the piano. (用自己小组中真实的照片活动作进行口语交际,让学生在信息差阅读中体验运用语言的快乐。)Task2: Having fun in spring Spring is warm and beautiful .I go to the park. Look!Im_ing.The man is walking.He is happy.The boy is running. He is exciting. . I like spring.(自主选择任务进行小组合作)Group workThank you, goodbye.板书设计: Unit 1 Lesson3 Who Is Singing? Who is singing? talking The woman is singing. baby crying man talking


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